Tuesday, July 31, 2007
wahhahah! im done wib OFA test now..nw leii..i gotto go n make my DBS card le..aiyoyoyo! if nt cnt transfer money cnt take money cnt do alot of stuff leii..T.T..okie..hope by d tym i go its still open! luckki bishan [J8] has DBS..phew..went dere in d morning bt den too mani ppl edi..so i came to skol 1st..man! hwx ta training ah anata?! im missing u alot nehh..though every wk i sae tt..u muz b bored of hearing it ledi..bt i reali misses u alots!!! ^^ hope everything in camp ish alryte! n i hope somebody returns d card to u REAL soon! cheery!!! MUACKX!okie..nw tt EVERY exam ish over..i gotto concentrade on my Os ledi..i haben even TOUCH on any sub yet! awww..muz study ledi lo!!! wahahahah! darling help mii JIA U JIA U JIA U O!!!!!! wahahahahahaha! iLove u!!! alryte..gtg nw..muaCkx to every1..heehee..baObao darling!
sEen thRu 3:42:00 PM
im TANNED?! hmmm..weilong dey all sae im tanned!! i see myslef lyk a ghost leii..cuz everytime v white d..hmmm..nvm..i reali donno if im a gerl anot..gerls r afraid of bugs n yucky stuff..bt i don don..n i kinda like them! LOL..n dey love furry stuff..dogs n cats those furry animals u can tink of la..BUT! im SO freaked out by them..awww..i AM v abnormal..hmmm..
alryte..todae we finally finish our TPS proj..man im so happii! finally..another major 1 down ledi..WOW..clapclap! ilove my DARLINGS! bell, sam & lyn!!! great job..wahahahahahha! n all d boiifrenz n gerlfrenz ahh..don b mad at them if dey go hme late..dey hab their reasons n dey LOVE U MORE den u can imagine..TREASURE them okie!!! u guys hab GREAT partners! heehee..
so..tmr ish xcel test..its 12.09am ledi..n im nt slping not prepared fer tmr's [or rather todae's] xcel test..uh oh! tis tym fail le ba..T.T..aiish..bt nvm..I'LL TRY MY BEST!!!
darling darling..todae im bz doin my TPS proj..so..im sorri if i din take care of ur welfare! sorri la darling..forgive mii?! T.T..SORRI SORRI SORRI SORRI!!! muaCkx! iLove u LOADS d nehh..[U NOE TT!] sorri sorri!!! MUACKX!
i love tis pic!
we all look so cute! LOL
sEen thRu 12:03:00 AM
Sunday, July 29, 2007
alryte..here r some pics i din upload fer so mani daes
todae :: darling's back view [god..im turning into a freak..everytym take dar's pic]
kawaii!!! aww..crying baby jonathan! LOL..cute!
fat fat darling
found tis under my void! LOL..
awww! tts d guys..aww..i tink he damn cute la!!!
aladin's MONKEY!
darling holding my hand!
camwhore!!! slping still wanna sae "CHEESE"!!wahahahhahaahha! im here..HAPPI!! darling ish back frm army..fer onli 1 dae..todae, SUNDAE! wahahaha..went to his hse early in d morning..bought breakfast fer tt slpy head..did TPS proj dere..n nappy dere tgt wib darling.."why i will nap dere leii?!" BECUZ..mr slpy head nvr wake up..haha..see him slp..i oso tired..so leii go slp wib him nor..wahahahha! darling damn cute la..anyway.d.arling lost his camp ID..aiyo! i hope he can find it in his rm or wateva..jus don b sad can ledi..he sae mayb will kena confide or guard duty..aiyoyoyo..cheer up cheer up! muaCkx!!
finalli..tps proj ish comin to an end! wahahahah..den will come excel test..ala..i dono some of d functions yet..uh oh..>.<..hope everything will b fine! i nit cash!!
