Saturday, October 06, 2007
im starting a new blog tune!
sEen thRu 11:45:00 PM
it sting.sting alot.everything i see n hear seems to resemble u.its nt a tym to tok bout tis.i reali took ur love fer granted.cuz i tot u love mi therefore wont do tis to loved mi.thats why u did tis.i..still cnt adjust nw.i still cry a fountain wen i see our pic.i..was reali wrong.if onli we could go back tym.if onli we could choose.i don wan to b here n hurt..hurt d ppl i lovethats why dey sae treasure wen dey're wib u.though its nt reali d end of d reali i jus wanna sae.i love u.& will continue to love u.tis blog will end here.let all d memories remain here.i will start afresh.start to b a new person.learn to b a better new people.& look forward to d future.whether its my future or our future.i will still look forward.for the last tym. in tis meaningful blog.i say.i love u.
sEen thRu 11:32:00 PM
seed heads
all d stationaries..cuz im bored at work!!!
clips clipsytd i gt freaked out by a bug..i wonder becoming ABNORMAL!!!!! phua..i carn save u frm bugs invasion nw..LOL..n i gt a sudden urge to see kenji n cookie..ehh..cookie ish darren's listening to 最爱还是你 by..唐禹哲..haha..quite nice jie sae he damn sissy gay..LOL..n i feel lyk gng to kbox NW!!! awww..darren!!! ah jas!!!!yeah!!! im lyk so happi nw..gonna go cut hair le..FINALLY! wib ah bi n so gonna dye my hair BRIGHT red agn..PHUA! GO PERM UR HAIR..even darrren sae its*PLS DON DRAG MII HOR..* im gonna do soft rebonding..^^..alryte..gonna prepare to go out nw ledi lo..wild todae..
sEen thRu 10:00:00 AM
Friday, October 05, 2007
here is it.d miserable relationship ends ryte here.i tot it'll kill it din.phua i LOVE U!!!u're here always.wen deres a broken relationship.THX U!& of cuz my darRen menSestmr will b a brand new day.lets hab some fun tmr honeys!!!
sEen thRu 8:35:00 PM
Thursday, October 04, 2007
don haiz anymore..u're scaring mii....i reali wanna sae im sorri..forgive willing to change..fer good..fer u..pls...
sEen thRu 10:37:00 PM