guaRdian angeL

viiCkY heRE nEhh
eat, ply n sLp

daRk Chocolate.fOod.fRenz.muSic.wArmth.huGgies n kiSses.daRk clouDs formin.

animaLx.smokeR.biTter sour n spicy fOod.noiSy n crowded plAces.distUrb during my slp.coLdneSs



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    Wednesday, January 31, 2007 bloggin in at my workn ehh..nonono..shld sae..damn free eh..LOL..omg..i carn wait till fri gng to hab off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! den can go out wib dar n nu er..yeah..gng sAkae..muahahahhahahahax..

    carn wait caqrn gng baCk nw..muahahahahahaha

    sEen thRu 9:59:00 PM

    Monday, January 29, 2007 freakin menSes come v ouCh larr..cuz gt cramps....make my work a lil xing ku oso..stand up sit down..painful...

    baSicalli..i feel v haPPi n xinG fu todae..i lurve u daRdar..i'll b waiting fer d SAKAE!!! celebratiOn ryte!!! LOL..kiddin la..muaCkx..

    sEen thRu 11:16:00 PM

    Sunday, January 28, 2007

    its amazinG fer mii to rude can u gt?!

    todae..totalli no voice man..cannot serve d customer properly i reali reali reali feel v bad..i tink mani ppl tink i mute..LOL..

    work aint haPpi every single dae..todae ish slightly more happi..cuz daRdar came along..other den equals to shit..fuckinG shit..

    work makes mii soso tired..everytym i go baCk..i jus slp..n slp damn early..11pluS jiu slp le..haiish..lyk so no life lo..yawn..make mii hab no tym to meet up wib dar oso..he work i work..tym don matCh..cannot meet worst still..i gt no voice..carn even tok on phone..arGh..sorri daR..i'll tC of myself..

    i seriously don lyk tis work..hmmm..nono..shld phrase it tis way..i seriously don lyk wht haPpen durinG work jus simply SUCK la if i can tolerate..actualli i can..cuz it'll b over damn soOn..abt 18 more daes!!! JIA U VICKY!!! aft tt u'll b free free free!!!! life alone again../o all those aunties askin obviouS qns..n...hahahahahahax...

    i luRve u cheryl!!!!! u're d beSt..i doNno y toOO..hahaha..don worry abt ur job kkz..quit tis n im sure u'll b able to find one real quickly..tis job aint worth it oso..since u gt experience now..den whOohoo..snap ur finger n u'll b workin again..HAHAHAX..laO pa luRve u!!! n oNLi u!!!! *puke*

    daRdar yo..tiS few daes mOOdy ehh..doN sad saD kkz.dar muz b haPpi..i told u le..u're my source of haPpiness..u nt haPPi..means i wont b stay cheery kkz...MUACK..I LURVE U *no puke..puke ish onli fer CHERYL PHUA NU ER..*hEehee...muaCckkzxx

    sEen thRu 11:40:00 PM

    Friday, January 26, 2007

    i loSt my voiCe....................................

    okkie..todae..full shift..aFtnoOn..was bored bored bored la..den comes eveninG..quitE okkie..cuz i went to eat..muahAhaha..den nitE tym..whOOohoOo..all customers lyk mad ppl liDdat chiong to mii n ask mii damn lots of qns..den i tok majam lyk some old man who gt their throat cut..d sound so hoarSe idiot..was bz at nitE..close round 10 liDdat..den gt tis deaF man..I MET TIS DEAF MAN!!!! i so luRve him man..WHY?! cuz he ish deaf..den he carn hear i don nit tok soOOoooOoo damn happi at tt point of tym man..den i jus wrote down so instructiOns fer him..LOL..haPpi happi..can rest my voice oso..n he came baCk 3 damn tyms..LOL...den when its 9.30pm..alot alot of ppl come..haiish..where ish deir sense of tym?! carn dey see d bloody sign dere..OPERATING HRS 12PM TO 9.30PM..oh ya..customers lyk to come before 12pm n aft 9.30pm..doNno dey r dumb..or dey r jus dumb..forgt it..DEY R DUMB..MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! okkie..den close everything..went up..mira n i went to office..put ang baO inside office..waaaa...carn believe it..its SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO god damn heavy..yeah..den we ate ben n jerry ice cream..LOL..which ish inside d i ledi no i onli had one scoop..teEhee..