sEen thRu 9:15:00 PM
Saturday, July 28, 2007
its saturdae todae..darling ish still in camp..he ish habing training [extra]..T.T.its raining n deaRdear lonely nehh darling!!!wahahaha! okie la..don tekan u..ltr u scold mii..T.T..wo ai ni o darling! sundae come quickly!! bt pls pass slowly..>.<..alryte..im watchin jacky wu's guess show online..so damn bored nehh..im doin TPS proj at d same tym..wahahaha! muz jia u ahh..if nt cnt finish on tym..>.<..lonely lonely..AHH..i saw tis damn cute [i tink] guy on jacky's show!! aww..i'll post his piC up..wahahaa! i tink he ish nice lookin! bt my darling more kawaii wahahahahah! MUACKIES!hmmm..actualli i gt nth much to post about nehh..had sakae wib d gerls last wed..its a fun trip.. we had loads of video session..bt most of them were ah dan's shots..LOL..majiam camera lover la! n did i mention tt i found my NRIC?! wow! im damn happi i tell u!! wahahah..its under jon's bed..waliew..scare d crap outta mii..phew..thx darling! n auntie!! heehee..luCkki auntiie clean up den find it! heehee..careless freak eh mii..wah liew~ i learnt my lesson!! nw i listen onli..i don speak k?! heehee..YEAH! another jacky's show..still guess show lar..it saes..kissing ish gd fer d BODY!! wahahahha! darling lets kiss more! wahahahha..*shy shy*hmmm..i wanna sae..iLOVE PPL WHO JUS CAME OUT FRM SHOWER!! i dono whether i hab mention it b4..bt i jus love it wen i see ppl who jus came out frm shower!! dey look so fresh so..yummy~ LOL..waaaaaaaa! went to see d slide show i did fer darling..hmmm..i feel so happi..wahahahahah! wonder if darling still has it..hmmm..
sEen thRu 1:05:00 PM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
sorri..im damn lazy to pull d pics down one by 1..so i jus let u guys view pics 1st b4 reading my blogg ma..hee~hoorray fer d lazy ppl!
my bdae pic..finally gt it! phew~ NICE!
wahahaha! campus superstar! all d 3 dudes i love most! how luckki to meet them! zijie [d 1 on d extreme left..i tink he look lyk benny..bt benny more shuaii..reali man! shawn..aww..so cute]
my DARLING! he suddenly seems tall agn..LOL..last last wk i still tot he became shorter..LOL..hmm..i lyk to take him half naked..notice tt?! LOL..he ish always gng naked..
i LOVE tis particular pic..though its jus 3 drops of water..bt i tink its damn nice wib d negative effect..hee~
don rmb if i post tis pic b4..bt i bought tis colouring bk fer darling..damn cute!
compass OP..waiting fer lao Po fer her fashion show! LOL
sEen thRu 2:01:00 PM
Monday, July 23, 2007
darling ish off to tekong fer his 3daes outfield..man! i miss him!! hmm..carn msg darling fer 3 daes le..T.Tim preparing fer bzf test! awww..dono whether i can make it nt..so far my grades r reasonable..bt bzf difficult sia..T.T..JIA U JIA U JIA U!!! darling gave mii encouagements..so im sure i can do it [if i study damn hard!!!]! darling reali thx u nehh..lyk bell sae..u're always sticking wib mii no matter wht..u're reali a great guy..+ u take all my nonsense..everytym..w/o fail w/o complaining..n still sayang mii so much when i keep complaining n nagging beside ur ears..LOL..muaCkx!finally sakae onli wed..bt aft sakae i no more money le!!! argghh..hmm..nnn..todae i feel so cheated..i spend 3bucks on a plate of chicken rice..when i can happily eat it wib 1.50..why spend 3buCks?! CUZ D DRINKSTORE UNCLE GO ADD PAPAYA MILK TO MY RICE..T.T..so sad..den vvv yucky..so went to buy another plate nor..aiish..so shitty..im short of cash ledi still gimmi tis kinda shit..T.T..darling bought mii CHIP! fer anniversary..wahahahah..y ppl will tink i lyk chip neh?! hmm..bt den d chip he bought ish reali comfortable..its nt small..bt BIG! den can hug..GDGD!! wahahhaha! thx u darling! muaCkx..actualli.tis post i type 2 tyms le..cuz ytd comp hang den todae type agn..so i forgt partialli wht i wanna sae..wahahahahaha! i v guai wor..studying bzf now! early in d morning..its erm..9.20am nw..whOOhoo..guai sia..LOL..okie..im jus v excited bout sakae tmr! woww!!! its so quickly planned man..within half an hr we settled..clapclap!! yeah! sakae, compass 3pm wednesdae..PHUA PHUA!!!! pls join us if u can leii..T.T laO pa n lao ma LONG LONG nvr see u le..muz see whether u gt grow shorter ma..T.T..wahahhaha! alryte..tts all fer tis post..tC every1!! darlingS cya guys REAL soon!!darlinG!! ILove u!!!
