Friday, August 31, 2007

my current trying to improve..T.T
darling's no longer his his deardear! wagagagagaga
bell will sure love tis dude!
i love tis..oh nice d clothes..muz b a tough job makin d clothes..its so detailed..
haben been drawing..fer a vvvv long den..wen i saw d dolls..i hab an urge to draw..n draw as well as the real doll! dey r reali pretty..oh man..hook up my fanatsy dream agn..LOL..
alryte..anyway..we were suppose to hab TPS xtra lesson Ms ema cancelled it..due to i donno wht n mii..dumbly went to skol..cuz ah bell n ah long din inform mii..T.T..ah sam ah..u luckki nor..mi n lyn went to skol lyk some dumbo to kfc n look fer lyn ayin ros & nadia! haha! slack dere fer awhle..cuz i din wanna go back..for i jus set foot on BISHAN! so went arnd walkin..lookin fer suitable gift fer my angry angry kawaii darling! walk walk walk..n den went hme round 5++..ah bell gng back to indo tonite agn..aww man..bless her dad!
i hab been having loads of dreams tis few nitex..n all..nightmare!!! though i forgt d sure ish frightening..tink i hab dreams darling leaving mii stuff concerning him..pls don let tt happen..aiishh..i noe ur promise to mii wont anyhow tink k?! muaCkx! tinkin..wen im sweeping d floor todae..wht will happen if i don exist..i mean frm d beginning..
so dere'll onli b 2children in my hse..nobody call zixin in xinghua vicky in vic in bishan campus [wow..notice my name goes short n shorter..nxt tym jus call mii v! HAHAHA!] if im nt here..wht will jon do wen he bk out frm camp?! wht will he b doin..who will b his gf?! mayb some1 better?! haha
im v happi to b here! i always hab d always very luckki..
wen im young [pri skol]..i tink..i hab a hme..i hab great parents grandparents siblings..great my sec skol..i hab great class of ppl..class 1B till class 2B..3D till 4D..great frenz..great cca..great teachers..[though i always complain bout them..LOL] n learned a great deal of stuff..comin to d end of my sec skol life..i hab jon who sayang mii reali alot..i hab some new frenz..rene ying ting sab n ber..verse eve n roger..i hab a part tym job thx to pearleen..i came to know auntie [jon's mum]..n den came a new yr..yr 2007..i came to know jon's grandma..his den to bishan campus..bell, lyn, sam, manimanee, clement, shin, lineker n d rest of my some other ppl frm other class..haha! d process of my life..its kinda interesting wen i come n tink bout it! haha..why sae boring?! nth to do means boredom?! enjoy every sec of ur life..i love lookin up d jus calm mii down..n start to do some tinking..reflection..d wind so comfortable..d clouds r so beautiful so gentle so swit lookin..d sky so blue..with the help of the simply looks lyk a piece of art work..
treasure ur tym now..fer u donno wen u'll reali become a non-existent..treasure ppl round u..tts wht dey always i make them rmb u..ish better den u treasure them yet they do not know..haha! make them rmb u..n den treasure least..u don do it jus becuz its a famous phrase..
sEen thRu 9:31:00 PM
Thursday, August 30, 2007
wagagagagaga! finally gt my debit card happi la..anyway..skol ish boring todaE! so i took loads of "negative" effect picx in class todae..wahahahahaha!anyway..darling has been in a very bad mood todae..T.T..i shld swallow all my ... n bear wib tink tt im so angry n yet bury them down under my feet..phew~ huge improvement fer mii..darling ish sick..he ish down wib flu..tts y he ish in a foul mood..aiish..nvr hear him tok to mii liDdat b4..i hope he wont b sick anymore!its 10.33pm now..hmm..frm 9+ till now le..darling still haben call come?! he reali reali bz in army..i noe he ish doin smth he reali doesnt lyk..xing ku le nehh..muaCkx! my heart oso v xing ku wait fer ur call..vicky vicky..jia u jia u..ur temper MUZ change..btw! im doin loads of hse chores nwadaes..hahaha! practice makes perfect! i'll practice till i can make d hse sparkling clean! heehee!! though i reali hate ironing darling said tis to mii once, DAR:"dear u noe how to iron clothes?!"MI:"Nop..n i don lyk to" DAR:"Aiish..dono how to iron clothes?! aiyo.."aww man..tts reali reali reali bad fer i wanna start to hab interest in ironing clothes! wahahahahhahaha! im doin it all fer d person i love..wht eva changes i make..its all fer d person i love..i hope somehow u'll understand n don take mi fer granted..i wont take u fer granted too..waaaaaaaa...huge news fer mii!!!! mummy gonna gimmi 50buCkx fer my weekly allowance..oh man! i can finally feel how phua feel wen she gt her allowance! wahahahah! thx mummy daddy! den now my pocket wont b so shallow le..>.< least i can save some money now le..thx god! LOVES!!!darling! heard tt?! saw tt!!?? 50bucks neh..i muz jia u save up le! wahahahha! muaCkx! gt well soon ah darling..don wanna see u angry or upset over stuff..kkz kkz?! rmb deardear loves u LOADS neh! muaCkx!!!
