guaRdian angeL

viiCkY heRE nEhh
eat, ply n sLp

daRk Chocolate.fOod.fRenz.muSic.wArmth.huGgies n kiSses.daRk clouDs formin.

animaLx.smokeR.biTter sour n spicy fOod.noiSy n crowded plAces.distUrb during my slp.coLdneSs



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    Saturday, April 28, 2007

    todae ish d 28th!!!!!!!!!!!!! so happi!!!

    darling ish out frm d camp..awwww..i love u!! its lyk yrs since i last see him..T.T..i miss u sososososososososo much..

    anyway..met up wib darling at round 2plus 3..den go straight to darling's hse..whow! mummy n his bro gave him such a warm welcome..LOL..asked him loads of den his bro went out..n mummy went to buy us btw..we tok n so damn happi tt i nearly cried..T.T..okie den aft tt..mummy came baCk wib kfc! yeah! den we ate..mummy toked to mii..haha..she sae im v guai..wahahaha..n den mummy gave mii a purple was so cute..THX AUNTIE! i love u too!! aft which darling prepare n we went out to meet rene n guys..had roti prata at upp thomson rd dere..was quite nice..d mutton was great! LOL..n den went hme lo..haha..darling gave mii a bear too..3 guard bear!!! tt was reali cute too! LOL..muaCkx..darling..thx nehh..heehee..

    i wanna cling to u more..tok to u more..more huggies more kissies!! more of EVERYTHING!! muaCkx..i love u!! i'll cherish d tym we had wib u everytym u book out neh! muaCkx!!! thx darling fer everything u gave mii..d love u gave mii..n how u care fer mii..i reali love u darling! muaCkx!!!

    sEen thRu 11:17:00 PM

    Thursday, April 26, 2007

    hmm..todae ish 26apr..a thursdae! so happi! wahahah..jus 2 more days n i'll gt to see my darling..wahahhaa..darling i gt so much complains! hear mii out k!!! i noe u'll..i love u!!muaCkx!

    skol todae.was..hell boring..tts wht i tink..cuz..lyk i sae..wib a boring skol..i carn b interesting i gt a bunch of interesting frenz! lyk BELL[d foreva interesting 1] , SAM [my angel], ROSE [BANDUNG], AIN [izzit how i spell ur name?! im so sorry if i spell it wrongly >.<], CHERYLYN[d bluRblur gerl], CHARLES [notice charles d onli guy..he wanna noe more bout gerls? wahaha..well basicalli he ish jus gay >.<]..okie..tts bout hab hw so im settling down to do my currently so obsessed wib ling yu zhong's song..i lyk it so much!! darling i'll send ya k..muaCkx! n tmr im habing class at 11..n its till 1pm onli omg..2hrs..shld i go?! darling i b guaiguai k..i'll go..hee..muaCkx..n TMR ISH FRIDAE!!! AHHHH!!! IM SO HIGH!

    darling..i miss u so much lar..i wanna pat ur head..LOL..muaCkx! nah..i wanna do more wahahahaha..darling ku ni le nehh..noe u hme den tahan fer 1yr plus more k..JIA U!!!!!!!!! i love awaiting 28th apr!!!!!!!! wahaha..i hope d tym we spend tgt fer sat n sun will b s.......l......................o...............w...........................i so hope it will pass s.....l.......o..........w....l.....y...............LOL..muaCkx..

    okie nor..i go do my revision le..i love u waiting fer 9pm to come..i miss ur voice!!! muaCkx!

    sEen thRu 7:59:00 PM

    Wednesday, April 25, 2007

    todae while walkin hme..i saw a box of strapsle [[ish tt how u spell it? no ryte..okkie..its d sweet when u eat it when u hab sorethroat..haha]] den i suddenly tink of darling..

    rmb d 1st meet up..reali reali d 1st meet up..when i don reali noe darling yet..we went out tgt wib phua, darren, jas n pearlEen..darling noe im habing he delibrately buy d sweet fer sweet ehh..haha..muaCKx!!

    darlinG..continue to b my honEy baby forevA okie dokie?! MUACKX!!

    ~3morE daeS~

    i carn wait!!! bt jia u jia u jia u! i hope n pray tt menses finishes by fri!!!!!!!!

    sEen thRu 5:56:00 PM

    Monday, April 23, 2007

    todae ish mondae..n its such a short dae in skol..1st we hab biz fundamental in d morning..round 9.15..aft 1hr..we hab office application..fer 1 hr too..n den we went fer some NDP tok..i tell ya man..tis yr's NDP MUZ WATCH K!! its gonna b FREAKIN EXCITING!!!! it'll b on water! damn cool..hmm..anyway..overall i onli lyk d effects on d water, lazer n fireworks..wowWOWWOW!! so i tink tis yr's NDP will b kinda nice..n i WONT take part in it..even if fer my portfolio..i wont go fer it..i wan smth more elegant..smth nt so messy..wahaahha..n aft d NDP thingi..mrs tan said she has gt smth to discuss wib d NDP she let us go off early..ONE HR EARLIER! mayb darling will sae tt in total we hab 2hrs of hr of tok..n hme!! wahahhaha..

