guaRdian angeL

viiCkY heRE nEhh
eat, ply n sLp

daRk Chocolate.fOod.fRenz.muSic.wArmth.huGgies n kiSses.daRk clouDs formin.

animaLx.smokeR.biTter sour n spicy fOod.noiSy n crowded plAces.distUrb during my slp.coLdneSs



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    Tuesday, May 22, 2007 skating i fell on my butt..ouch ouch man..n den i gt a phobia of falling down was quite fun..QUITE nt reali into it or den jus curiosity lo..anyway..i doubt i would wanna try it agn..mayb..mayb nt..hahax..

    man.....................its 22nd of may ledi..IM SO LONELY LA..aiyoyoyoy..darling hurry come back gimmi baobao can?! muackx..

    ytd went out wib sheue lee..return her d skewers..den go walk walk..LOL..wah liew..had so much fun wib her la..we were crapping all d way nice to b wib someone closer..haha..i wasnt even liDdat in my current skol now noe..mayb ish cuz i noe her fer lyk..7yrs ledi..our crapping carn stop man..LOL..pri skol gathering mayb organised during june! whoo!!! i so miss my pri skol frenz..
    hmmm..waht abt 2B leii..any class gatherings nt..i miss them too man! hahaa..

    gt another proj comin on, tps proj..haben reali finish 1 another proj comes, nvm ba..jia u lo..

    darling ah..hurry hurry hurry hurry come back.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .....................................................................................-_-..muackmuack..god bless u..muaCkx!

    sEen thRu 12:18:00 PM

    Monday, May 21, 2007

    damn..i gt water hazard eeekky la..1st, i went on bus 55 n den beside mii d seat gt water..cuz d air con above spill water..shit! den go to bottle spills..den my bag n d comp kena water..ahhhh..more shit! so pissed off la..ledi habin headache in d morning den gimmi so mani shit..haiyoyoyoyo..

    anyway..i saw my uncle [erm..izzit uncle? im nt sure, he ish my grandad's bro's wht do u call tt?] alryte..i saw him..i was so shocked..cuz he shld b in m' i was quite shocked to see him..hmm..din tok to him cuz d bus was v nvm bout it la..mii n him oso nt v he always call mi "xiao bu dian" = "small lil thing" yawn

    im habing headache now..n i wanna eat..i feel lyk im floating..............................................................................

    darling! save mii neh..muaCkx

    sEen thRu 9:42:00 AM

    Sunday, May 20, 2007

    its our half year aniiversary todae..20th may 2007..darling ish in tekong camp..awwwww..i reali miss him v much..todae ish d 4th dae he ish dere ledi..i wonder how he ish doin..i hope everything ish gd..god bless..

    i like tis dae..half yr anni..tym passes so quickly..jus a blink of eye n its half yr would LOVE tis dae if darling ish wib w/o his presence, i'll jus LIKE tis dae..wahahaha..wait till he books out n we reali celebrate it..den i'll LOVE tt particular dae..hee..weirdo...

    darling so bored..d onli thing i can look forward ish wkends and public hols..cuz tt d onli tym i can gt to see u..b wib u..ahhh..2 yrs faster fsater pass alryte??!!!

    i love ya darling..once agn..happi anniversary nehh..muackmuackx..

    our love will b v strong n it'll last foreva..i love u..muackx!!