sEen thRu 8:46:00 PM so fascinated by all d dolls..seeing them makes mii happi..i wonder y..let mii jus flash a berry cute doll alryte! wagagagagga..anyway..verse! great taste..d dolls r reali reali kawaii!!!!! ^^
KAWAAII nehh!!!! wahaahhaha! love them~
sEen thRu 12:00:00 AM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
had loads of stuff on mind forgt all bout it todae..hmmm..anyway..huge discovery..i found mars vs venus or venus vs mars..which-eva-way..i found it on crunchyroll!!! happily watching it now!loads of interesting stuff i learn frm d show!-men can onli see 30 degree while women can see 180 degree-women make up to please themselves-sex ish the price women pay fer getting married-marriage ish the price men pay fer sex!-all women like to be man's last women! -Clever men know wen to apologize-Having quarrel is better than none-women is most powerful when she hides behind the veneer of fragility[onli towards man]-men cannot read btw the lines [they carn understand hints]-so we women should go straight to d point..-presents make angry women SMILE!-tears are women's most lethal weapon-women ish happi upon recieving flowers-in a day, men can fart 12 tyms..women 7tyms-A men shld share hsehold chores with the women-men r caught btw 3 women..MOTHER, MOTHER IN LAW &WIFE-women have no sense of direction [they employ their own tactics]-women are easily taken in by lieshaha! aww man..d tym i can spend wib my anata ish reali becoming lesser n lesser n lesser n lesser n so sad..T.T..haiish..he ish having more n more fieldcamps..awww NVM! please end faster..tym pls go faster! T.T..O lvl pls pass quickly too..i wan tis year to end quickly..too much had happen tis yr..complicating stuff..stuff i hope had nvr eva happened..i hope we can still b s gd s we started out to b..n tis yr..drifting..drifting apart frm my darlings r jus too much! T.T..haben been in great mood eva since my period.....mayb im better off to b left alone nw?! fer tis period of tym?! mayb tis wk?! tis month?! tis yr?! i doNno..make mii happi pls.. Question: How do u make a person Love u Foreva?!
i still wan ur love..T.T..ur concern..ur hugs..
sEen thRu 9:24:00 PM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
todae ish a..erm sundae! im gonna update fer fri n sat..LOLfridae fridae..lets see..-release at 9++-went hme sweep mop..etc-darling msged tt he book out ledi-damn happi..prayer answered..thx u lord Amen..-shower, went over to ling's place-erm..wht did we do ahh?! hmmm..lets sae its a comfortable dae..LOL-i tink i did slp..cuz tired aft doin hse work..-went to northpoint..-bought cake fer phuaphua-came back hme-finish up some hsework agn-wait fer menses guo n ah jas to come-darren came, MJ session came too-ah jas came-phua phua came lyk damn late..LOL-MAKAN!!!!! yummy~-talkingPLUS crappy session! wahahaha..damn fun-clean up-watch tv-every1 went hme-mii clean up a lil..thx to d gang man! dey helped mii clean up so i wont hab to do EVERYTHING by myself!!! thx! ^^-n den chat wib darling-SLP!n den came saturdae-woke up late..did my part of d hsework..-went to ling's place-slp agn..damn tired-auntie came back..i din noe until she came into d rm n saw my slping pig face-den woke up wash up..-went out to get FOOD! -grace came b4 we leave-bought food-came tv awhle..-darling gotto go back camp-so prepare-n off we gosundae-woke up..went fer breakfast wib family..-saw a bird..d head stuck inside d car cover [the lid tt covers the engine]..yucky-n den went hme..slack awhle..cuz darling went fer marathon-waited fer darling's cue fer mii to go to his hse-played ms management!-went off to take bus-bus damn cold! n i read my bk w/o any giddiness..YEAH MAN!-the book ish damn nice!-reach his place..-watch CLAYMORE..its a nice anime..ppl interested?! go watch at crunchyroll ba..-read bk awhle..-n den darling went to prepare-anyway i had bak ku teh fer todae..its damn nice!!! auntie hao li hai o!!!-had bbq pork oso..wahahahaha! n i finally finished d choc i bought..which i left in his fridge fer lyk..3 wks..-went off to take 965..n met thomas fan-took 87..darling sent mii to my bus stop n he carry on wib thomas-went hme, bought dinner-watching naruto..still a long way to go!wow..nt shocked todae's entry ish kinda ggn to bed now..darling pls tC of urself many cuts on u nehh..xiao xin yi dian ahh..deardear heart pain d nehh..LOVES..bless fer ya field camp alryte?! ilove ya loads d nehh!!! wahahahaha! muaCkx!
