Sunday, September 30, 2007
yoga set?! la!
she look short beside mii..
bi's feet..LOL
staple! hmm..bulletswhoOohoo! gt my pay!!! damn happi..teehee..tinkin whether i wanna buy mp3 or DS lite..hmmm..shall tink n consider more b4 i decide nehh! vvvvvvvv tired..gtg n slp..lao gonggong! tC in camp ok! ilove u LOADS nehh..i love tonite's bus ride hme too..MUACKX!!!
sugar baby.
sEen thRu 10:59:00 PM
darling bought his PSP!!! wahahaha..congratx..shall take a pic tmr! teehee! we quarrelled agn..aiyoyoyo..i hate nvm..i still love him n so does he..we're alryte nw..i certainly hope it wont happen tryin hard to click wib d reali tryin hard..don pressure mii trying..T.Tanyway..went bugis todae..walk walk etc..feel lyk buyin DS at d same tym i wanna buy Samsung K5 oso..its a mp3..LOL..add those 2 tgt..hmm..mayb half of my salary GONE! oh god..i shall go shop shop wib phua at sim lims somedae..[reali soon i hope..LOL..] i gt SO MUCH tt i wanna buy..i don tink my pay will last mii man..jia u jia money! listen to d 1st song "LIFE" on my plylist..i tink its real nice..its frm a show call "LIFE"..on crunchyroll..nice too! matter wht i love u nehh..we both hab flaws..flaws tt carn b changed so easily..i understand..i noe it myself..i shall nt b a control freak anymore..[at least nt s much] bt i control cuz im scared of losing nvm..jus..leave it s we r nw..i dono wht will happen in d i love u nw..muaCkx!
sEen thRu 2:20:00 AM
Saturday, September 29, 2007
wht happens if i don care?!
im reali reali................tired..
sEen thRu 12:40:00 AM
Friday, September 28, 2007
don blame mii if we gt lesser tym to spend tgt..reali..i noe u nit ur frenz..u can hab private tym..all u wan..jus tell miii dono whether to cry or laugh at myself anymore..i love u yet i hate u fer wht u're hurt so mani tyms tt i hab to threaten so afraid we'll fall im ledi v half way to d dying point..d point where i wont b able to breathe anymore..d point tt life will b meaningless if i don hab u..if i lose u..i'd rather b knocked down by a car..feel d physical pain..den lose u..n feel d emotional pain..he'll nvr hug her so long tt she feel tired cuz of it..he'll nvr come down all d way frm yishun bedok or woodlands to jus see her fer a sec n go back hme..he'll nvr serenade her under d moonlight n tell her how much he loves her..we promise each other tt tis'll b'll b real n i hope reali..we will last..n tis kinda arguement wont put us down..
its so nice to feel im nt..
sEen thRu 10:24:00 PM
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
im exhausted..muz slp well..wahahaha! tmr will b a better dae..i wont hab to mind wht other ppl sae..because i came to noe matter hw gd u close u r to d person..dey will nvr understand..dey will nvr stop back-stabbing..[aint it gd tt i noe tt earlier?!LOL] ma..its liDdat..we jus hab to pretend to b deaf..hahaha~work ish boring todae..slpy slpy..den todae no ot oso..LOL..cuz todae ish hong kong's holiday!!! so hk side gt NTH to do at onli helpin singapore slack slack..yawnnn..tmr will b a bz bz dae holidae todae meaning tmr will hab ALOT of follow up n new invoice comin in..OMG!!! jia u jia u jia u jia vicky!!!my darling ish habin field camp ku ni le baobei..muaCkx! come back i help u massage massage k?! muaCkx..i love u nehh smile..don everytym call mii huai ren ahh..[bt i can call u >.<] MUACKX!!! lingling..todae ish d dae where we noe each other fer 101 daes..haha..aint tt great..tym pass so fast will b over very soon..don worry darling..u can do it d..fer mummy n ah sure u can do it d nehh!! muaCkx!!! ilove u
sEen thRu 8:53:00 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
