guaRdian angeL

viiCkY heRE nEhh
eat, ply n sLp

daRk Chocolate.fOod.fRenz.muSic.wArmth.huGgies n kiSses.daRk clouDs formin.

animaLx.smokeR.biTter sour n spicy fOod.noiSy n crowded plAces.distUrb during my slp.coLdneSs



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    Wednesday, February 28, 2007

    yawn yawn yawn..woke up freakin early todae..[[muz b tinkin y d heck i wake up early fer ryte..fer tis lazy pig lyk mii..cuz i hab a drawing test @bedok ite..farfarfar..tym in bus more den in d skol..]] meimei nvr call mii up..cuz she gt menses cramp..HAHAHAHAX..kkz..don laugh @her..cuz mine will come soOn..muahahahha..den woke up to prepare lo..prepare le..ATE UDON!!!!!!!!!!!! nice ehh..go out..wait fer bus..took 854..wa lan mani ppl..make mii stand at d door dere..kaOx..den gt traffic jam..WA KAO!!! den jam dere..haii wo late fer my test..test starts at 9am..i reached at 9plus..den nearly gt knocked down d stupid taxi..donno how to take ur hand away frm d horn ar..stupid..DUMB! haO ba..i jus wanna sae tt im @ dar's hse..n i gt thru d drawing test..n tt thing tmd scare mii 3 damn least i gt thru..i told dar man..i sae..if ite oso don wan mii..den im reali useless le..yawn..kkz..i gotto go le..DINNER DINNER..muahahahahhahahahahahahahx....


    sEen thRu 6:56:00 PM

    Sunday, February 25, 2007

    coOl..saw tis phrase in d storybk im saes "u're so flat, even the walls r jealous of u.." hahahax..coOl..

    sEen thRu 9:29:00 PM

    Saturday, February 24, 2007

    yawn..seems to b losing touch wib d peepx..eva since d new yr celebration..nvr reali tok or wht le..LONESOME AR..even phuaphua..has been bz wib her own stuff..haiish..lonely lonely..nw i feel im d outcast..nvm..tried tt once ledi..mayb i can still endure it nw..nvm..we r lonely in d 1st place..ppl come n 1 stays foreva..[[except fer v special ones..]] shld learn to b d end..its still one person..

    yawn la..slp my way thru can?! hahax..muz b optimistic..

    todae went to compass to wait fer dar's dere round 1 n a half hr earlier..den stand dere..v peep at dar amusing..dardar xing ku ni le..everydae work..reali reali..donno how to express how i feel when i look at u den i jus feel v touched la..LOL..dar..jia u nehh..lets hit our goal k..muaCkx..

    went to borrow bks oso..hopefulli i can finish..den don hab fines eva again..dui bu qi dardar..waste ya 10buCkx...den went hme..saw tis freak..wear white d middle aged man..keep whistling @ mii..den wave at mii..hello..i don even noe who r u..wth ish wrong wib u..wa lan ehh..

    went hme jiu watch tv lo..sianz life..its gonna tarnish le..yawn yawn will become my life..

    sEen thRu 10:39:00 PM

    Thursday, February 22, 2007

    muahahaha..dar went to he ish god damn tired nw le..LOL..slp well ba dar..


    todae's entry ish gonna b short..and boring..

    cuz im gonna stop here..



    sEen thRu 10:00:00 PM

    Tuesday, February 20, 2007

    20/2/2007..3rd month anniversary todae!!!! fast..tym passes so quickly..mii n dar ledi 3 months..tis tym round..everything ish great in tis happi being wib fact im beginning to lurve him even more wheneva i tok to him..everytym i see him..its a vvv special kinda feeling..i don gt bored lOokin at him..d way he eat, slp, tok, crap, walk, yawn, sneeze, laugh, smile, frown, fake cry, kiss, hug etc..i hope tis relationship will b vvv strong..

    daRdar gng army le..i'll miss u..i'll try my best to forgt abt lonliness..n tink of u everydae..don worry k..hab faith in my love fer u..muahahaha..

    while he ish in camp..i'll b studying..i'll do my best oso dar..future ish in my hands..whether i hab a great future depends on tis few yrs..whether in poly or ite..JIA YOU!!!!

    todae..went over to dar's place..did some tv..den went to meet ying n ber..ying n ber reali a vv cute couple..see d way dey tok to each other..see how dey argue, chase each other..reali v cute n loving..den went vivo walk walk..ate carls jr..was nice..n huge..haha..shared wib dar..cuz ate maggi @ his place le..den walk walk arnd..went to swensens to eat again..ate earthquek..n fondue..i lyk d ice cream..muahahaha..once again..wanna thx dar..he paid fer all my meals todae..muaCkx..xie xie ni totalli enjoyed myself todae..stickin to dar d whole dae..LOL..frm 1st dae of nw yr..i've been stickin wib dar till todae..LOL..tmr dar gt can onli stick to him during his break..hahax..

