Saturday, December 30, 2006
daRdar gt raShes..omG..seE him itCh lyk siaO its gonna b okkie v soOn!!!! chEer up okkkie..
so todAe acc him to hG d poLyclinic..well..was quite faSt..abt an hr liDdat jiu his tuRn le..yea..den went hG mall eat and went to bank gt toO muCh ppl..sO..nvr hab d chance to ask anything abt d acc thingi..muahahahhA..den went tO kovan..jalAn awhle den jiu go hme le..haiyo..daR v xingku liDdat..hope he feelinG better le..T_T..
bt hor..when he recover le..he bit siaO siao! side efFect???!?!?!??!?! LOL..nvm..he ish liDdat d la..muahahahhahahaha.....BUANGKOK AWAITS U...muahahahahahhaax..
sEen thRu 11:12:00 PM
Monday, December 25, 2006
waSsup ppl..MERRY XMAS!!!!! tym pass so fast..itS ledi end of yr le..whOoohoo
::24th deC::
went to work as moSt special thing ish..ITS DA LAST DAE OF happi thing ish..i fell siCk..i gt fever den flu till v thx to dar..i gt better..he came down all d way frm yishun to sk to pass mii d med..THX DAR!!!!! n i made u wait fer so so so ytd was quite fun la..aRid was lyk super lamE lo..-_-..he ish so damn colD..ANYWAY!!! i gt a freakin disguSting thing to sae..lOL..okkie..its liDdat..i board buS 87 to work auntie was sitting oPposite mii..i tink she jus went to market or wht..cuz she hab a lot of baGs wib her..something cauGht my attention..d moment i board d bus..sat down..she was diggin her noSe ALL D WAY!!!! frm my hse to sengkang leii..wah lan ehh..jus oPposite mii onli lei..its lyk seat er la..den ar..finish nose le..she went on to ear..GOSH..den she ish lyk enjoying herself sitting dere trying so god damn haRd nt to lauGh lo..after ear she went baCk to nose again..wah liew ehh..eeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkk...wht ish her freakin prob man..i noe u hsewife oso no nit do it till so obvious..N SO LONG..fer d whole bus to see d ma..haiyo..den ar..she dress till so kiddish la..her shirt so short..den her pants wear so HIGH!!!! meGa dotS..i told my jie den she sae..she still young @ heart la..her mentality still kid was freakin funnie lo..hahahaha..i can still laugh when i tink of it..u shld see it wib ur own eyes man..oh ya..den work work..pack pack..frm 8 pack till 10pm..still muz sweep ar..all i onli pack a lil onli..heEex..thx ppl..muahahahah..when can i gt pay leii..i nitta clear my debt..sobb..after work went to renE's hse..ate steamboat..was freakin funnie la..anyway..RENE!!! sorri i wash plate ish reali v slow d..cuz mummy always guard mii when i wash plates..she will sae here nt clean dere nt i wash v slowly..i piCk up alot of habits frm my mummy..sorri..den wash veggi ish learn my gram d..she sae gt alot of muz wash alot of tyms..DUI BU QI!!!! 2plus..mummy n daddy came to pick mii up..reaCh hme..realise i gt PRESENTS!!!! happi..i gt a set of pooh face towel frm mEimei..n a bottle of perfume frm jiEjie..THX!!! i'll gt ur presents as soon as i hab money kkz..^^..thx alot..daddy gt a tie..mummy gt lotion..hahax..::25th deC::woke up @ round 10pluS..den went to eat timsum wib my aunt..den went to her condo..was quite nice..LOL..mummy sae we will b changin car..yeah!! i lyk tt car..its..erm...mercz C180..damn cool car..whOoohoo..i lyk...vvvvv car..can use manual n auto gear d..freakin cool ryte..LOL..carn wait till 2009..shld b changing during 2009 or 2008..whoOohoo..its smaller den our recent who cares..its nice..heres d piC of d car...
heex..okkie..i gng to showeR le..chEery..^^
sEen thRu 10:53:00 AM
Sunday, December 24, 2006
im so pissed..hmmm or rather irritated la..don bloody order mii arnd man..u r juS one lil boii okkie..if u aint boSs's son i surely gan u d..nt one dae..2 bloody daes ledi horr..damnit..tok to daR he oso will tell mii abt his work stuff onli..wah lan ehh..
haii..feeling kinda down..happi tt menses ish over..sad tt i carn spend tym wib daR..HAIII..i donno lar..i've been feeling so damn empty lo..wht i wanna do..wht i wan..i shit..SHIT..