sEen thRu 9:43:00 PM
Saturday, July 21, 2007
im at the slpy head's hse..he ish lyk slping soSO soundly la..don bother about my presence anymore..tsktsktsk..haiyo..was suppose to go out to meet d army boiis bt den ah tt slpyhead still slping!!! tsktsktsk..wahahhahaha!alryte..ltr gonna meet up wib rene dey all le..so damn excited..anyway..im so shocked..lina msg mii n sae she wanna go sakae!!! OMG! i always wanted to go to sakae n eat d buffet man..bt all pretend to dono den in d end till now i still haben go yet..T.T..alryte!! LINA I'LL GO WIB U MAN! wahahahha..who wanna tag along..either nxt mondae 24th july or wed 26th july..[i tink d daes r ryte..i nvr check jus aga aga onli.wahahhaha!!!] ..lets go fer sakae man!!! wahahahahhaa! carn wait...so muz save money nw le...hmmm..take frm allowance shld b enuff ledi..yeah! im so looking forward to it!!!!hmmm..tests comin up..dono whether its test or CA! excel n biz!! hmmm...shld studying fer it le..wahahahha! fer biz i onli noe primary secondary n tertiary..which ish unit 3..other den tt im quite blank..LOL..jia u lo! n den excdel..i find it so damn fun now! cuz anyohow oso can gt d things d.. so its quite eay ehh!! thx to weilong oso..everytime help mii when im nt listening in class..which i always m doin!!!!!!!!! wahahahha! okie dokie..THX LOADS! n clement! im so shocked tt he ish doin work in class...whOoohoo..gd boii man..i tot he onli noe how to make noise in class..LOL..TPS proj..i tink we're gonna b done real soon! hmm..still left wib bits n pieces i guess..hmm..shld do up d advertising thing real soon le! bt i gt no idea!!!!! hmmm..i shld take a pencil n paper n go into d toilet..mayb dere i can find my insperation..wahhahaha!im lyk bloggin fer SO long ledi n tt pig ish still slpin..aiyoyoyoyooyoyo!!!!wake up le piggy!!!
sEen thRu 12:36:00 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
whoOohoo! i won!reach hme at round 10+ aft makan session wib lyn n bell..damn fun i muz sae..wasted sam din join us cuz shes nt comfortable..aiyoyoyoyo! tC ah gerl! okie..aft skol, bell went hme to change while mii n lyn wonder arnd at amk hub..whOohoo..we went window shopping..n den off to NTUC xtra!!! bought chocO PIE! i love tt biscuit man..n most imptly..its CHEAP!! darling bought it fer mii once..n i fell in love wib tt round black creamy minty thingi!!! LOL..n den we bought ice cream too..n its cheap oso lar..lol..shared it among d 3 of us..n den waited fer bell to come..nickki was suppose to tag along too..bt seems tt shes bz at hme watchin tv..LOL..first station..we arrived at somewhere very near to novena mrt station's nearby chicken rice..wow..i tell ya..d rice ish..hmmmm..yumyum~strong strong fragrance..n den n den, d soup ish v nice la..v gou weii..^^..i love soup! bt d chicken bit tough n d sauce bit too salty..LOL..last station! haha..PRATA HSE! d ppl dere r all so friendly! haha..dey camwhore oso la..keep wanna take pics tgt..LOL..bell had bomb prata, lyn had banana prata while i had mushrm cheese..surprisingly, mine ish d most expensive 1..whoOhoo! bell's bomb ish reali nice..SWIT! lyn's was swit too..onli mine salty..LOL..had fun..we were crapping lyk mad..wif bell's "tooku you.." hahahaha! best joke fer d dae! she gt her tongue tied..im quite active todae i suppose..i tok amazing lot todae..LOL..wib lyn n sam..lyn at amk hub n sam in class..well..i tink im active todae..wht bout u gerls?! LOL..i ate mee hoon soto n chicken porridge todae! damn hungry la!! den in d evening ate 2 ice cream, sushi chicken rice n prata..whOoho!!! bt yumyum~ its nice..tmr we're habing makan session s well..we'll b gng to beach rd to hab fried oyster n cha kuay teow..etc..