aww man i hate this man~ tt shit..jus shit! n i pity i wish u 2 all d in no position so sae anything..just...lucks to u..both..if tt person don find out..u're b safe..damn safe..darling darling! slpyhead..wahhahaa! k la..slpyhead ish mii la k!?went to ling's place todae..n reali his presence..muaCkx! bought eggtarts over..i swear i wont buy d tarts agn..way tooo crispy..LOL..shld buy smth else next tym..wahahaha! so slpt n den woke up cuz darling nit to go down n help his mummy take stuff..^^ he brought back a nice coffee table! whOohoo..aft which we went to chomp pang..darling gt his hair cut n met mummy fer lunch cum dinner..LOL..n den bought food back n darling showered n went to camp..mii..i reach hme n went to yishun ah gu's hse n eat dinner..aiyo..honghong ish cute nehh gonggong!!!! wahahahaha! i love him..he gt d monk lyk hair cute..wahahahaha! muaCkx! darling jia u fer ya training le ya! wahahahaha..muz enjoy it so tt u'll feel more happi neh..i love ya n will miss u alot..workin onli occupy my mind so tt i wont miss u so much..if i stay hme n slack u noe hw much i tink of u?! muaCkx..n so tt my neck wont b so long wen i wait fer sat n sun to come..haha! n i will generate an income too..^^..muaCkx! i love u..i still love u s much n even more den last tym neh! loves..hopefulli dere'll b mj session on sat!!! wahahahaha!i noe i hab something to i forgt..arghh!!! hmmm..nvm ba..shall save it fer my nxt entry..wahahahhaa! love ya darling! muackx..wan an..LOVES
sEen thRu 11:32:00 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
im a happi happi gerl todae! i finally met my darling! n he came to pick mii up frm work todae..wahahahaha! muaCkx..[cuz i forced him to..>.<] went to PS fer awhle..n den went back kovan to hab dinner. ah bi called wen we were bout to finish..saying shes scared..silly gerl sia..LOL..anyway..i nearly made darling pissed off..>.<..sorri darling! work was fun..haha~i gt more to do nw..cuz i'll b helping in 2 dept..god bless mi..haha! thankx to leng tuan i gt something to help out n do while im damn free in d i wont feel so worthless..LOL..thx to sophie, julia n nicky fer teachin mii so much stuff..n thx lilian fer helpin mii sign my TYMSHEET! wahahahhha! love d co.! ^^ lookin forward to work everydae!

I'm trying to make that special someone remember me better.
Know that i'm somewhat precious to him.
Hoping i'll make a huge difference to his life.
And without me i hope he feels that something is missing.
I just want to feel important.
sEen thRu 10:57:00 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
in d still nt as impt as ur frenz n d movie..happi anniversary
to myself..
how do i explain my feelings nw?!
sEen thRu 8:20:00 PM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
arguements we it truely makes us understand each other more..onli during quarrels will we open up n reali spill all d unhappy stuff..though words we use r vvvvv at least we noe n understand. don b envoius of couples tt don quarrel..i don envy them at all..i envy bell n nic..though dey quarrel all d tym bt dey still love each other v much..darling n i don reali hab heated arguements everytym..tis kinda more lyk a real quarrel..n i regret wht i did..cuz if he were to do wht i've done to him..i'll b shattered..sorry darling! ilove u alot d nehh! muaCkx!!! bt now im ALL OK..muaCkx darling..we will start afresh..wkends to mii will b so damn precious nw..beibei will hab more n more outfield ledi..aww man..i'll miss him so much..n he cfm gt injured everytym he goes outfield..muz prepare a 1st aid box fer him ledi nahh..beibei..xing ku le nehh..sayang sayang..muaCkx!i kinda love my job nw..i tink its so fun..LOL..wib my "bible" in hand i tink i can jus do d thing perfectly..n everytym will hab OT means i can gt MORE money!!! yeah man..wahahahha! alryte..its 10pm ledi..i nitta go to bed!!! OMG!!! tired..yawn..i wan d money n i'll put it into GREAT use! mii..i don work fer nth..i love u! muaCkx!
my lunch fer my 1st dae of work..HAN'S sandwich
oh messy doin random shit..>.<..sai kang!
wanna ask lyn..ish tis kinda belt u;re lookin fer?! don mind d ah bi's hand..jus flashed pass..LOL
at ikea
1st dae of work..tts wht i wear?! wahahaha!
haha..nth to do in d mornin..i was too early..