    one sad relative passed away ytd..shes onli 30 odd yrs old..young lady..noble mother..actualli..shes nt suppose to gib birth to her 4th baby..a gerl..cuz tt'll onli bring her she insist on gibing birth to her..such noble mother..shes found to hab a weak heart..aft gibing birth to her kid at round 8am..she passed away peacefulli at nite..god bless her jesus name,amen..u'll b rmb..lurves..

    so ppl..treasure now dae..d person u lurve can jus disappear all of a reali..treasure treasuring dardar nw..i wonder wht wud happen if he disappear frm my life..pls don leave mii..muackk

    tts all fer todae..bless all..haPpi new yr..

    sEen thRu 11:56:00 PM

    Monday, February 19, 2007

    "seriously a hypocrite.if im a backstabber u r nth better" quoteD frm pearleen's blog..nice sentence..well..if u guys din noe..tis sentence ish abt mii..hahax..arrogant person ish angry..i mayb v qian da now..u may hate mii i tell u..i don hate u fer sayin tt..cuz if i hate u..i'll b wasting my tym..i don hate u..i don like u..i don even wanna noe u..

    ya..i agree im a hypo..i even told cheryl tt mii see..its onli against u..U..ker lian nth..ur life ish onli studies n god..tts y i life..@ all..b grateful to us tt u can hab a nice tym during ur sec skol..if nt fer us..u will b lyk her..wont b even informed abt class pitiful ish wadeva to u now..u r nth to mii..n i shall nt waste my blog space..

    1st class of being angry..ish to scold w/o bad words..moron..

    sEen thRu 12:51:00 PM

    Sunday, February 18, 2007

    its d 1st dae of new yr..woke up quite early todae..LOL..8plus..shower..den ate breakfast wib family..had mee sua..den aft tt jiu take ang bao..muahahahaha..great sum..^^..aft which i went to prepare to go to dar's hse..and im late..haiish so sorri ehh..auntie kept u waiting..n delaying u guys fer ur lunch..finalli reach dar's hse at 12..sit awhle..jiu head over to his gram's hse..LOL..gram n d da yi were v cute ppl..haha..d lunch at jon's gram's hse made mii tink of d reunion dinner mii n my relatives..we oso hab big table..wib alot of nice food on d table..den my gram n some aunts will b d kitchen..cookin..while us..d small kidos and man..will b at d living rm..plying..tokin or "drinkin" anymore tis yr..such a sad thing..though i don reali hab feeling fer m'sia i still love d atmosphere during cny in m'sia..its jus so nice..lots of laughter..lots of fun..lots of tis esp[[ly]] greatful to daR..cuz i tot i wud hab to live off cny he took care of mii..made mii nt bored and made mii actualli nt to tink abt how we celebrated in m'sia..THX DAR!!! muackx..

    so..ate at his gram's hse..den watch tv..den went back his hse..dardaR plyed mesmerized by d way he ply n sing along..honestly i used to hate guiter now..its reali reali a vvvv different thing fer mii le..dar..hao yang d..shuai o!!!!!! MUACK!!! oh tt point..i suddenly realise i hab a v talented manly caring n lovely dardar..i definately muz treasure u..n our special relationship..muaCckkx..n i muz sae sorri dardar..always show xiao jie pi kinda hard fer mii to change nehh..dui bu qi..its my way of getting attention frm u oso..>.<..i try nt to b so petty wht i don lyk..will hardly change..hee..i stick to my own principle..muahahahahhaax..LURVES..

    gt 1 present frm dar..its nt wht i tink it its wht i guess it will b..its a vvvvvvvvvvvv lovely keychain..dar gt d king..while i gt d was reali cute..thx dardar..muaCk!!!!!! dar went to exchange clothes todae..he gt a white formal shirt which i lyk vvvvv much..reali..i tink smart casual suit him alot..i jus lyk to see him in collar dar in long sleeve oso v nice..AHHH!!!! dar zui shuai le la..muaCkkx..

    went to watch movie todae..was vv funnie..alot lyk scary movie..lame n entertaining..aft movie went hme..cuz dar rushing down fer another movie..norbit..wib ying n ber..muahahaha..dar deserve to enjoy himself..i shldnt tie him down..since its his hols..he shld n muz n deserve to ahead ba..enjoy yaself kk..b happi..n dear will b vvvv happi as well..