sEen thRu 11:15:00 PM
Saturday, August 25, 2007
mail frm rene..jus wanted to copy n paste it..cuz i tink its quite true..GEMINI - The Chatterbox Smart and witty. Outgoing, very chatty. Lively, energetic. Adaptable but needs to express themselves. Argumentative and outspoken. Likes change. Versatile. Busy, sometimes nervous and tense. Gossips. May seem superficial or inconsistent, But is only changeable. Beautiful physically and mentally. well, fer mii..a gemini..*Chatterbox ~ darn true among ppl i noe damn well..*Smart ~ don tink so it applies to mii..*Witty ~ hahaha! YESH! oso among ppl i noe well..*Outgoing ~ Depends on mood*Lively& Energetic ~ Depends on mood n ppl im wib*Adaptable ~ DAMN ITS TRUE*Expressive ~ Don noe how to express d process of learning..*Argumentative ~ ya..i argue ALOT!*Outspoken ~ Depends*Like Change ~ YESH! last nw..nt reali..*Versatile ~ kinda yesh la..LOL*Busy sometyms tense ~ its v rare fer mii*Gossips ~ yeah man! bt i carn gossip..i lost my stuff wen i do tt..T.T*Superficial ~ haha..sadly..yesh..a lil..sorri!*Inconsistent ~ erm..mayb?!*Changeable ~ YESH! i change n change n change..which m d real mii?! i do not noe..SCORPIO - The Intense One Very energetic. Intelligent. Can be jealous and/or possessive. Hardworking. Great kisser. Can become obsessive or secretive. Holds grudges. Attractive. Determined. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Romantic. Can be self-centered at times. Passionate and Emotional. frm my point of view..tis ish MR. Jonathan's horo..[my darling *WINK*]
*Intense ~ YUP! darling can b v intense sometyms..over smth small..>.<*VERY energetic ~ YUP..darling so active..kawaii*Intelligent ~ YUP..i tink darling ish v smart d..his reaction damn fast d..*Jealous& Possessive ~ tts of cuz..every1 has means darling love mii loads*Hardworking ~ erm..mayb nt on studies bt in army..yup! good boii..*Great Kisser ~ heehee..shyshy..*nodnod**Obsessive ~ okok la..*Secretive ~ yup..hahaha! love it!!!*Hold Grudges ~ tis im nt im sure i hold..*Attrative ~ Ah duhh*Determined ~ YUP!!*Loves being in long relationship ~ last tym mayb now..i hope u r!!! hahahaha! *Talkative ~ Depends who ish he wib..*Romantic ~ wen he ish happi..or wen he feels lyk it..den he will b romantic..LOL >.<*Self Centered [SOMETYMS] ~ every1 will hab darling always self centered ledi bt still gib in to mii..>.<..sorri..*Passionate& Emotional ~ yeah..sometymsquite true ah..LOL..anywayYTD WAS CHERYL PHUA'S BDAE! had d celebration held at my hse! we had kfc!!!! yumyum~ cake n talking session..aww man we had so much fun!!! thx peepx..its reali damn fun..BAOBEI NU ER!!! i owe u 1 gift k?! cuz now budget no money buy fer u..LOL..wait a lil while more fer it k?! hahaha! hope u lyk d celebration..we wanted to den dey r all in d end dey went hme..n my kawaii darling..aww man he damn cute la! he walked hme..frm my hse!!!! LOL..damn strong la..anyway..he din lyk REALI walked hme nahh..he walked half way thru n took cab cuz he heard sound frm d forest n he ish thirsty..LOL..hao li hai o darling! clapclap..he reached hme at round 3am..went to ling's hse..slpt..damn tired..cuz i slpt at 3am too..den woke up at round 9+ in d morning to do tt i can go to darling's place i was lyk..ZZzzZZzzZZzz wen i reach his hse..din even noe auntie came back..sorri!!!! darling gt 12km run on sundae! jia u lo..MUACKX!!!yeah..tts all fer habing flu..excuse fer nt gng to skol on mon?! hahaha..see how la..>.<
sEen thRu 10:37:00 PM
Friday, August 24, 2007
[[DU JIA!!!]]