2daes nvr go hme wib daR lonely..i oso understand his work don allow him to do den i jus feel sad la..haiii..
i doNno wht i wan larr..damnit..
i hurt index finger d part near d nail..v painful..cuz everytym muz open boxes..den make it hurt so much..n..i realise tt i hab a small cut on my arm..whOooohoo..tts no big deal..
tmr ish my last dae of so happi!!!! tmr ish xmas eve le..ppl..advance merRy xmas grEeting frm mii ehh..bleSs all..chEery..
sEen thRu 12:15:00 AM
Friday, December 22, 2006
todae ish d 1st dae i work @ sengkanG..omG..its was hell bz..n im freakin tiRed..met nice ppl dere..ariD ish 1 malay guy..find him familiar..den i finalli rmb..i saw him once..when he deliver goods to wonder he looks familiar..
he taught mii how to use d cash was god damn i make 2 sad..den d customers were lyk..blaCk face..haiiii..sad..SORRI..ITS MY BAD..i'll try my beSt to master it..anyway..todae was reali bz..REALI bz..nvr stop moving todae legs r aching..i don even hab tym to tink abt till i forgt hungriness [[ish dere tis word..don tink heck care la..lOL..]] bt ariD's mum bouGht us kiSses n switS..THX AUNITE..
when it was damn mani customers came exciting..lOL..seriousLy..i rather work @ compass den @ northpoint..i rather eaRn d money thru hardwork..muahahahhahax..clapcLap..
daRdar came round evenin tym..ker lian ni le dardaR..sorri to make u wait fer so long..thx fer tt waffle..was put to great use..cuz i onli ate breakfaSt todae..lOL..n so sorri if i was so cold todae..cuz i seriously tired..i wanted to slp even when we're walking..dui bu 3 more daes..n den i'll graduate frm tis work le..YEAH!!!!! muACkx..
tmr gonna wake up early again..i hope i hab d appetite to eat breakfaSt..if nt muz wait till knock off go hme den can eat le..waaa..majiam fastinG hair hasnt dry yeah!!! daR n mii tmr both working FULL shift..muahahahahahhahax..
i wanna space out le..cya guys..tC yea..bleSs chEryL..cuz shes overseas..bleSs my frenz..amen..heEx..bleSs mii n daR tmr..teEheexx..muaCkkx
sEen thRu 12:30:00 AM
Thursday, December 21, 2006
yea!!!!! one month pass so quickly ar..itS ledi one month fer jOn n my relatiOnship..muahahahhaha..well..cuz within tis month..i went to work..he went to work..lesser tym still..we try to meet up..lotS of stuFf happen we survived d one month!!!! LOL..daR gt mii a pggy bank..super duper kawaii..THX DAR!!!!
tmr will b gng to compass to damn near to daR's workplace..lOL..can spy compass will b damn bz larr..gosh..i tink im gonna die dere..cannot slaCk oso..T_T..sad..tmr will b ONLI MII..wahhh...damnit..see mii die tmr kkz..muahahahhahahax..
i go shower le..i wanna watCh long nvr watch penniless..
sEen thRu 12:00:00 AM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006 sad la..todae..1st..go work..den 1st customer jiu gib blaCk face..damn it..den aFter tt..kena caught in d rain..den turn v tired..yawn...den after tt..tym spent wib dar oso so short..haiii..den after tt reaCh hme..mummy scream @ mii cuz of my phone bill..FINE LA..i gib her my sim card la..don wanna use her money liaox la..FUCK[[sorri i carn stand it..i hab to angry..]] i don wanna take money frm them liaox fuckin poor im..i oso don wanna take their money le la..tis phone oso i ownself buy sim card..means no spending of their money..HAPPI NT..damnit..