    tmr..2nd dae..will b slackish..cya guys real soOn..^^haPpi new yr..

    sEen thRu 11:52:00 PM

    Saturday, February 17, 2007

    finally..its d last dae of work ledi..n im dead overall it was quite fun todae..LOL..

    yeah..both $8888 and $3888 were given dey sae..both aunties pick receipts heck care la..nt my jus glad tt its all over now..muahahahahahax..

    okkie..rmb tt i im pissed abt tis work?! basicalli ish d customers..and who im workin 1st she was quite slowly..she begin to climb over my head..gimmi attitude fer no gd reason..askin mii to go n die..pull my hair..throw pen to mii infront of ish tt?! u find it v fun?! v entertaining?! i tell u..u completely stepped on my nerves..n im fuckin angry..see..dey sae..u can do alot of gd things to make ppl lyk once u did smth bad..all d gd images u try to put up will b gone..n tt ish wht happens to u now..well..when we 1st noe u..u don even dare to argue now..u r gibin us attitude..showing ur true self?! tryin too hard to get close to us..we r nt wht u think we r..we r nt as stupid as u tink we r..1st u irritate mii..nw u attitude cheryl..[[who ish kind enuff to help u]]..can u tell mii whether tt ish ryte or wrong fer u to b liDdat?! n..i extremely hate d way u treat u noe y ppl complain abt u?! cuz u hab d same attitude as ur dad..piece of advice..change ur attitude..or'll still b d same when u work in d future..whether its work..or in skol..its all d same..stop n tink y ppl dislike u..blame urself rather den tryin to push everything to ur god..seriously..wht ish ur prob?! luckii u..i din post it when im fuckin angry tt calm now..n im askin u to change..fer d if u insist tt u r ryte..den b it lo..we wont bother..we wont care..its nt our biz anymore..we're thru..thx fer d past..baO zhonG fer d'll all end here..pearleen..

    kkz..bad things things come..tmr meeting dar!!!! whOohoo..he seems v down n tired abt his job..dardaR..pls pls..jia u nehh..i'll b behind u..supporting u all d way..xinG ku ni le..i wish i can do smth to help u nt b so stressed up..T.T..jia u jia u jia u!!!! muackmuackx..
    gonna meet up wib dar to go buy shoe!!! yeah..dar buying shoe..while im buying heels..carn wait to see him..i miss u so!!!!!! n im sad tt i carn join u guys fer dinner tt reali v sad n feel left out..haiish..

    thx cheryl..reali lots of thx to agree to help mii out despite d troubles she had..thx lots lots lots..i owe u one man..muahahahahax..we jio our gang go dinner or lunch kkz..muahahahahax..

    vvv happi workin wib lilian, baby, siti, mira, vinder and all other securities and tech ppl..u guys hab been great help!!!!!! i'll miss u guys!!!!! all d best in everything u guys do..n i pray fer gd health n safety fer u guys..LURVESS...

    now abt myself..i've been feelin quite at d same tym i feel happi oso..mixture of feelings..make mii confused 1 thing im sure..i lurve dar vv thxful to cheryl..and wan to spend more tym together wib her oso..n im gonna retake my maths n sci..which i hope i can go to dar's hse to revise..n shun bian acc him..heex..if its possible la..LOL..

    phua phua..we shld reali plan a tym n date to go zoo..cuz i reali reali wanna go man..don bring mii to bird park can le..T.T..check out d dates kkz..THX!!!!

    advance happi new yr..tC..stay happi heathy n ya alotxx..thx fer everything..MUACKXX..chill..

    sEen thRu 1:14:00 AM

    Thursday, February 15, 2007

    tmr ish d last dae of work le..YEAH!!!!!! n im having phuAphua here to help mii..eveN more haPpi..muahahahahahahax...thx ehh..^^

    new yr comin..1st dae i will wearing dress ish bag ish shoe ish white..ARGH..will it b weird?! hmmm...hopefulli nt..haiish..

    lot more to blog in aft my work..reali wanna thx phuA!!!

    haiish..todae dar n his gang went to eat..i missed it agn..haiish..i feel so left out..cries..

    phuaphuA pei wo..T.T

    new yr ish comin..every1..ADVANCE HAPPI CHI NEW YR EHH..

    daRdar yo..jiayou jiayoU jiayOu!!!!!!! cheEr up kkz..go pearl centre onli 1 dae..cheEry..MUAcKX..!!! lovEss ya..huGgies..

    sEen thRu 10:49:00 PM

    Wednesday, February 14, 2007

    haPpi vdae haPpi..MUAHAHAHAHAHAX..