^^..haPPi!!!darling! has ur headache went down?! ke lian..baObao..TC yaself alryte..sorri i carn b dere by ur side..bt den pls pls..tC of yaself alryte..hurts mii to see u suffer..muaCkx! come baCk hme n deardear help ya massage n feed u gd food alryte! i love u darling..so much had been happening n i jus wanna tell u so much every single dae! muaCkx! make sat free o! we might b down fer makan session agn! heehee..muaCkx!anyway..din slp well d dae b4, cuz wanna acc darling while he ish doin his guard duty..so i was lyk half aslp half awake..v sensitive to d noise movement n stuff yeah..so wheneva he gt break n msg mii..i straight away wake up n reply him..whOoo..efficiency..hahaha! i reali reali wanted SO badly to sayang him aft his duty..bt den i carn b by his side..so i had to use msg nor..anyway..its worth it..FUN! n d happiest thing ish, d nxt morning..darling called to wake mii up! whOo..love it..darling ish lyk a man now ledi..wahahahaha! he can wake mii up!! whOo..unlike last tym, always i wake him up..bt den its nice n fun to call him n wake him up too..cuz u can hear his slpy sound..so cute..^^..alryte..so im jus reali happi tt he ish my darling nor! LOVES..im reali gng to bed nw ledi..yawn! MUACKXXX!!!!!
sEen thRu 11:04:00 PM
Monday, July 16, 2007
希望你能爱我到地老到天荒 希望你能陪我到海角到天涯 就算一切从来我也不会改变决定 我选择了你你选择了我wahahahha! love tis oldii..mummy n daddy used to sing..see how loving dey r..^^我用一生一世的心 换你一生一世的情 牵你的手 muaCkx! wahahaha..god..tps cher ish v strict man..1st thing when she came into d class, she sae..ground rules 1st..when im tokin, you don tok, no hp, im a working adult, i can refrain frm using my phone fer tis hr, i don see why u carn..whOoohoo man..damn strict..bt i lyk her! wahahaha! shes vvvv imformative, v nice person..i tink i can learn loads of things frm her! MS EMA!!damn im tired..yawn..shall update more tmr! im bz wib TPS..whoohoo..bt its damn fun i tell ya..wahahahahaha! rather den occupy my brains wib useless stuff..i hab more oxygen tis way!
sEen thRu 6:56:00 PM
Saturday, July 14, 2007
n yeah! stop being childish alryte..don b such a/an donkey..stop crying!!!! aRgh..wimp [whts d meaning of tt..hahaha! lauGhs, can i refer tt to a kid?! haha]
haven been reading any1's blog bt onli phuaphua's..cuz her blog d song ish NICE! *pim* thumbs up n she seems to update often nw..wahahaha! damn free leii..gt so mani classes still so free..i onli gt 1 pathetic maths tuition..bt i gt no tym fer blogging now..LOL..n den darling oso nvr update blog d..so boring d nor..bt den other den tt..other ppl don blog often oso..so im damn bored la..
bt 1 thing ish..i rather read some1's blog which ish interesting..writing bout their interesting life..rather den ppl who write bout complains [lyk mine..all complains..LOL..bt mine onli darling read..so its alryte!] i love bell's blog! she ish always writing v interesting stuff..wahahaha!
darling came baCk ytd! came to my hse n haB MJ SESSION!! its d best man!!! wahahahaha! now we can both hab fun!!! wahahaha! its reali a great evening! den send darling hme..s in..to d bus stop..whOohoo..tink he gt on d last bus..was damn cramp..xin ku le! OH YA! i bought darling d spongeBOB monopoly!!! he ish damn happi~small kiid ah..wahahahaha!! anyway..i agree its cute too! nxt tym can ply it wib phuaphua dey all! wahahaha!