    todae todae..i miss darling alot lar!!! menses ish here..n i so hope tt darling ish here too..T.T..bout 5daes more..JIA U JIA U!!! tis few daes, d weather has been sososo hot..i hope darling drinks enuff water n tC of himself..darling darling..i wanna see u in one piece ehh!!! ya..

    tmr..deres pE..fuck..2nd dae of menses gimmi pE?! can i nt go to skol tmr?! shit so shit..argh..darling..

    menses cramp todae..n im so gonna complain to darling!!!!! wahahhaa..okie doki..i shall end here..n go do my revision n wait fer darling's call..i hope 9pm comes quickly..wahahha..muaCkx!

    sEen thRu 6:38:00 PM

    Thursday, April 19, 2007 in skol so god damn bored la..darling darling..yawn yawn..okie..todae went to skol round..hmmm..8plus 9..its so damn tiring to go to skol man..every SINGLE dae..d bus "55" ish sososososo cramp wib ppl..OH YA TODAE!!! i saw tis couple..[[working type of ppl]]..d guy ish fingering his gerlfren..with so mani ppl in d bus..he can actualli do tt..crazy! bt its onli fer awhle..cuz dey reach their stop so gonna tell darling tt..wahahahhahaa..anyway..went to skol..n din noe tt bell ish in d same bus s mii..blur blur! n den neh had our 1st lesson..personal skill thingi..lOL..was boring..chers normalli teach nth!!! fer tt particular sub..yeah..n its hell boring..n den we hab office application! s usual..we learn abt slideshow kinda proud of my own slideshow cuz i tink its nice..w/o d help of other sources..[[btw..we onli hab pics n etc frm d comp itself..i mean dere's no internet la..]] so i tink its reali great fer my own work! wahahhaha..n den..we had break..ate bleah bleah bleah..den here d IT lab..suing d comp n BLOGGING!!! wahahaha..

    ytd was mummy's bdae..actual ish lyk so damn happi man..darling called n spoke to mummy..haha..n she sound so damn happi..well im happi too!! hahaha..okie enuff abt jus glad tt dey can click now..hahaha...okie tts all fer todae! im gonna go fer d next class!! wahahahhaa...chill

    sEen thRu 1:53:00 PM

    Tuesday, April 17, 2007


    well..1st dae of skol simply jus suck okkie..i carn believe my skol ish so damn sucky la..omg..dey call an open air staircase a theatre..wth wth..n d skol seriously encourages us to cook "ourselves"..we were under d damn sun fer sososososo long..

    anyway..i was late on d 1st dae to skol..wahahha..pls clap fer mii..d late late queEn..bus was vvv cramp in d i gt a seat! wahahaha..anyway..i met tis outspoken gerl named bellina..short form bell..on d bus..cuz she din noe d way to tts how were noe each other n incidentalli..shes frm d course im at huh..smth even cooler..she ish some sort linked to serene..d world ish so damn fuckin small man..haha..well..baSicalli tts fer skol la..noe some other peepx too..lyk samantha, raquel, charles, rose [[anyway..mii n d we're d bandung grp..wahahha..]] well..those r peeps im closer to..hee..AND AND!!! though i feel so fucked up wib d feeling reali excited fer lessons!!! i donno seems kinda interesting to habin 4subs fer tis term/sem..which r tourism, office application, biz fundamental n inter personal fun fun..whOoohoo..and and and..our class ish so damn lucki..we don hab to attend morning assembly..cuz our class starts @ 9..assembly ish at 8..n it onli last a few mins..whOoohoo..and and and..most of our classrms r air conditioned..jus gt to noe it todae..LOL..tell ya..d skol ish vvvv damn hot..

    skol's food was cheap..a mug of papaya milk ish 1buCk..a plate of chick rice ish d canteen suck s usual..i hab been drinkin papaya milk eva since my skol starts..i had 2cups wheres my breast?! haiish..

    darling had been in camp fer abt 4daes..WHY?! tym pass so slowly when he ish in nite ish so lonely..i miss u so much darling..baObao..i wann baObao..T.T..i'll patiently wait till 28th apr..d dae wher u can FINALLI book w/o u reali pass v slowly n its so nt interesting..i had our ring on 24/7..i miss u so much darling..pls take care of yaself in well..drink loads of water n slp well..i pray fer ur safety n well being..i love u darling..MUACKX!!!!

