Friday, June 29, 2007
shit..todae ish quite a painful dae!had menses darling ish by my side..he acc mii all d way! thx darling..darling brought mii warm water fer my medication too..swit! muaCkx..thx due to my carelessness u're mad wib mii..i sorri darling! so useless....rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......
sEen thRu 10:45:00 PM
Thursday, June 28, 2007
wow!!!i jus watched GONG! ep 6..aiyoyoyoyo..d prince help d princess wear shoe wor!! if darling were eva to help mii wear..i will definately feel lyk a princess!!!! wahahahahaha! HOR DARLING..hee..muaCkx! anyway..i don lyk hyo rin..
woke at 1pm todae..cuz d maid woke mii up..she came n tap mii..n sae..miss 1pm i woke up at 1pm..den i watch DIBO D GIFT DINOSAUR/DRAGON! [i forgt whether its dragon or dinosaur..LOL..] god..kid central show..its kinda interesting to mii..waaa! so i'll catch it wheneva i can! lyk a kid ledi..heehee..anyway..darling watch tt show too he ish a kid too! wahahahah..
i love d smell of AIR CON!
i went to library todae! i din hab any fines! yeah! i borrowed 2 more bks..i hope i can finish them! starting on biz fun tmr! JIA U LO!!!
ling comin out tmr so happi!!! whoOo!! OH!!! i saw snails jus nw..dey move so mii n ah bi squat dere till dey move frm d pavement to d grass patch..round 10mins or so..leg v suan ah! LOL..
im waiting fer tmr to come..n my menses too..hurry hurry..i wanna b over it asap!!!!!
tis ish d dino!!! heehee..y r all d dino PURPLE in colour?! HMMM...
d d dino show!
SUNSWEET! prunes..dey r reali gd fer bowel movements MAN! d thing itself looks lyk shit ledi..
see..doesnt it look lyk shit?! >.<..sorri to those who love prunes..tts my own opinion!
my lovely habin a sun-tan
ah bi..while practicing on her ting ting dang disturbing i noe..LOL
ah bi's squeezed tgt definately disturbing..wahahahahahahah! imagine habin a sista lyk mii..>.<..don hate mii nah! i love u d!!!
POH PIA~~~~~i donno how to!! d fillingS! i love tis thing frm my hse dere d bubble tea shop..whOo..darling nice ryte!!!!
wateR! onli being bored..
CUTE hor!!! d round round thing..aiyo..i tink its so cute! haha! v colourful oso..i sound lyk a kid..
D SNAILS!!! workin hard to reach d grass patch!
d trail dey left bhind..dots dots dots..JOIN D DOTS!!!!
hang on!!! u're almost dere!!! JIA U!!!
yeah! see! u're finally dere!!! clapclap^^
oh GOD! ah bi blowing her hair dry...scary!!!!!!!!!!!11 bt actualli shes my kawaii angel nehh! if she don speak..LOL
alryte..tts all fer slping early..its 11.30pm nw gonna join darling in lala land! MUACKX!! i love u..carn wait till i see ur kawaii face..kissy kissy! muaCkx!
sEen thRu 10:54:00 PM
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
i tell u!!!![Kamisama Kazoku]tis show ish NICE! anime though..haha!NICE!stupid comedy, yet a lil my own opinion..itS kinda NICE!
sEen thRu 11:56:00 PM

todae ish as hot as usual! went to heartland tis renew my concession..god..d mud/charcoal..i forgt wht he ish..he doesnt seems to noe whts customer service man! rude! 1st he did his own stuff [filing etc] n left mii waiting fer erm..5mins..den speak don wan speak properly..lyk nvr open his mouth, GOLD inside ah..scare drop out if u speak wen u OPEN ur mouth ah..bastarD retarded arSehole..tsk tsk tsk!
i walked hme..overheard an auntie telling d daughter.."we cnt b lazy", d nxt thing i lazing on my sofa watChing tv!!! Os comin le wor!!!! skol ish holy innocent high 2nd wiSh-to-go to skol..LOL..