darling came n pick mii up tis morning fer breakfast..how swit..n den went to kovan walk walk..im lookin fer d vcd "men in white!" wanna watch it wib bell sam n lyn..damn..im sure we'll definately enjoy it!! "LAO SAIII" sam's fave word nw..wahahahaha! okie..n den bought some stuff n went over to darling place..I BOUGHT KIMCHI!!! damn its nice! bt darling scared of d smell..alamak! darling..u're missing out GD food! everything muz try ma..tsk tsk tsk.hee..come..baObao..n den i ate tt..whOOhoo..i tink i onli ate tt todae..plus d laksa i snatch frm darling..aft which we watch SPONGEBOB!!! thx to bell..wahahah..its reali reali nice..hilarious..lyk wht bell sae..bobby ish so optimistic..he ish foreva cheerful n aways take ppl's advice..why carn us b lyk him?! LOL..lets learn frm tis cartoon man!
den go shopping wib darling..bought some basic nessecities fer his camp..well..i donno he ish an army man or a maid..LOL..he nits to buy stuff to clean d window! n he sweeps n mop..whOOhoo! clever boii!!! muaCkx!!! guai la guai la..come..baObao..jon mummy oso praises him fer being suCh a gd boii..clapClap..tts my boii! wahahah! aft which went hme while darling go to tm to meet yasser..he's gng baCk fer guard duty..xin ku le!
i lost my whole cardholder! god damnit..which means i lost my ezlink, IC, lib card, cashcard n ATM..whOohoo..n den best of all..i forgt all bout my IC until nite tym..round 11+..n den daddy bring mii to d police post..n d guy sae don nit to report wor..jus go ICA do a new 1 n d old 1 will b void..wow..i din noe its liDdat now ledi..hmm..daddy sae wait awhle den go do d new 1..see whether any1 will return it..well..i hope so too! called SBS n DBS/POSB [i dono which, cuz it darling help mii call d] n den my ATM card will b post to mii few daes ltr..n i ledi had my ezlink done..jus tt refundment will take place in a wk's tym..so ma fan la..aiyoyoyo..bt im damn sad bout it la..cardholder!!! gt all d picx inside..though can print agn..bt oh well..hmmm..though deres 1 pic i seriously wanna gt rid of..its heaven's will!!! to gt rid of it..bt den its kinda too much man! bt whteva la..s long s i replace whteva i had..im happi enuff..wahahahha! n most of all..darling ish by my side! phew~thx u darlin..muaCkx
im a damn happi gerl..went fer dim sum in d morning todae..damn its great! spend 100 over dollars on breakfast! n i used d theme dim sum s my tourism proj s well! one stone kill 2 birdies!!! yumyum~ nxt tym shall go wib darling's family..d porridge ish real nice!!! n den went to hg mall to do my ezlink..its..kinda slow..n den went to buy some colour pen..to add on to my colourful textbk..wahahaha! aft jie left to her tutee's hme, we [mii n ah bi] went off to amk hubbi..gt d "long ago wanted" notebk wallet, a cardholder n a notebk..wahahahaha! n i jus gt my allowance..LOL..man..its alryte..cuz im happi now..wahahaha!
cacoon?! LOL..matchstick!! WAHAHAHAHA!
d ang mo baby we saw at d dim sum restaurant
tts how much we eat tis morning..more to come!!
so mani sauces!!! whoOo..which to dip in which?!
saw tis at hg mall's swit tok..LOL..cool huh..
eyes dry aft tt moves..stupid gerl! LOL
my new cardholder!
my notebk wallet
my peace promoting notebk! LOL
sEen thRu 10:44:00 PM
Friday, July 13, 2007
YEAH! its fri fri fri!!!!!
wahahahaa! so happi..darling comin out todae le! i gt so damn much to tell him! wahahahaha! hmmm..loads of stuff happen neh..n im damn pissed off..aiish..wht to do..human..r ALL LIDAT! including mii! i TOTALLI agree [ASK phua phua n darling..dey noe mii too well..]! hahahaha!
anyway..no point..reali no point..i don reali see tt im at fault [emphasis..@ all]..HA!
whoOhoo~ class ended..gotto run! muaCkx darling
sEen thRu 9:41:00 AM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
damn i feel so.....hmmm..so..irritated..so.....disgusted.....yucky!
ok..bout my life?! hmm..s boring w/o darling..aCtualli..i miss cheryl alot..she remind mii d great tym we had..how great she ish s a fren..reali close fren..cheeky cheeky..i wanna meet her up real soon!!! hopefulli we can gt a tym slot available..NU ER I MISS U!!!
darling darling..gonna hab field trip n alot of trainings ledi yeah?! i'll miss u sosososososo muCh..though tym spent tgt will b lesser..bt don worry k darling..muaCkx..i love u too much to lose u neh!
well..im still v upset, angry n pissed..i wanna complain to darling!!!!!!