take my pay..return cheryl's mum all d money..den pay my phone bill..gib my parents jia left wib $ huh..suffer fer freakin 14daes..actualli can gt left wib $ sad can my life gt..nvm..tis will b d last tym im gonna spend their money on phones..hmph..
streSsed up..can u all don freakin care abt mii nt..i plead u larr..gimmi my own life larr..i noe im onli 16..i still hab a long way to den..wht u guys can do fer mii ish to stop nagging..i seriously don lyk..IM NT HAPPI..i wanna cry..i don wanna go hme..
bt i wont let all those stuff make mii sad so gonna make everything turn out fine..let mii sae it one last tym..[[FUCK]] better ledi..
sEen thRu 12:35:00 AM
Monday, December 18, 2006
whOoo..aftEr tis few daeS..i founD seriouSly..seriouslY..intO tiS relationship..mani thinGs haPpened..i cud hab juS let eveRythinG go..n enD tis relationship..cuz mani thinGs r stuFf i caRn stand in d d greAt thinG ish..i nvR..i nvr let go..instead..i proteCted it..
stuFf i cuD haB quaRrelled abt, i cuD haB beEn so angRy abt..i kept quiet..stuFf tt i diE die oso wont dO in d paSt d..i did i still caRn it too well..cuZ i don haB experienCe frm d paSt..
anyway..all those stuFf tt happen tis few daeS leave mii to tink alot..alot alot no matter wht..i still wanna save tis relationship..i don wan it to topple so daR..i nit ya trust n confidence..
dOn keep everything to yaself..pls pls pls shaRe..if nt i wont noe wht u r thinking..iF u r crying..let mii noe wht happen..i reali reali cannot bear to see u sad..okkie..i wanna gt to noe u more too..its nt fair tt u always keep mii happi den u r sad kkz..u fu tong xiang you nan tong dang d..u always eat ur words..i wont allow tt!!!! i shall b more demanding..BLEAHX..
anyway..saw daR's mum i shy ar..see her..i bluSh..phew..heartbeAt so shes quite friendly leii..LOL..hope everything will tuRn out fine..
ARGH!!!! i gonna b late fer work le..gotto go..BUAIX..
daR i lurVe u
frienDs!!! i MISS U GUYS!!!!
sEen thRu 10:32:00 AM
Saturday, December 16, 2006
15th dec..menses came..cramp man..haii..den somemore still hab to tiring sia..alot of customers ask mii to take stuff fer them to see bt nvr buy tiring n pek chek larr..haii..den dar came..facE black..he sae i treat him lyk a stranger..NO I DIN!!!! i was can i speak to a customer den tok to him @ d same tym nt treating u s a strangEr..i swear im nt..IM NT IM NT IM NT..well..@ least i did hit d target 300buCks fer tt dae..phew..BT!!! fer 13th n 14th..i din manage to reaCh 300buCks..OMG..muz jia you jia you..oh yea..u guys may ask..even if i don promote..ppl will still buy..n i will still gt my pay..cuz i don gt commission d ma..BT!!! boss told mii 1 dae @ least tts kinda lyk a responsibility le lo..fer mii to hit tt target..yao zuo jiu zuo daO hao hao..^^ daRdar..don angry le kkz..i lurve ya lots lots d..n i hope nxt tym..REALI REALI..if we hab prob or some misunderstanding..we can TOK..nt sms or msn..i seriously wanna listen to u..kkz..u gt prob..u DIE DIE oso muz tell mii kkz..don b lyk ytd hor..i don wanna quarrel..I HATE both b happi hapPi kkz..^^..
sEen thRu 2:32:00 PM
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
waaaa..i gt a's uncle job..LOL..sales..promoter..was kinda a senSe of joy n man zhu gan when ppl buy d stuFf u r promoting n wheN d totaL sales ish hiGh..whOooo!!! 1st dae's total sales ish 300plus buCks..clap clap..2nd dae wasnt v nvm..i'll keep workin haRd!!!!!!!