Mr Quek gt into a huge transformation!!!! Quote:Army's EXTREME makeover!!!wahahaha..why tis topic todae nehh?! cuz i happen to b doin my daily routine..[[looking thru my folders in my phone]] so wen i reach Mr Quek's piC..i saw his current looks n his past tense looks..awww man..suddenly tis idea pop into my head..LOL..basically..he ish sosososososooso gerl gerl last tym wib his sub-long so gerl gerl..hahaha..very NOW! he changed <360> degree man!
from tis gerlgerl look..
2nd stage..a lil bit boii boii..hahaha!
and now! my macho~ look at his face..still as kawaii as eva!!! TTS MY DARLING!!!! hee..muaCkx!!!
hmmmmmmmmm..todae ish a having a party at hme n im damn excited bout it..why?! BECUZ ITS PHUAPHUA'S B'DAE!!!! aww man i love her!!!
yeahyeahyeah!!!! com'on we'll b habing so much fun!!!! my lao po went to China to catch some china men fer mii ledi..wahahahaha! so sad she carn make it..our daughter's bdae nehh..T.T..lao po!! i'll miss u d..bring presents back fer mii!!!! hahaha..jus kiddin
sEen thRu 8:47:00 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007
豆浆油条 Perfect Match喝纯白的豆浆 是纯白的浪漫 望着你可爱脸蛋 和你纯真的模样 我傻傻对你笑 是你忧愁解药 你说我就像油条 很简单却很美好 我知道 你和我 就像是豆浆油条 要一起 吃下去 味道才会是最好 你需要我的傻笑 我需要你的拥抱 爱情就是要这样 它才不会单调 我知道 有时候 也需要吵吵闹闹 但始终 也知道 只有你对我最好 豆浆离不开油条 让我爱你爱到老 爱情就是要这样 它才幸福美好 我知道 都知道 你知道 你都知道 好不好 别偷笑 让我知道(就好) 我喝完热豆浆 却念着还想要 你吃完金黄油条 爱情又要再发酵isnt our relationship lyk how it ish in tis lyrics? haha! darling..i love u alot ok!! we shld both hab trust n faith in each other..i noe u worry..i worry doubting doesnt help..we shldnt do tt anymore..its ledi 9mths..9mths wib u..i hab loads of feelings..n i noe how i feel..u shld by now noe how u feel bout tis relationship ledi..9mths..its nt reali its nt short too..we know each other fer more den 9mths..we did loads of things tgt..whether sad or happi..honestly..i enjoy every sec wib dear..n i hab faith tt it'll last..whts ur reaction if u come to tink tt i'll no longer b wib u?! u'll nvr see mii popping up at ur hse early in d morning..u'll nvr see mii smile..u can nvr touch mii agn..if it were mii..once d thought of u leaving mii..makes mii wanna cry so heart ish lyk..more den falling into pieces..i told u..tis tym round..tis relationship..u n mii..i'll b serious..i'll put my heart n soul in it..suiters or nt..dey don interest mii..i onli wan u..u onli..cuz i noe..u loves mii sayang mii..no1 can b d same s u..n i onli love d u..jus don worry bout guys arnd mii..i hab no interest at all..n i wont betray u..i love u darling!