HELEN ISH DEAD! d twins mummy! my favE character in my current BOOK! heehee..shes a car sad neh! bt nvm..its nt relavent! hahaha..
heres d big BOOM!
ladies, or whoeva ish reading tis entry..pls go check out tis webbi!!!!
check out tis chick call hee yujin!!! she gt a pretty faCE! aCtualli shes my fren's fren..SUPPORT ALRYTE! i tink she cute too! erm..unless u carn notify her, she has side parting n ish wearin a darkblur jaCket. Using 2 hands to self-take..itS pretty oBvious..LOL..most imptly..shes from SINGAPORE POLYTECHNIC alryte..u guys gotto go click on d campus! n den go to d menu on top of d page n click BABES! n den go go go! find her VOTE fer her!!!!!! 10 votes per dae!!! i've ledi voted how bout u!!! wahahahahaha! i'll vote tmr AGN! i wanna see her on tv! heehee..
sEen thRu 8:06:00 PM
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
cOmplaiNs!-im so bored at hme!!!! -its so bloOdy itS gd too! cuz i wanna dry my floweRs! i don wanna throw them away aGn le! i wanna keEp all darling's "xin yi"-i Gt nth to dO wor!-i wanna eat niCe foOd! AGN!-im hunGry!-i wan $$$$$$$$-i wan bigGer scrEen fer comp..-i wan my comp to b ablE to pluck into tv..den d scrEen will b HUGE!wahahaha! i jus gt nth better to do! hmmm..watching GONG onli at ep 4! dvd version! S.......L.....................O.....W.......................wor..haha..cuz im watching it on n off! loli gt nth to i went to look up on lovE love quoteS! thinGs u can sae to uR darlingS or dEar or hoNey or wadeva sugaR thinG u call them! [i noe i gt nth to do....T.T,,pity mii ba..>.<] sae it to them..dey will love it! n yeah..treaSure ppl u lovE! u nvr noE wen itS gdbyE!*Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.*Time is too slow for those who wait,too swift for those who fear,too long for those who grieve,too short for those who rejoice,but for those who love, time is eternity.i'll contine tmr alryte?!yawN~daRling ish kawaii[ly] swit todae! love ya! muaCkies!
sEen thRu 10:17:00 PM
Monday, June 25, 2007
alOha! itS a lonEly holiDay!darling ish in camp ledi..alamak!!
im so damn bored.
so i stayed hme n watch GONG, princess hr todae..[happi wor cheryl..i finalli watching le!]
n den went to heartland! to tis fashion, gt 2 shirts..which onli cost mii $ a cheapo!
ate loAds of stuFf todae..FAT! nonono..TUMMY!! so turn off..aiish..
24th JUNE 2007 <3
Uncle's wedding dinner in M'siA.
woke up round.......erm..7+ darling called mii up fer d 1st tym..thx darling! i tot u onli sae sae u actualli made d effort to call mii..i love u! muaCkx! shower, prepare n heAd ofF!
had breakfaSt at a cofFeeshop in JOHOR..i had half boil eggs..which r HARD!
den head to my ah ma's hse..i onli manage to go to ah ma's hse nvr go baCk to mama's hse..T.T..ah ma's face become so dey sae its due to d med she consuming..side effect, makes her cheek swollen like. den went to hab MEE!!! i love d wanton mee dere..though its doesnt look it taste REALI GOOD!!!! yum~
den went to d city like place where my uncle live, btw my ah ma n mama's hse r both in kampong. went to d shopping mall dere..i gt a CUTE slipper..wib caterpillar on it..hahaha! damn cute..den went to d supermarket n bought loads of stuff baCk! yeah! snaCk tym!
aFt whiCh we head to my unCle's place..slaCk dere fer awhle n head to d restaurant call Dragon Court. well, its vvvvv noisy in dere. we baically muz SHOUT in order to hear each other..i had shady! red winE n XO kinda liquor..d dishes aint v d atmosphere ish dere la..traditional noisy wedding dinner, unlike in Singapore, so den its way too loud fer mii..cuz our table r so near to d stage..where d speakers r..god..anyway! CONGRATX! dey r so lovely, wen will mine come?! still young!