work plaCe gt nice 1 da jie sell shampoo d, an auntie sell brands d, 1 da ge sell nutrient drinks d..and vvvVvv friendly cashier..^^..thx fer helpin all along..u guys r great
i lOOk forward to 9pm everydae..why?! cuz its tym to knock off AND can meet up wiB dardaR..!!!!! im eva so happi to see dar..SO DAR IM GONNA TELL U..I ONLI LURVE U!!!! NO ONE ELSE KKZ..pls trust mii..i lurve ya..
though workin ish hard @ least i will hab some cash..wont hab to tax daRdar so much..DAR DAR u xing ku le..pls pls tC..god bless ya ucler n tummy pain will heal asap..
yawn..wanna slp le..wan an ppl..god bleSs..
sEen thRu 11:27:00 PM
Monday, December 11, 2006
pearleen sae i shldnt b vulgar i shall nt write d F word anymore..yea..kekekekeke..
i shall end my entry todae..muahahaaha..
sEen thRu 6:58:00 PM
Sunday, December 10, 2006
todae..super miserable dae fer mii..1st..early in d morning..daddy tell nt gonna gt my phone tis dec..FUCK..[[im reali nt happi lo]]..den he sae..he gonna gt my mum's 1st..i oso noe my mum's phone bit spoil le..BT IM STILL PISSED OFF..haiiiii..i noe i carn b liDdat la i carn help it too..haha.. was a fuckin boring dae..let mii recall wht i did..i tink..i used n slp..WHT KINDA OF LIFE ISH TT..absolutely NO LIFE..i tink i shld reali slp my life away man..
3rd..met up wib i jus gt tis empty feEling larr..i wanna him to b by my side..i oso noe he ish tired la..he live so far away..mornin i ledi din disturb him le..i was so damn freakin bored larr..cheryl carn meet mii up oso..she hab to buy her winter wear fer her japan trip..DEN IM SOSOSOSOSOSOSO bored..haiii..den when i finalli met up wib daR..he sae he ish tired..wanna go off..T_T..sorri fer my im liDdat..dui bu qi..whts up wib mii?! PMS?! campbell no so unhappi le..den my campbell still no taSte..fuCked up.. parents r comin baCk tonite..
no big deal..
sEen thRu 11:51:00 PM rejeCted 2 tyms todae..1st @precious thouGhts..2nd tym @ tiS faShion..haiii...nvm..i shall continue to work hard to find a needed urgently..ehh..well..nt reali jus wanna d money lo..hahahax..lets jus sae i wanna b independent larr kkz..i don wanna depend on tt 30buCks frm my parents liaox..muahahahhax....bleahh...
todae went serene's hse..was fun..OMG..d dorm we watched ish so damn freakin boring larr..nt scary @ 1st when i heard dey wanna watch horror movie..i was lyk..SHIT!!!! bt it turned out tt heaven ish helping tt show ish reali fuCkin borinG lo..serene n ying fell aslp..lOL..i nearly...fell aslp toO..
den sabrina show mi her collection of great messy as mine..MUAHAHAHAHAX..anyway..most of her comic ish i don hab its GREAT!!! den ate macoroni..huge bowl of its nice..THX UNCLE..anyway..uncle nenG chi shi fu..^^..ate tomato oso..yea yea..nice nice..i lurve tt..den play cards..blah blah..teehhEe..den take cab hme..rush rush..cuz mummy calling..haiii..don wanna bring it up oso..waste my breath..hahaha..anyway..dey'll b outta singapore till mondae..whOOoohooo...NO PARENTS!!!! NO SLP!!! [[see if i can tahan lo..muahahahahah]]
sEen thRu 12:48:00 AM
Friday, December 08, 2006
changed a blogskin todaE..teehee..doNno y im so attracted to it..hmmm..haha..todae..slpy dae..after meeting wib dar..went hme to eat..jiu fell aslp le..till 6pluS woke dinner..waTch tv den now bloGging in..YAWN..