sEen thRu 8:01:00 PM
Sunday, August 19, 2007
alryte! some pictures tt i wanna share la~yawn..darling went back to camp todae im happi as well..i saw my pretty grace todae..i mean..benny's pretty grace todae..[nt mine..mine ish my one n onli darling!] wahahahha! she cook yong tau foo fer us! THX!! yummy~went fer d talk agn in d evening..well..its agn boring n cold..tis tym i don hab nvm nahh..i noe he ish preparing to bk in le..anyway..went to chinatown fer dinner..yummy!! some china restaurant! its nice~darling we go nxt tym k?! AND!!! d tis fashion dere...d AIR CON SMELLS SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO nice!!!! awww..darling..i wanna go soak in it!!!! aww half happi half nt..13mins more to our 9th anniversary!!! muack! darling i love ya nehh..whether in camp or nt..i jus love u even though u carn b here at d exact date..i noe u care alot too! muaCkx..thx u v much!!! muaCkx!!! i love u nehh! muaCkx!!!! happi anniversary neh darling!!! MUACKX!
frm national library..10th floor! looks lyk lego! LOL
painting at mint!
sam, lyn, bell n vic! LOL
junction..frm national library..10th floor! pretty cool huh..
nobody?! REALI~
skol jus..................bored..
sEen thRu 11:11:00 PM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
it has been a few daes..since i updated tis bloggy! wahaha! okie dokie! ::fridae::a vvvv short dae fer mii..starts at 8am and it ends at 9+am in d morning..was damn happi la! wahahaha! thx u lord! haha! went fer OFA lesson i learn smth! cool~ n den chiong hme went to ling's place..erm..we did..NTH! lol..tts was one lazy dae..cuz it was raining too..n den felt so im regretting..CUZ WE DID ABSOLUTELY NTH AT ALL!! we cud had hab some anyway..i was too lazy blame who?! LOL..::saturdae [which ish todae!]::i had talks in d darling came over in d morning! he was very tired..hmmi can see it frm ur face oh darling!! haha! he came over n spt awhle..piggy wor!! haha! n den i changed n went to chinatown..fer d stupid tok..its about hw to become a gd leader..aww man..thx to mummy i had to waste tym n sit dere to listen to some OVER loud old man tok! n its seriously boring n COLD! luckki darling was dere..phew..den we draw..mock at ppl n stuff..phew..ltr on had smth impt to do n we went off 1st! aft tt..went to vivo n shop shop walk walk! had fun dere agn..n im vvvvvvvv noisy n chatty lately wib darling! LOL..darling don find mii irritating k?! muaCkx! n den aft which we went to kovan to makan! "DINNER"..n den went back jiao wib my ah ling fer..mayb 5mins b4 i decided tt i shld go hme n let him go hme too! hahaha! he ish tired..sorri neh darling..always hold u up outside my hse! tts bout it fer saturdae!anyway! darling came to my hse ytd nite too! to print some pictures fer his new photo frame..its v cute! shall take a pic wen i go his place nxt tym! wahahaha! i've gt loads of pics tt i wanna man! im so lazy to poke d cable into my phone..n upload it..mayb nxt tym la huh..hahahaha! IM LAZY! pure..born wib it..n i hope to change it..IM GONNA B MAIDLESS AGN! whoohoo..darling encourages mii to start working on some chores ledi!!!! wowdarling.thx man! i hire u la..okie?! den u help mii do lo..LOL..ur hse ish small n has lil hse ish nt reali big BUT!!!! has loads of junk! so..its difficult fer mii NVM!!! i'll listen to u..b obediant n go start on some hse chore k?! muaCkx!!! see wht u will do if im sosososososososo guai! hahahaha! muaCkx..aiya!! tmr ish a sundae n darling's block leave ish comin to an end! SHIT MAN! im so gonna miss u! ppl can see how loving we ppl carn see wen i bully u!! lol..okie la..come baobao..i love u d neh! heehee..9mths anni!!! whOohoo..its comin in a dae's tym..awww darling..9mths don seems vvvvvvvvvvv long to other to mii its long enuff to let mii feel vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv loved!!! thx u darling..muaCkx..u're my best!!! best bestest BEST DARLING!!! wahhahahahaha! muaCkx..ilove u..rmb tt..wahahahha! muaCkx!
sEen thRu 10:23:00 PM
Monday, August 13, 2007
man i carn stand those ppl who study dumbly! n study fer LONGLONG hrs n gt NTH into d head..gosh..all those studying r freakin mii out! study smart pls wor!
menses ish lyk killing mii..ouch awhle..den ok..den ouch agn..damnit! tmr wont b gng fer s& i'll be hab my attendance s&w attendance ish reali bad..