    sEen thRu 7:44:00 PM

    Sunday, April 08, 2007

    ::7th apr::
    ytd was darling's bbQ..well..luCkily it din rain ytd man...wahahaha..drizzle a lil but its okiie long s its nt downpour can up "quite" early in d morning..den went to heartland to return d vcds..YEAH..this tym i return on tym..wahahaha..phew..aftt tt went hme to shower..blah blah blah n went off to rene's hse..on d way dere..met up wib my him take hi we were 1st to reach rene's hse..n guess wht..she's slping..guess we interrupted her slp..aft we came she din go baCk to slp agn sorri eh..>.<..aft tt wait fer d gang come..pack our stuff den set off to wait fer cab..d has gt tv set inside n its showing MR too bad having a din enjoy much reached east coast..n went to our pit n settled few bikes n we set off to play..n den at round 4plus we started bbQ[ing]..PORK CHOP ISH SO NICE!!!! wahahaha..n den we hab some super duper ultra blaCk corn..haha..aft tt we slack arnd..den play cards lo..its a fun game i learned..lOL..hmm..doNno reali noe how to sae how to den its fun la okie..^^..den nite tym..we restart our fire agn..cuz im quite hungry den we started cookin agn lo..hmm..aft tt wo jiu go hme liao wor..don reali noe wht d gang did aft i left..wht i noe ish..dey were tokin bout ghost..ARGH!!!!! i wanna listen to ghost stories tooo!!!!!!!!!! wasted..haiish..

    so i went hme showered, wait fer my hair to dry n i went to bed..hahaa..was a freakin tiring its alryte..cuz its reali fun..hmmm...cuz i haben uploaded d pics of d event so..i guess u guys might hab to wait to see d pics..anyway..gave dar d quite happi wib my work..haha..darling gave mii his surprise too..haha..i totalli love photo album!!!!!!!!! yeah..he so bad la..bluff mii sae he don wanna buy a bottle of purple hearts cute lil a vcd..hmm..vcd fer kids..i saw tis show call pocoyo @ d popular bkstore den i told darling tt i wanna..i din noe tt he will go n buy fer mii d..wahahha..thx so much..watched it todae [8apr]..its reali god damn cute la..wahahahahaha..n gt a couple ring..which we went to make it tgt..hehe..its reali nice..wahahhaha..i love it alll...i love darling most..MUACKX!!!!!!

    im @darling's hse nw..he ish all alone..i shall go n disturb him..wahahahaha...chill..

    sEen thRu 4:35:00 PM

    Monday, April 02, 2007

    ::31st maRch::
    whOooho..went fer mJ seSsion on sat..laSt dae of d month "maRch"..was reali reali fun..i nvr gt tired plyin tt..wahahaha..seriously..n d seaweed was god damn gonna ask mummi to buy mii tt!!! haB cup noOdle n ICE CREAM!! den went hme round 9pluS..was a fulfiling dae..haha.

    ::1st apr::
    wake up bright early in d morning to go to ikea wib my met up wib darling at tm..den went fer breakfast n to nokia darling left his phone dere fer repair..haiish..all d stuff in his phone r GONE! bt nvm..wahaha..soon he'll gt his phone we took d shuttle bus to giant 1st den walk to ikea..giant was huge..all d stuff stacked up lyk a pyramid..lOL..doNno wht will happen if i take smth outta it frm d bottom..wahahahhaa..den went nice!!! i mean d stuff dere..d plates spoon forks pillow sofa table lights etc..all r damn nice man..i wan all of those fer my future hme!!!!!!!! aft ikea went back to darling's place..den wait fer mummy [[jon's mummy]] to come baCk..den we went fer dinner..i name it d "beloved jOn farewell diNner wib family" wahahahaha..aft tt go hme..whOOo..another fulfiling dae..

    ::5th apr::
    whOOo..giant giant agn todae..@ imm..went to buy bbq stuff..wahahaha..was hell of a fun trip..laughin all d way..when we're on d train we were laughing lyk mad man..n deres tis gerl joining in our laugh..whateva we sae she feel lyk askin her whether she wanna join us in d tok nt..den toOk all d stuff baCk to rene's place..oh ya earlier of d dae..i went to pay fer my Os retest freakin fast sia..onli nit to show my ic den mummy's nets come out..jiu okie le..haha..waste my tym..wake up so early..i tot will took den it turn out to b so quick..shld hab wake up in d noOn den slowly go pay..yawn..den went to darling's place to watch nite @ d musuem..was okie la..nt s gd s i tot it will b..lots of d dino was vvvvvvvv cute..

    ::unknown date::
    actualli hor..i forgt alot on wht happened recently le..hahaha..i onli rmb..we're gng fer chompx2..darling's bbQ ish comin on tis sat [n i carn stay over..T.T] darling ish gng army le..n im startin skol..tts wht i basicalli rmb ONLI..

    sEen thRu 11:54:00 AM