    sEen thRu 10:45:00 PM

    Thursday, May 17, 2007

    yawn..quite tired comp kept failing on me..SHIT! ahhhhh..darling went to tekong le sosososososo in foul mood now..damn..luckii bell sam lyn n gang r dere though nt reali fer mii..BT ITS LEDI V den im still nt happi..tis morning gt some ah bang came frm behind n slightly pull my hair n ask mii "can b fren nt" FUCK YOU LA...smoke smoke smoke..look at urself in d mirror 1st before comin to mii la he gt ignored..wahahaha..din he noe im d ice queen [quoted frm bell] wahahhaa..jus cuz of tt makes mii quite irritated fer d "whole dae" BUT DEN! i wont b down when i gt hme..haha..cuz gonna cook my fave soup!!! yeah!!!!!! i love so high now ledi..whoOhoo..ltr gng down to bugis wib bell n lyn too..nt sure whether sam ish den we gng to look fer d SPONGEBOB PUSHCART!!!! so gonna gt smth fer darling..fer our half yr anniversary..ITS SO IMPT TO gonna gt u gifts OKIE! excited..carn wait till darling come back frm tekong..den we can celebrate..i wanna eat steak, clam, sushi, steamboat, stingray, chocolate cake, campbell soup, pepperlunch, chicken chop, pork chop, coconut jelly, strawberry, mango, white grapes, cocktail drink jie jie use to make, seaweed chicken, MEAT..LOADS OF MEAT, cabbage, beansprout, preserved vege [salted 1], blackforest, cheese cake, orange juice, pink guava juice, miso soup, yoshinoya, KFC!, mac, plain seaweed/spicy seaweed, chips!, burgers, fries, ice cream! -choc, strawberry, mango, banana, vanilla, mint, rum- fishball soup, loads of diff nice nice soup, waaa how i love erm..n den n den still gt somemore d!!!! lets see, i wanna eat tom yam an urge to eat tt..heehee..n i wan d mango rice thingi..aiyo so nice la..AWWWWWW..i wanna eat gd gd gd gd gd food! after saying all tis..i'll end up at hme eating maggi..T.T..jie jie sae im gonna die..T.T..cuz i ate loads of stuff which contains loads of sugar n salt..AHH..i don wanna die yet..

    darling..i miss u neh..u noe ah..pls pls pls tc of urself when u're undergng d training..though its gonna b tough..BUT! it'll be a very very memorable thing..alryte..enjoy every sec of ur life whether its in army, work or hme..enjoy every moment of it alryte..i'll be dere fer u ALWAYS..don worry..stay happi n healthy! god bless tt u'll b safe..i'll pray to god to ask him to look over u..where eva u r..darling i love u neh..MUAcKX!!!!

    looking forward to nxt nxt wk..when u come back..LOVES..

    nnnnnn HAPPI HALF YR ANNIVERSARY! its a vvvvvv impt event to mii..becuz..u're my honey honey..hahaha..tym passes so quickly fast ledi wor..half yr gone..all d happi tymx d sad tyms we had we nvr fail to perk each other's dae up..^^im so happi..darling u sae u wanna make mii d most blissed women..YEAH! u've ledi achieve tt vvvvvv long tym ago did u noe tt..having ledi d most blissed women on earth..THX DARLING..muackx..i love u

    sEen thRu 2:03:00 PM

    Monday, May 14, 2007

    another lonely wkend..yawn..n d wk end ish our half yr anniversary!! awww..darling will b at tekong..hmm..i hope he recieve d encouragement letter frm parents REAL SOON! aiyo aiyo..we'll hab to celebrate it on nxt nxt wk ledi..T.T..sobby..

    tis wkend..GREAT! went to some reservoir to hike..d "treetop" thingi..LOL..woke up at 6++++..woke darling up too! fresh to see him early in d morning in my bed..LOL..i love him! den all of us prepare n stuff n we head over to d reservoir!
    bump our way to d reservoir..n den started our hike..LOL..was vvvvvvvv cooling..vvvvvvvvvvv it [at d start ONLI] so we started walking walking..etc etC..i nearly feel down loads of tym! lucki darling was dere wib mii..he always save mii from hurting myself..THX DARLING..
    aft d hike..we went to eat..etcetC..n den we went hme..i showered n darling watched tv while waiting fer mii..LOL..den we head off to northpoint..bought darling's army stuff n went baCk to his hse..LOL..cooked d nice nice soup agn! yeah..darling initially don allow mii to eat tt soup d neh..cuz loads of mSg in den he sae gib chance..LOL..den it was so damn nice la..aft tt..we watched tv..den i went to slp..LOL..cuz i was freakin tired..darling was downloading songs agn..he hope he wont lose touch wib technology n stuff..LOL..
    n den i woke up n darling's mummy bring us down to some coffee shop n eat..had lor mee..wahahahha! nt reali quite filling..hahax..den went to buy some biscuit n stuff before gng to take d bus..took 854 n den had a great tym tokin n suaning darling..wahahahha..

    i love sorry fer d stupid things i've done to u..d attitude i gave u..IM i LOVE U..muaCkx

    sEen thRu 9:23:00 AM

    Friday, May 11, 2007

    phew..freakin cold now..brrrr..todae is fridae! rainy rainy dae..wahahha..cold la..brrr... in d comp lab..doin my OFA..sianz..type type type..nth better to do?! hmm..n d paragraph we r told to type ish so boring..wht about cars..eeek..todae skol ish ending so freakin tired..T.T

    i was tinkin tt everydae i wake up so early..finalli deres a dae where i can wake up later..den d stupid cher go n change d tym table..fuck..den gotto wake up early everydae..damnit.................i wan my slp la..T.T...