2nd dae of work..
full view..i love tis set..
ling's ah pei hand..>.<
watchin tv at rene's hse
ling's tutu ya
jason ish habin a 2nd son!!!! PHUA PHUA!!! we gt new god son agn! wahahahaha!
i bet he'll b s cute s his elder brother! LOL..
sEen thRu 9:13:00 PM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
round round yuan yuan d pots..cute..
the space saver!!!!!!!!!!
light wib alot of light bulbs..
lastly..fryin Pans!!
ling's hand
mii n ling at somerset mrt!
alien soup..wahahahah!
shin's leg..look dinosaur! LOL
sEen thRu 11:46:00 AM
Monday, September 10, 2007
jus done wib my BIZ exam..aww man..i tink i screwed up..BIG TYM! i left 11 marks undone! aww..shit! ahhh..nvm..its over lets b HAPPI! wahahahaha!so todae aft i reach hme..i did hse chores..n den settle down to watch jappy drama!!! currently at d show call.."At Home Dad!" wahahhaa..aww man..its bout a man who loast his job n had to stay hme to do hsework[which he had NVR done b4] while his wife goes to work..n his neighbour ish oso a "at hme dad" who ish reali gdd in doin hsework!!! wahahahaha..funnie drama..makes mii tink of darling..if he were to stay sure he can gt all d chores done n pretty sparkling! so proud of u darling! muaCkx!!! ilove u!! wahahahahha!yawn..tmr studyin wib bell dey short of cash la..shit! T.T..shld spend so much le..anyway ling gt his he can foot his own..>.< i jus use it appropriately so tt wont run out until sad la!!! awww..wahahaha..darling darling..we're d best coup! ryte?! haha..muaCkxmuacKx..baobao~ all ur illness go away aiight!! MUACKIES
sEen thRu 9:10:00 PM
Thursday, September 06, 2007
its thursdae todae..erm..supposingly my last dae of i overslpt n din go to skol at all..>.< deres onli tps n bzf alryte la i guess..LOL..okie dokie! its so nice to slp in late agn..wahahahaha! my class r all in d morning! 8+ 9am..T.T..everydae muz crawl out of d bed to drag myself to skol..yawn ness...
todae..erm..quite boring..cuz i din study @ all..T.T..tmr tmr..aww..wil my tmr come?! T.T..anyway..tmr my beibei ish comin out mayb he will keep an eye on mii n make sure i study..>.<..
aww yeah..beibei ish jon's new nick..mine ish baobao..wahahaha! so darling's xiao ming ish..xiao bei..while im dao bao! fun..wahahahhahaa!
hmmm..wondering if deres still a study thingi tmr..ah bell haben tell mii wor..if nt im gng to d market to buy food back to prepare darling's feast! wahahahahhahaha! i wanna go shopping! i nit NIT!!! to buy my baobei nu er's present! wahahahaha! hmm..mayb sat ba..anyway..rene tag on dar's friendster n sae she wans movie marathon..though she din tell i NOE IT ALL..wahahaha! shld go?! shld nt go?! haha..ltr she sae "how come u don find urself a bitch last tym wen we din invite u?!" LOL..see how ba..wagagaga! my mood swing mayb careful yo!
i gt 2 pictures to show..1 ish funnie n 1 ish a pic tt i kinda lyk..teehee! enjoy!
tis ish funnie [my papi!!!]
it ish NICE! i jus love d flames
sEen thRu 10:34:00 PM
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
waaahahaha! im happi happi happi..cuz i tink i might b able to gt gd results fer my end so doesnt mean i can enroll into poly nxt yr..T.T..sad ahh..alryte..darling gt tear bomb todae! hahahaha~he say its painful..aww..sayang k?! haha..i feel tt tis blog ish becomin mii n darling's life blog ledi..LOL..oh..well..nvm! happi to write bout wht i love! wagagagagag~yawn yanw..oh ya..i influence phua phua to love super dollfie..aww aint dey jus cute! i wan 1..darling buy mii 1..hahahahaha..i hab gt loads of things in mind..i wanna buy buy buy..LOADS OF THEM!!! 1st i wan an umbrella..cute umbrella..mayb cuz tis few daes keep raining..den i feel lyk buying wen i saw lyn's..LOL..n i wanna cut phua don allow la..she sae keep..keep long hair!!! i wanna re-highlight my hair!!! bt phua sae wait fer her..lyk erm..2 yrs?! LOL..phua..wait fer u..all my hair drop ledi!!! LOL..see how la..anyway..i wanna buy much ledi..T.T..lyn we shall go shopping! phua we shall go shopping oso!!! yeah..i gt so mani shopping partners! whOoohoo..thx gerls..lovely!i miss ling LOADS!!! aww man..fri come quickly..PLS!!!! alryte..shall stop here nw..cuz i nit to orhorh le..tmr gt OFA test!!! muaCkx!! ah ling..baobei ai si ni le!!! wahahahahaha
sEen thRu 9:26:00 PM
Monday, September 03, 2007
sEen thRu 6:18:00 PM