    10.30pm went baCk..can claim ot..LOL..half n hr onli..-_-...den wait fer bus..2 buS 81 paSs den comes 53..board 53...aft awhle..saw HUIYU..tis tym i din see wrongly..ITS REALI HER!!!! bt den upon seeing her bring baCk some fun n sad memories..LOL..den reaCh hme..wanted to wanna take some stuff frm my shelf..den guess wht..i fell frm d chair..fell on my baCk..den i hit my hand against d side of my mei's bed..OUCH MAN..sobsob..

    sEen thRu 11:38:00 PM

    Wednesday, January 24, 2007 comes d 2nd paRt of todae's entry..


    well..aft my nap..i feel sososososososososo muCh better..i don feel so angry or sad anymore..mayb its cuz of d heat in d i jus feel okkie now...

    fever gone down a lil..round 37.8 liDdat..feeling quite slpy..

    tmr off dae..gonna go down to by tmr..i'll b totalli okkie le..muahahahahha

    dui bu qi o..dardar..tis few daes..i hab been quite attitude to u..sorrri nehh..tink its mood swing larr..xing ku ni le..muz den..when im liDdat pls don argue baCk wib temper wont b gd in times lidDat..okki doKki..i stiLl luRve ya vVv muCh..muaCkkx..

    sEen thRu 7:42:00 PM sick im sick im so fuckin sick..

    make mii anyhow tink oso..
    to hab daR wib mii when im siCk..its ledi d beSt of d best le..even if its walkin round d mall when im nt feelin well..enduring all d stupid wind..[[which makes mii sick]] i still feel v empty..v sad..

    went to a clinic ytd..deres tis old bitch @ d registation counter..fuck u bitch..ask mii to hang up when im tokin to jon..idiot or freakin impolite la..sit down awhle..went in..doc tok in lightning speed..haben even go in fer 5 mins..jiu okkie liaox..n its 71doLlars..fer 3 stupid med n 1 shld change their clinic name to..baStard doc n old bitches..71buCks so angry..

    i hab nt been habin gd mood tis few feel so fucked up..luckki u guys..i haben fa pi qi yet..

    ARGH..i don feel gd.. i wish i can end everything i wont nit to feel angry sad happi worried..i rather hab no emotions n feelings..wont it b better?!

    im a lousy person..haiish..

    sEen thRu 1:14:00 PM

    Monday, January 15, 2007

    lonG since i've blog..long?! hmmm..yea..considered long la..lOL..anyway..i've been lazing aRnd..hands too lazy to move n type..thouGh todae aint v still..i wanna blog in..muahahaha..

    bEen havinG heaDache recently..damn la..aft stomach ache come 1 gt 1 free mae..haiii..been feeling v uncomfortable..lyk wanna fever its nt coming..HAIYO..izzit cuz i slp toO muCh?! gng to work soOn le lei..plS don let illness overcome mii..T_T..n tt idiotic menses..still don wanna come..hurry come hurry go la..make my work easier..make my life easier n haPpier too..

    my faRe....became adult fare..n till i gt into student life again..i'll b paying fer my own means no eat n ply fer tis whole freakin month n till feb d 18th..great or wht..told my mummy..wanted to take money frm her..den she nag "u all work le..shld take frm ur salary to pay fer ur own fare wht" okkie lo..FINE..i'll pay on my own..

    its nt lyk im earning how mani thousandds per month lo..n besides..its d 1st job i hab fer tis whole freakin hols..u expect mii to survive on tt LIL bit of money?! u ask mii to pay fer my foOd expenses frm okkie wib it..[[if u noe mii..i eat quite alot..]] n i've ledi cut down ALOT on foOd le..u ask mii to pay fer my student okkie wib it..since its nt so ex yet..BT DEN U ASK MII TO PAY FER MY ADULT FARE..WTFFFF...

    feelin kinda down tis few daes..mayb its cuz of my headache n d desire fer my menses to come..feeling lonesome..whOOohoo..wht can i do?!

    i MAYB getting a new phone who noes..mayb dey'll forgt abt it altogether..n dere goes my nt putting much hope in it..i've ledi waited fer almost 2/3 hope n faith all fade away nt expecting muCh frm them..

    sEen thRu 10:59:00 PM

    Thursday, January 11, 2007

    wasSup ppl..todae is a freAkin cold dae..rain rain rain..make mii wanna slp more..

    1stly i wanna sae sorri to daRdar..ledi 2 or 3 daes nvr meet up sorRi..been out wib ma sorRii..don sad kkz..muaCk..

    2ndly..wanna thx cheryL oso..muahahahah..u fulfilled d "shopping everydae aft japan trip" le..hahah..though its nt oso thx fer acc mii ledi..kept lots of things in my heart..n reali wanna pour everything out to thx fer listening n commenting..muahahahahahaha..beSt butts..lOL..

    3rdly..i wanna vvvvvvvvvvvvv so mani things r happening..i carn afford to miss them..i nit to b more energetic..pheeww...