TPS presentation! its finally over! yeah! was..erm..okok [ly] done nahh..i speak damn fast! lyk bullet train..n i was trembling! lol..damn funni..well..all of us were a lil frightened..even we finally gt it over n done wib! heehee..well done guys! all our effort our hardwork..ish worthwhile..wahahaha! i reali hab fun workin tgt wib u guys!
went to skol early in d morning todae..had cramp..was walkin along d pavement wib sam tokin n her bf called..was angry..cuz sam din reply his msg..onli 1 msg noe..den he lyk quite angry ledi..den i told sam..den liDdat i can b very angry le nor..cuz i send so mani msg to darling in d morning bt he oso nvr reply..hahaha! bt NO LA!!! i wont b angry wor!!! i noe darling slping..n ish a slpyhead..LOL..muaCkxmuackx..kissy kissy! aft skol..bell n lyn came over my place to watch men in white! was so hilarious though i watched it lyk 3 tyms ledi..i LOVE ah ling [ah long] n ah hip ah hop! damn cute! hahaha..dey went off n darling ply maple at my place..while i slack arnd..slp n watch men in white wib ah bi! LOL..4th still v funnie! n den nehh..went to kovan..acc darling to look fer bag n shoe in d process of searching..n den went fer dental appt..OUCH MAN!! bt i gt my teeth all CLEAN! i gt a pretty dentist to help mii wib all tt! i nit to go back to cover up d holes in my teeth..LOL..n mayb in oct to do some gum treatment..n its 80buCkx wor!!! its okie la..hahaha! mummy pay ma..>.<..
came back happi..cuz i had darling d whole dae! wahahhaha! bt tmr cnt le..i release at 4pm..sad..nvm nah..darling might b gng to queenstown go shopping! LOL..happi shopping neh! muaCkx!!!
********************************************************************************* drinkin ginger tea cramp ish ouching mii..iLove u darling! no use saying how sorrii im ledi..cuz i've said it too much..n u hab heard it too much! guess deres some illness gng on in our relationship now..[jealousy kills]..major..its cuz of mii..i noe i noe..wahahaha!! so overly sensitive..n im throwing all my tantrum at u..spilling all my shit to u're taking all of them in..lyk i told u tis few daes..u reali v teng im lyk takin it fer granted..n i can see u're nt reali happi bout it ledi..n esp at tis period wen im habing pms..u're still so patient wib mii..thank u..
we're tgt fer nearly 9months ledi..tym jus fly liddat..i love u..u love mii..we love each other reali much..we noe it in our hearts very very well..we gone thru alot tgt..up n down..happi sad things..angry disappointment..stuff we carn gt even, carn gt to agree we sloved it..we found solution n we r happi nw..n now a prob pops up n darling ish trying so hard to gt things ryte n ok sorri tt i had been v stubborn v u still put in effort to help n reali wanna gt thing back to how it was..thx u..i wont gt influenced n i wont gt affected by wht random ppl ish nt in dem much can i believe..some r jus random stuff tt dey add in to spice up everything..n make mii more angry..ilove my current frenz nw..dey're reali great..dey hear mii dey try to help mii..dey're reali nice! wht dey sae i take into i nvr tink thru..tts how useless my brains gt wen things r gng too well fer mii last tym..i reali miss cheryl alot! bt she gt her own frenx its come dere r so much conflicts..sometyms i jus wanna end everything..lyk *TICK* switch off..a moment of silence..every1 GONE! bt tink agn..NAH..i carn gt every1 to dissappear..i love them too much! if i sae i hate thxful ledi..cuz if i hate means i still care bout u tts y i hate u! it has been awhle since i hab emo [ness] does tt mean d past mii ish comin out agn?! no man! i seriously hope tt it wont eva happens..cuz recent months i hab been so happi..web darling n frenz..i forgt i was once liDdat..i miss huiyu oso..she ish d 1 who told mii tt..if u hate some1 means u still care bout tt some1..if nt y waste ur tym hating tt person..might as well jus leave it..don care..treat it s nth had happened n tts it..shes reali a close fren to well..its all in d past..i seriously hope i don make anymore foes/ enemies or wateva tt makes my life yucky..wateva i hab done wrong in d saying a BIG SORRY to u guys..n hope u guys will forgive mii..esp huiyu, my cousin n my darling! i love u guys..i love whoeva tt ish caring fer mii..thank you!!!!
a song i love recently..some parts of d lyrics..words highlighted ish wht i reali wanna sae to darling! i was nw im nt..scold mi fer being foolish..