i gt loads of pics..LOL..i'll throw in while u guys enjoy my m'siA wkend! 
mummy n daddy @ d custom[m'siA 1..i tink]
d coFffeeshOp in JOHOR
xpreSsway! in m'siA
gReEn [1] [2] [3]

d TOL station..lOOks lyk gaS station ryte..LOL
d siGn, i doNno y i took it!
d strEet of d city
xpreSs way aGn
ah ma's hse [2nd livinG rm]
ah ma's hse [d open spaCe near d fRont gatE]
ah ma's hse [paRking lot?! tiS area ish alsO neaR d gatE]
ah! ah BI! @ ah ma's hsE
my fAt chEek ah ma! CUTE!
wow! set meal!!! yumyum~~
my MEE! yum~
jiE's BIG lips
d weDding caR..AWW! so COOL
d "siSsta caR" jie mei!!
d caR we rented tO go baCk to m' drivEr d nor! mai siaosiaO!
US! d 3 craZy iDiots [1] [2] 
teA cerEmoNy!
d restaurant! DRAGON COURT! darling..ur restaurant ah?! DRAGON! ROAR!!!
whoOooo! SHADY! love it!
d hOst's taBle!
ouR squeEzy taBle!
my LIL couSin..his name iSh honGhong too! he ish v nauGhty!! smaCk butt**
too i ask ah bi to make all d stupid faces! damn shes CUTE!
an eGg look alike HUMAN FACE! ah bi's face! LOL
whtS tis ceremOny called?!
cakE cuTting ceremOny!
xchanGe of winE fer d newly wEd
paRt of d wedding area! LOADS OF PPL!
mii in d toilEt!
yeaH! d toilEt!
all my couSins, frm leFt ah sOon..biGger den ah bi 2 yrs, ah bi,mi, ah hong same age s mii, zhi liang same age s my jie..n finally my jie! LOL..rare pic okie! we seldom take piCx tgt
nitE view of d xpress way!
laSt of all..YUMMM SENGG!!!!!!!!
1st diSh! kinda all tastE d same! lol
2nd diSh! lOOk at d shaRkfin! i lovE shaRkfin sOup more den abalonE!
stiRstir! yum~ stOp my droOl pls.....
my BOWL! rename..ah nehneh fin soup! wahahaha! d blaCk thinG ish d vinegaR
3rd darling..mR quEkqueK!!! tata!!
eeehhhh!!!!!!! how come gt 4 legs?! darling..u okie ma?! >.<
4th diSh! fiSh..i don lyk fish..all d bones, scales smelly..eek..
5th diSh..sea cucumber, mushrm n vege mixed tgt..i love tis dish..cuz i love all d ingredients!
6th diSh, cereal praWN! darling..peel fer mi!! whoo..m i lazy or wht! IM!
herbal chiCken..SHIOK ah..i love d soup kinda thing! yum~
40% liquor! haD a sip..whOoo! spiCy n lil
yeaH! DESSERT!!! sea coConut n manGo puDding..niCe! SWIT! lyk mii n darling..wahahaha!
juS to add on a lil more! we went to a 24hr prata shop near my hse..cheryl ordered strawberry milk shake, mEen gt herself lychee ice n i gt honeydew milk shake..tis r wht we gt

strawberry milk shake tt tastes lyk kodomo toothpaSte, lychee ice tt ish PINK in colour n honeydew milk shake wib d taste of watermelon bubble gum! COOL huh..
my G-strinG look alike praTa!
lina's proDuctioN
tis ish d slipper i bought! eeeeeeeeeek my veins.......eeeeeeew...
yeah! nw its raining..damn heavily..d wind hitting against my window ish frightening mii..darling!! camp nw d dardar muz tC of urself o! cold nite..cover blaNket! eat well!!! muaCkx..i so love u..wen will we hab our ceremony?! LOL..muaCKx..i'll cya real sOOn ryte?! i love u
sEen thRu 10:46:00 PM