    4thly..i carn burp on my own to put it leii..errm..means..i carn make myself burp..purposely..i onli can burp when its comin...omG..haiiish..BUT!!! cheryl can do liao la..

    laStly..its been a tiring dae fer mii..ask mii wht i did?..hmmm...i walked arnd n eat..tts all..VERY TIRING DAE..yawnn..

    sEen thRu 10:36:00 PM

    Wednesday, January 10, 2007

    whoOohoo..saw mdm soo n mrs ravi todae while i was gng hme..haha..nth much anyway..jus a lil shocked to see them lo..hahahahax....

    todae went fer interview wib ah phua..went quite well..lOL..hope phua will b able to gt a job asap soOon too..bleSs u..den went to eat..whOoohoo..1st tym eat mac spicy..freakin hot la..wahh lan i finish d whole damn thingi..YEAH!!!! congratx..phua sae its an achievement..muahahahahhax...yeah!!! achievement..muahahah..den while we were mani stupid birds fly around la..wah kaOx..shot u till u drop ar..damn birds..idiotic feathery THING..kkz..den we eat fer round 2hrs..ryte phua..haiiyo..1st tym..i eat fer so damn long..n i feel so full n bloated..suckki feeling..**puke**

    aft tt went daiso..den phua went to claSs..n i went mani ppl on d train..i don lyk to squeeze squeeze wib ppl la..alamak..den i saw 1 gerl..her dressin up was totalli weird..nvm abt tt larr..BUT!!! one thing tts weird fer sure..her hp ryte..i mean d strap..was so freakin long la..until her virgina dere sia..wah liew..-_-..i was dots can it b so low..LOL..hahahha..tts d joke of d dae..thing tt makes mii feel funnie fer todae..muahahahahahhax...

    anyway..dar [[jOn]] ish gng to army le..13 apr wor..haiiish..sorri i reali don lyk to go to squeezy sorri..we will definately see each other don sad kkz..muaCkx..aLl d beSt kkz..muaCkxx.. habin tummy prob pain nt constantly..i wonder wht ish d prob..shld go see doc?! or let it b..i shall see d situation..muahahah..hope it'll b okkie..menses hurry come..don strike when im workin..

    bleSs all..jOn n phua n those jobless ppl..

    bleSs skol hard fer Os o..

    goD bleSs

    sEen thRu 8:21:00 PM

    Monday, January 08, 2007

    todae..was a rather slaCkish dae..woke up at round 2pluS..den recieve cheryl's call..ask mii to call d office fer gng down fer interview on wed..muahahha..hopefulli can gt d job larr..muahahahax..went to find daRdar todae..told him tt i gt d interview..den he told mii abt d nS thingi..omg..he ish gng to nS le..haiish..2yrs..we can overcome it d..DON SAE I'LL RUN AWAY AR!!! hmph~

    went hme..on my way hme..dere ish 2 freakin muDs la..idiotic shit lo..i readin my bk..den d fat ass keep tokin to mii..shut ur arse ar..dumbo..

    he said::
    waa..gerl..readin bk ar..
    whts ur name?
    y ur face sad sad
    ur fringe v nice ehh

    i was lyk..shut d fcuk up..bytch..carn u see im readin my freakin interesting bk..disturb disturb..fcuk damn irritated lar..n u baStard..laugh laugh laugh..ask ur bytCh to shut d fcuk ur face ledi wanna reali reali irritated lar..goOd thing tt u let mii pass peacefulli when im abt to least u din make a fool of yaself b4 i alight..muahahahha..idiots..

    sEen thRu 9:39:00 PM

    Friday, January 05, 2007

    kinda celebrated yinG's b'dae gng to marinA bay to hab steAmbOat seSsion..whoOohoo..soRri i don eat muCh fer i snaCk alot..muahahahahhax..

    met up wiB daR..den aft tt went to maRina to loOk feR rene saB yinG n bEr..FINALLI pass sab her present le..[[hope ya lyk it]]..siA 1 uncle @ d mRt statiOn dere..KEEP askin us to go eat @ doNno wht steamboat man..iRritatinG..ppl don wan eat @ ur restaurant den let them b la..haiiyoyo..toOk bus to d plaCe..plyed poOl..OMG!!!!! im sososososososo louSy todae..haiiii..wheRes d skill i hab when i plyed wib jie jie @ bintan..saddeninG..4balls in a row..and 7minS enD one more le..*teaR* daRdar haO li coOl laR..nxt tym go chionG wib jie?! muahahhahax..$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ T_T...

    den went to makan..daR hurt his finger..[[R U OKKIE!!?!??!!??!]] n his shirt..fated to b dirtied nvm..nxt tym we go buy another shirt eat eat..i nvr reali ate muCh..doNno app..drink alot of water..LOL..den keep gng wonder if daR tink i gt bladder proB..hahahahhahax..ehhh..den went arcadE ply..ply shit oso la..miSsed so mani keys..wah lan ehhh..rhyd senSe all retuRn to conduCtors liaox..muahahahax..