i wanna i don feel lyk shit i doNno y..certainly gt nth to do wib dardaR d stuFf..mayB ish my mummy ba..haii..keep sayin christian peepx aint gd..wht doeS a buddhist noE abt christiaN stuFf..hmph..iF u doNno anythinG juS shudup..itS normaL fer christians tO invite u to chuRch d ma..n its onli 2 ppl askin u to a x'mas paRty lei..whts d biG u nit to tok bad aBt christians?! n u freAkin noe im 1 toO..n u blOody sae it infront oF mii..n so damn louD somemore..heLLo i hab 2 bloody eaRs..i can heaR u wht if u r my mum..itS onli a paRty lo..don wan can juS rejeCt d ma..nit to let d whoLe noes u don lyK christians nt..kaOx..
n don eva blame us feR nt doin wht u expect us to do okkie..we din wanna go fer tt trip..u force us to go..u sae u wanted family ish y i spend tym to go wib u all..i could hab spend tt tym wiB daRdar n gt to noe him even tt we've come baCk frm tt trip..u sae tt "we spend money to bring u all overseas to ply and eat gd food..and now all u noe ish do nth..u don even noe how hard we work to earn tt money.."
i mean..seriously..if u tink u don wanna spend tt hard earned money..den b it..don spend it larr..we din ask fer anything..u willingly spend it on don bloody blame us..if u wanna go..go wib daddy nxt tym larr..whts d big deal..its nt lyk i carn go nxt tym..
if u doN wanna trUst mii im fine wiB dOn show it to mii larr..
im nt gonna make my life miserable jus cuz of u..i can make u outta my life..u r nt worth to b my sorrow..
thx fer makin mii frustrated tonite man..
sEen thRu 9:58:00 PM
whoOohoo..todae met up wib dar[[early in d morning somemore..cuz somebody nvr can meet mii so early]]..he told mii something reali reali personal to glad tt he din keep it frm mii any longer..@ least he careD..dardar..nxt tym don keep anything frm mii ledi kkz..if ya gt any prob can jus tell nit scare or bu hao yi si..if i gt stuff i'll surely tell pls pls..don keep anything frm mii ledi..tis will onli make mii feel tt im nt impt to u..cuz u rather tell ya frenz den mii..okkie?! ^^
bernard sae he will rather choose cheryl den was a lil depressing..hahax..cheryl indeed ish more prettier n cuter den im i oso bwg [[bo wei gong]]..LOL..dardar y initialli choose mii lei..hmm..becuz u lurve mii!? how can u luRve a Aminus, ugly n skinny gerl compared to a cute, white n swit lookin gerl lei?! dar..i still lurve u..
sEen thRu 1:26:00 PM
Thursday, December 07, 2006 baCk frm bintan island..i've gt a whole lot of stuff to write..
::5th oF dec::
went to daRdar's hse..whOOo..i luRve his hse man..vVvv organized..vVv nice to mii..LOL..went baCk hme..paCk my stuFf den slp..zZzzZZzzz..
::6th deC::
woke up rounD 6pluS..showeR den heAd to d poRt..oh man..d aiR con dere ish free 1 damn cold..even d food @ d food plaCe ish frozen cold..den..board d shiP..fell aslp straight away..cuz if i stay awake i'll b giddy..LOL..round ah hr..reaChed bintan..boaRd d buS..sat @ d sit jus beside d my butt painful..cuz 3 ppl sitting on a two sitter..den my butt was on d metal..N D ROAD WAS BLOODY BUMPY..T_T..ouCh oucH..before we took off..mii n my jie was lyk..disturbing d kids infront of our buS..LOL..den dey lyk so shy..LOL..
reaChed d hotEl..biG kinda interesting thing..dey serve nice drink to huh..1st tym rm no. was 5027..went up to put stuFf..on 20 over goOd hse oso don hab niA..den went to d cafe dere..ate sandwich cake n hab some drinks..

[[tiS ish d cake we haB..^^]]
after d caken stuff...we rented taxi[[tt piC of my mei n mii..ish d interior of d taXi..super

comfortable..air con oso free d]]..n den went outta d hotel..went to play "go-kart"..u racing caR thinGi..LOL..freakin damN d engine keep dying On mii..doNno stop fer how mani daMn overaLl was v coOl..^^ one thing..d stupid steerinG wheel waS so damn diFficult to tuRn la..i movE d stupid thing till i muscle ache [[izzit cuz im too weak?! or tt thing ish diff to move..LOL]] so now..both my arms r aching lyk shit..LOL..