    ytd went to celebrate wib daRdar..went pizZa hut to eat d lover's meAl..haha..d pizza strAwbeRry..whOoo..shi suan d eating wib dardaR it turn out to b vvv nice..MUACK..clapclap to dardar..he ate alot alot 1st..d chicken wing came..den i eat half of it..dar ate 3 n its almost everything le..cuz deres onli 4..den pizza came..he ate 4 pieces while i onli ate 2..LOL..den brownie was still okkie..half half ba..LOL..dardaR became pregnant..frm all d food..ahhahahx..
    d pic ryte at d front..ish d flower by daRdar..vvvv beautiful..THX DAR!!! muackxx..

    sEen thRu 11:04:00 AM

    Tuesday, February 13, 2007

    v dae comin soOo sOon le..hahaha..mii n dar celebratinG 1dae earlier..hehehehehehehehehehe..

    so...tmr i'll b workin morning!!! den go off at 6pluS..muahahahah...haben find d suitable present fer phuAphua!..nvm larr..slowly find ba..muahahha...gib her nxt vdae haO le..MUAHAHAHAHHAX..

    todae at work..was dead boring larr..pearleen went to office to pack those goodie bag..den mii alone was spacing out d whole dae..den..sometyms loOk at ma phonE..haha..cuz gt dar's out again..den gt customer come den act vvv enegetic..LOL..customer go onli..i space out again..imagine my idiot face..LOL..

    new yr ish comin..YEAH!!!!! money ryte u shld lurve new yr wht..MONEY FESTIVAL hse gt quite alot of food le..muahahahahah...yea!!!! eat eat eat..

    i've ledi decided..i shall b hardworkin..i shall clean my rm n d balcony on 17th feb..muahahahah..which ish d eve of neew yr la..LOL..den my rm will b sparkling clean..whOoohoo..yeayea..i feel lyk takin all my soft toys out nehh..shall ask mummy abt it..hee..

    okkie..tink tts all in my mind todae..enjoy vdae peepx..luRvess

    daR..advance haPpi valentine's dae nehh..deaRdear luRves u as muCh as u Do..muahahahahha...MUACK!!!

    sEen thRu 12:28:00 AM

    Sunday, February 11, 2007

    haiish..well mayB i shld starT wib a quite haPpi..

    i did badly fer my Os..i onli haB 1 course which im eligible fer in poly..which ish visual design..its d one n ONLI d..den mummy ask mii go ite study..haha..tis aint a bad choice oso..cuz its somewht d same as d poly..i can oso pick up a skill..n go fer attachments..onli nit to wear uni ma..tts esp thankful to my parents..dey din even flare abt mii getting such lousy results...instead, dey were v i chose digital animation n digital media design fer nitec courses..and biz event management fer higher i oso went to appeal fer poly courses..hopefulli i can get it la..god blesS..

    was damn tired ytd..neglected i reali reali carn mind jus auto shut down..i slpt late d nite b4..den woke up bright early d nxt dae..during work..i was lyk spacing spirit donno go wher..den we went to eat all those snacks frm d stores opp till i gt a lil bit of sore throat..>.< least tt perk mii up a lil..if nt i reali fall aslp noe..den im sososososososo lazy ytd..i made pearleen ot till 9.30..hahahaha..cuz i don wanna b alone..if alone reali will fall aslp..den pearleen sae..if jon here..u sure wont fall aslp wrong le la..dar here i will slp his chest..HAHAHAHAHAX..hope todae i wont b so tired.. yr ish comin..n im reali excited abt it..MUAHAHAHAHAHAX..i donno y oso..i hope tis yr will b loads of fun yeahh..muahahahahx..gotto go..gng to meet phuA phua up @ tm..muaCkkx..daR..LURVE YA!!!!!

    sEen thRu 10:48:00 AM

    Thursday, February 08, 2007

    actuaLli gt alot of things to blog in over tis few im jus plain lazy la..lets tok abt tmr ba..muahahahax..tmr will b d dae fer results le..OMG!!! im tryin vvvvvvv hard to stay calm man..[bt den..if u noe any test or exam..i wont bother abt d results i oso heck care..oso donno y i can remain in express..LOL..] bt tis tym!!! im reali freakin out..lord..u sae ask n i shall b given..nw i ask fer gd results..pls grant mii tt n gib mii joy..i hab faith in u lord..thx jesus name Amen..

    abt a tuitee..he ish indonesian chinese..a cute boii..long eye suppose to teach him chi..its kinda difficult..cuz he don wanna speak chi..slowly ba..haha...fee ish 160..den mii n dar kinda quarrelled over it..cuz he sae it aint worth i jus forcefulli wanna take up d tuition..i noe im i reali wanna try..