    habing tuition todae..cuz darling aint booking out on i will jus guai guai go tuition lo..T.T..tuition tuition..oso v sianz..d cher don teach lo..always ask us to do work..wht ish his prob nehh..nvm nvm..i jus do n den hurry hme n SLP..

    wahahhaha!!! freaking family ish gng fer a hike on sundae..n daddy sae we'll b leaving early..[btw, my parents ask darling to come along to d hike] so..if we were to go off v early in d morning..darling will hab to wake up v early n den travel to our hse..SO!!!! instead of tt..mummy invited darling to come over to my hse n stay so happi la..darling can stay in my hse! whoOohoo..though we'll b in diff den..aiyo..lyk so cool liDdat la..wahhahahah! happi! darling will b slping wib daddy in my rm..den mummy n ah bi slp in d master bedrm..n den jie jie n mii slp in her rm..whoOohhoo..coolness happiness..wahahha..

    and..i reali wanted to go chompchomp n eat..or rather..i wanna eat GOOD FOOD..T.T..i wan gd den ah..mother's dae ish comin n i nit to buy presents fer 3 mothers..therefore im BROKE! T.T...when will my good food dae come?! sobby..

    darling bring mii go eat good food?! LOL..kiddin nehh..muaCkx..darling im sorri tt i lost d badge u gave mii on x'mas nehh..IM SO SORRI! haiish..though u ask mii nt to i still feel v bad so irresponsible neh..T.T..SORRY! i love u wait till sat! wahahahhahaha..muaCkx

    sEen thRu 8:53:00 AM

    Wednesday, May 09, 2007 comp ish spoilt..DAMN IT! acer suckx..[ in my own opinion] so lost w/o d comp..wahahahhahaa

    im gng crazy..why..cuz my legs r aching..uh oh...T.T..

    okie..i gtg ya darling!

    sEen thRu 2:46:00 PM

    Friday, May 04, 2007

    man..i feel so always gotta out of always nt informed..etc etc..aiyo! donno wht to sae n do..guess we don hab to do tt thingi ledi..she ledi so 1st i still feel so sad fer den...its alryte nw ledi..hmphh..den i enjoy peace at hme or at darling's place lo..less stuff fer mii to tink n do oso..THX GOD EH!

    i feel so eeeky..argh..i don feel involved in anything now..hmmm..somebody gt my brains..EAT THEM! so tt i can hab a reason nt to tink n bother bout anything...................

    sEen thRu 12:41:00 PM

    Thursday, May 03, 2007

    HELLO! im in skol agn..i tink i might s well blog ALL in skol ryte..HAHAHX..anyway..its boring bt excited dae todae..LOL..wth m i tokin bout..wahahaha...

    its SAM N RENE'S cool hab d same bdae DATE s some1 else..SO COOL!
    anyway..HAPPI BDAE U TO 2 KAWAII GERLS!!! wahahahahahahaha..

    happi bdae to u
    happi bdae to u
    happi bdae to U!!!!!

    ::darling yo..::

    howx camp todae nehh..rain rain so shiok la..wahahaha!!!! so when deres running i noe u guys will go to d EXPENSIVE gym!!! #@$#$% i so hate it la..i oso wan MUSCLES too!!! i onli gt tummy fats..eeeek..wahhaha..muaCkmuack..
    yeah..u're comin out agn high la..fri i gt tuition sickening..wanna see u real QUICKLY!!! muaCkxmuaCkx..darling darling..sorri nehh..i'll take good care..same goes to u alryte..^^..cough n flu muz heal le hor! drink loads of water..OKIE!!!! muaCkx..neh neh..muaCkxmuacKkx...heehee..

    aiyo..its may now s............l...o.................w..................hor..hopefulli oct comes quickly..den i'll hab my exams..den aft which all will b over..YEAH!!! i seriously hope i can go to poly man..BT ite ish freakin fun too!!! hmm..carn mummy sae ryte..we cnt jump striaght to 2nd yr in poly even if we finish i guess i'll hab to go tis yr..wish mii luck neh!!! heehee..i'll study hard [hopefulli] heehee..muaCkx..

    jia u jia u neh..loves loves..awaiting fer 6yrs to pass QUICKLY!!!!

    i love u..

    sEen thRu 1:59:00 PM