    aft whiCh..we leFt fer HME!!! mii n daR ruSh lyk hell larr..cuz its nearinG 12am..den his laSt bus ish gonna leave w/o we walk super faSt..baCk to my hse..den he ran to buS stop..THX GOD he made it..phew...thx god..[[cuz he ish currently using adult ish freakin expensive..]] so..luckki he got on d laSt bus..[[no nit to spend even more money on cab..phew..]] daRdar..reali thx fer everything todae..actualli u can jus take mrt all d instead u acc mii hme..THX!!!!! luRve ya..

    tmr gng to sp wib phua peaRleen n ah jaS..whOoohoo..hope will b fulfilling..lOL..mAyb gng to singapoRe warehse fer interview oso..hmm..hopefulli can gt d job..^^..

    daRdar..sometyms u leave mii to wonder u always haB d ryte way to make mii stop wondering..don ask mii wht i wonder..LOL..cuz v haRd to put into words..hEex..zhong zhi nehh..u always make mii haPpi @ d ryte tym..^^..hEehee..muaCkx muaCkx..

    phuA nuEr yo..i nvr leave u aside n go wib ah jon..u still my v impt nuer!!!!!! okkie..we still ki siaO togetheR..we still lame together lo..where gt leave u aside..wah lieww..don sae ur ke ai d laO pa until liDdat la..I STILL LURVE U D..!!!! [[vomit]] hEex..

    peArlEen xiaO meiii..THX THX THX alot alot alot..fer those jobs u hab lOoked up fer mii..omG..u noe wht..u can go set up a welfare li hai zhAo gu ren..lOL..reali thx alot..^^

    daDdy n muMmi..well..its reali fate tt brought us a shld reali treasure eaCh other..we doNno whether we will still b alivE tmr i wanna sae..I LURVE U PPL..whether u r against mii or wiB mii..i still lurve u guys..cuz w/o u guys..i wont b here..i wont hab d fu qi to b in tis tis haB so mani great b wiB daRdar..n to meet chriSt..thx u..i shall learn to b independent..n nt to b so spoilt..i noe u all always gib way to mii over minor stuFf..i noe u guys hab tolerate my bad temper..fer vvvvv long..erm..16yrs?! LOL..reali reali reali..thx u..

    jiE jie n mei mEi..2 siaO gin na..always clicking..always crazy..lurve it when we sqeeze together in one queen size bed n slp..COSY!!! lurve to bite meimEi's cheek..luRve to go shopPin wib jiEjie..luRve it when whole family go out to eat..cuz we'll always hab alot of lauGhter..

    founD tt..d talkativE side of mii ish lost..somewher..i no longer tok alot..WHY?! cuz i lazy?! i mind ish always kinda blank when im wib rene sab ying ber dey all..wib dar i oso v quiet..WHY!!!!! tt makes mii a boring person..OMG..wib phua..i oso tok lesser le..WHY!!!! omg..ltr m i gonna b mute?! shit shit SHIT!!!...

    so mani things happened in 2006..all in all..its experience fer mii..whether happi or sad..i've made it new yr..a new beginning..meeting new ppl..getting new experiences..faCe it positively..make life easier n happier fer urself..negative NT ALLOWED!!! muahahahahhahahax..

    im fading away le..yawn..wanna orh orh le..zZzzZzzz...
    daR..luRve ya lots..
    phuA..nth to sae to u..hahahaha

    wan an ppl..peaCE..<33

    sEen thRu 12:59:00 AM

    Monday, January 01, 2007

    whOOo...itS no lonGer 2006 le..ITS 2007 LEDI!!!!!!!!!!!!! yr pass so faSt huh..waS juS staRtin to worri abt Os..n now..its all over and donE wib..COOLNESS..

    2006..left us wib alot of new we step into d brand new 2007..we will meet alot more new ppl n gain alot of other new experiences..aint tt exciting?! [[daR sure sae all yr d same wht..wher gt excitinG..-_-]] okkie lar..juS wanna wiSh all a happi new yr..we'll all haB a great yR aheaD..bleSs all to b safE n healthy..n of cuz..HAPPI!!!! and..if i hab been a trouble to some heRe to sae a v BIG SORRI!!!! n hope tt in d yr 2007..i'll b more grown up..n will cause less trouble fer frenz family and other ppl related to mii in any ways..heEhee..

    pls ar daR..its 2007 ledi..don b so cynical OKIE!!!!!! listen to mii tok oSo..lurve u v much..muAckx..

    sEen thRu 1:00:00 AM