    conflict aft conflicts man..we always hab we always tok things thru..phew..i reali reali hate it when we argue n we've ledi hook fingers n promise to try to nt quarrel le..muahaahah..dar gng camp soon le..i will miss him..hurry go in hurry come out okkie..`botAk

    i found out more n more atrracted to dar le..doNno y nia..dardar..u more n more shuai n cute dae..went to ur hse cook tt tym..suddenly find u vvv manly..LOL..suddenly become damn damn damn damn damn attracted to u..hahax..why nehh..hmmm...muaCkxx..

    i don wanna work le getting losing i wan d money!!!! muaahahahaha..actualli tis job..nt bad..noe siti mira n baby..r all gd ppl..lilian too..[shes d boss] LOL..jus tt..everydae doin d same thing..god damn boring la..den..once again..customers all so dumb..tis few daes my temper nt so bad le..cuz menses over?! i nvr reali complain or wht le..hahaa..ryte dar?! heexx..

    phua phua..i wanna go out wib u..sianZatiOn..dardar..i wanna pei ni..yawn ness..

    sEen thRu 11:37:00 PM

    Wednesday, February 07, 2007

    todae gt off..specialli take off fer todae..cuz dar sae i nvr pei to dar's hse todae..den his mummy sick..wib tummy ache..den we went to ntuC to buy some stuFf to coOk..whoOohoo..bought fishball, crabmeat, xiao bai cai, jin zhen gu, mushrm n we gt a vvv nice soup..muahahahahah..den we ate..etC..den dar's mum went to tan tock seng [[how to spell]]..ker lian..tC kkz..gueSs wht..dar's mum ask mii go eat reunion dinner..whOoohoo..muz ask my mummy 1st..lOL..

    went out wib dar n bugis..went makan den shop shop..was vvv tiring..even though we did nth much bt walk..LOL..i don lyk squeezy places..goSh..den..kinda lot of things pop up..dar..pls intro mii properly..i wan b a "proud" thing to b ur im quite upset abt tt..aft tt..went jalan..den yuan cai called..den tis tym..dar's turn to b den makes mii v sad oso..combine wib wht haPpen earlier in d dae den makes mii v sad..haiish..den aft tt jiu okkie le..cuz we tok thru..den we sae we muz b happi couple..muahahahahhahaha..i lurbe u dar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    todae basicaLli..ish liDdat onli..jus wanna sae sorri to dar..n i lurve u v muCh..muaCkkx..

    sEen thRu 11:52:00 PM

    Sunday, February 04, 2007

    yawn..workin workin workin..d onli 2 things tt make mii haPpi r..takin salary n lOokin @ cute things tt make mii frustrateD r alOt man..shall list a few..1st..STUPID LOUD CNY MUSIC LAR!!! PUT SO LOUD FER WHT!!!! DEAF AR!!! DEAF DEN DON LISTEN LA..its so damn fuckin loud, cannot hear wht d shit d customer ish blahing abt..n cannot tok to d customer properly..[[most customers r kok ears..dey carn hear properly..OR..dey r mentalli retarded..dey don understand wad the shit u're tokin its such a simple game..]] 2nd, explainin to customers abt d games n rules n stuFf ish..pure hell..yeah..lyk wht i sae..dey r mentalli retarded..either tt..or dey don hab brains..or rather common sense..

    can b so pissed off.. freakin pissed still muz smile smile n serve..den go break..complain to irene..den aft tt..jiu okkie le..THX LAOGONG[[irene]] fer jus beinG dere fer mii..^^

    wanna thx daRdar[[jon]] n nuEr[[phua phuA]]too..fer listening to my complains n stuFf..

    anyway..i wanted to buy a $29.90 decided nt to le..cuz its ugly if u look at it big deal..deres no diamond or even buyin ledi..muahahaha..i don wanna buy ring fer myself oso..absolutely meaningless..

    daRdar ish siCk..omG..he become sexy guy le..hab sexy lots of water okkie..don b lyk mii..lose my voice..its vvvvvvv painful to nt to tok..reali lil bit of fever..takE ya med kkz..don act strong ar!!! n den..try to forgive n forgt ba..muaCkmuacKkx..

    survive fer another 2 more wkx!!! den tis job will b over!!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!! salary!!!!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!! new yr!!!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!! v.dae!!!!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! take result!!!!!!!!!! boooooooo.........................

    haha..baSiCalli..tts all todae..wan an..nitEx..peaCe..

    sEen thRu 11:51:00 PM