WOW! guess wht..i watch channel U show..deres tis restaurant fer d blind, n inside d restaurant..its totalli dark..n den ppl make love inside..aww man!!! COOL!
sEen thRu 6:25:00 PM
Friday, July 06, 2007
i feel so eeeky todae..donno whether to slp, do work or wht..i jus dono wht to do todae. i woke up kinda late todae..hmm..1++ liDdat, tmr mayb go to daddy's office n help him, cuz i din todae..i felt so bad...T.T..to conclude everything..i don reali feel gd todae..
went to amk hub, shop fer my skol bag..wahahah! n i've decided on 1 thing..tt ish..to NOT wear female blouse to skol anymore, it jus doesnt feel comfortable..eeek..im better off wib d guy's shirt..*PEACE SIGN* ^^..n den i gt my bag paCk! fer 30buCks onli wor..hahahah! cheaPo..[darling's similar baGpack ish 40 odd dollar nor..so ex..tsk tsk tsk..LOL..] n den n den, im sosososososo happi ytd..why?! cuz i wore tt caterpillar slipper n tis guy, he walk pass mii n he made a funnie face when he saw my slipper! wahahahha! so happi..jie sae im crazy..wahahaha!
i haben touch on my goong yet neh..still at d ep 13/14..T.T..cuz im doin a lil bit of revision n alot of dazing...............blink of d eye..ledi nite tym..aiyoyoyoyo den tired jiu nvr watch le nor..
im gng baCk to m'sia tis sat nOon, ah ma's b'dae..i hope it'll b fun..im gonna take loads of piCs fer my dardar to see lo!!! heehee..^^
front view of my new bag
side view [nt much diff]
amk hub toilet!
loOks lyk i din hab my shorts on..wahahahha! nah..its jus TOO short..sexy?!
sEen thRu 4:45:00 PM
Thursday, July 05, 2007
acc ah bi to clinic todae. gosh..its damn hot!!! man..i'll show u d culprit fer all tis sweat!!!!! den, i realise d doc hab 2 fragrance pack in her rm.same s mine, tt in my rm..wooo..nice! [thumbs up]
den bought nasi lemak! whOo..1buCk..man im broke thx to ah bi..majority of my allowance r plunged in her medical fee..T.T..den she gt herself a dessert kinda thing..its reali nice..damn swit! hee..promise dar tt i'll let him try nxt tym! hee..curious lil kid..
wow..guess wht, i watch some insect documentary thing jus now..
some interesting stuff..
*one kinda bug, drop sperm onto leave den d female suck it in..which means dey don hab inter course! how boring..bt its kinda cool..
*insect, most of d insects mate fer hrs, 3hrs, 5hrs etc..man tts long! wht dey do man..
*one kinda MALE spider, cleans thousands of eggs in his nest, mate thousands of female spiders, guard n protect d eggs till it hatch..v nice ryte..lyk d wife go out work den he at hme tC of children liDdat..[darling! jie sae u muz b tis xi xin oso nehh!!! heehee..she ask u to b lyk tis spider]
*[lastly, nth to do wib insect] saw tis on newspaper todae, consumtion of excessive papaya will make ur skin turn yellow!!! DARLING! M I TURNING YELLOW?!
sadly, i din manage to complete a single disc of goong todae..i was plying game..yahoo game..wow..damn cute la! hee..d baby version of dinner dash!
d culprit! man its burning!
d clouds lyk kissing oh?! ^^
damn high class hor..d yu ren sheng clinic
tis ish d nice dessery..i love it! thx to lina..
my yum yum nasi lemak..
china dumpling frm my jie's china tutee..damn nice..see d chili..its nt hot..it has peanut in it, wib a lil help of d black vinegar, its heaven!
well..tts d recent mii nw..T.T..i reali feel i don stand out..bt nvm..i love to hide behind everything..
sEen thRu 12:00:00 AM