Tested And True
Superstitions aren't meant for lovers
Under covers, undiscovered is your skin
I am lonely, please let me in
You're probably wondering what I was proving
Are you choosing?
Am I losing you tonight?
Is it over, over?
Are we fading?
I never wanted anything the way that I want you
But my words don't seem to matter
My words don't seem to matter
And you look at me and I can see
The lies you're running to
But my words don't seem to matterI'd rather have you tested and true
Now you've had your chance
So lets try my way, it's my day
To show you what you're missing, turn around
And feel the winds of change upon your face again
The warm breath of your closest friend
I'm waiting, I'm waiting
I'm scared we'll fall apart tonight
Under the moonlight
Under the moonlight
I'm scared we'll never make it right
Under the moonlight
Under the moonlight
Take my hand and hold it tight
Hold it tight
sEen thRu 10:01:00 PM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
yeah! finally met GRACE! i lyk her!! she ish so cute! anyway..grace ish benny [my darling's bro] 's gerlfren..aww..i tink she ish damn cute n she blur blur d! haha..okie..i onli met her twice..>.<..she tot darling ish d elder no no my jonjon quek ish didi wor!! haha! she gt huge eyes..i love her..okie..tis few daes..wht did we do..let mii recall [remind myself wht i did wen im young]whahahhaa! hmm..saturdae! darling came over fer breakfast n den we went to kovan! went to d dental clinic to check timing fer my appt..mondae 3.30! awww..scared!!! i scared dental clinic sound n smell..yuck! n den aft tt went to d rental store!! GT MAN IN WHITE LEDI! yeah!! wahahaha! so happily rented mr bean holiday n man in white! hahahaha! went to darling's hse n i saw a EXTRA SLIPPER!! tts grace..den darling sae "u can finally see who u wanna see ledi ah"..yeah! im so high la..i carn see her properly at 1st cuz din hab my specs on..n den mii n darling slack arnd n watch d vcds..wen we were about to watch men in white..mummy came back n sae she wanna cook soup..n i helped her..which means i din reali watch men in its quite satisfied wib d soup i cooked fer every1!! heehee..thx darling fer ya help too! muaCkx..u're GREAT!! den aft tt went into d rm..attack darling! end up plying catchin in his hse..majiam some small i love it!!! wahahhaha! den sweat n all..den i damn smelly la! darling showered n we went over to ah ma's hse..visit her n we hab dinner tgt..aft tt go pasar malam..n went hme..haha! totalli enjoyed my day! thankii darling! muaCkx!!
sundae..went over to dar's place round 10+ disturb d whole family..LOL..auntie damn shock " waaa..come over so early ahh" LOL..n den pei mummy [darling's mum] tok awhle den i go in n disturb darling..haha! n den leii..did my work awhle..drink soup..damn nice by auntie!!! aww..lotus soup..damn nice! n den watch tv den go northpoint n saw grace at d lift! haha..she muz b wondering if i stay wib them..LOL..lyk wateva tym oso can appear den menses came! lol..n den came hme..SLP..missed grace..i tink she saw mii slping ba..n den wake up n went hme while darling go to ikea wib mummy..i hab to go dinner wib my own family..sorri neh darling..muaCkx!
TPS presentation tmr..awww..damn scary la! hope it'll go damn smoothly..phew..okie..cnt b late tmr morning..1st period ish d thingi ledi..T.T..quick quick..pls b over quickly..n den dental appt tmr..SCARED..luckki darling ish gonna acc mii dere..phew! love ya! we gt plans fer d whole wk! yeah! im sure it'll b damn fun..yeah darling! done fer tis post..nw fer some pics..hee

wahahahah! my ah ling ish so CUTE! muaCkx
sEen thRu 9:18:00 PM