i noe d pictures r beaR wib mii..LOL..stupid ppl take stupid piCtures ma..LOL..
after "go-kaRt"went to take piC wiB monkeys..d monkey ish sosososososososo ugly larr..

[[d pic w/o d stupid monkeys..ish d open field outside d "go-kart" centre..
after takin piC wib d monkeys..went baCk to hotel..wanna see my solo in d taXi?! u don wanna see..i oso wanna show u..MUAHAHHAHAHA...

kkz..teehheex..went baCk hotel fer lunch

..i hab..mushrm soup..after lunch..went baCk hme..nap..den 5pluS..went outta d hotel d same taXi..went to "oleh oleh" erm..a "shopping" place dere..LOL..bouGht some stuff..den i saw tis CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE babi!!!!! OMG!!! she ish so damn cute..let mii show u her pic..teehee..

[[deres d baby..CUTE HUHX!!!]]
MUAHAHAHHAX..okkie after d "oleh oleh" went to eat dinner..d journey was freakin long..n d air con was damn cold..mii was slpin lyk big @ d back seat..hahahhax..reaChed d eating place round 7plus..its a kelong restaurant..whiCh oso means..d hse ish jus above water..yuppy..gueSs wht..deres 2 small sharks n a stinGray in d water..coOl..settled down..den ordered..we ordered..lobster, crab, prawn, vege and coconut..
well..can sae d food dere ish nice..cuz its fresh..BT DERES A FREAKIN CAT DERE..eeeewww...n its cold dere too..d wind kept blowing blowing..pheww..luckii im seated @ a place facin d direction of d wind..muahahahahhaha..after dinner went baCk to hotel..was ledi vvvv tired..lay on my bed..on tv..watCh.....till abt 12 or 1am..left d tv n lights all on..LOL..den slpt..lyk a pig agAin..woke up alot of tyms..donno y deres one tym when i woke up..i saw dbsk's mtv..muahahahhhax..oh ya..i noe i dream of forgt d dream le..hahax..tis shows how much i miss him man..teehee..
::7th deC::
woke up round 9[[singapore tym]] shower..pei jie jie go swimming..onli she swim..mi n mei see her swim..[[nw she ear block..MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAX]]after tt..went fer breakfast..buffet i din eat much..cuz i don hab habit of eating i enjoyed d miso soup dere..THUMBS UP..after breakfast..went to d billard rm..plyed fer an hr..den plyed table tennis..din noe my mummy n daddy can ply so well..den snack..ate fish n chips..n banana dere ish expensive..after all out..mei daddy n mummy went to d beach again..while mii n jie jie went to billard rm again..LOL..waaa..i find tt i gt d talent sia..LOL..kiddin man..LOL..all tyc0-ness..hahax..plyed fer 2hrs..was alot of fun..hab u eva see some1 who can hit d freakin white ball out of d table?! tts my jie..^^ pro ehh..hahax..den suddenly mei n daddy den mummy was outta sight..OMG..scare d crap outta us..we thought she's lost..den we found her @ d lobby..phew..4plus..d bus came..den we took off to d ferry place again..waited lyk hell..finalli d damn ferry come..board..n slp my way to singapore..den all those custom things...blah blah blah..HME SWIT HME!!!!! quite enjoyed tis trip..hahahax..thx mummy n daddy..
i seriously nit to mention 1 stuff..D HOTEL TOILET ISH SO DAMN NICE!!!! spacious, d shower thingi ish nice..d tub ish nice..d toilet bowl ish even nicer..d flush ish pull upwards d..hahahax..d towel ish freakin heavy d..ker lian wo..muscle ache still muz take such a heavy thing to dry myself..hahahax..
anyway..i tink im gonna fell sick soOn having flu n sore throat now..when will fever come?! LOL..wo shi ping ren.....cough cOugh..
here r somemore picturess..enjoy..^^

d sand wib a pattern u see dere..IT ISH NT MAN MADE..its made by huh..hahaa
sEen thRu 9:29:00 PM
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
gng to some island in indonesia soOn..omG..hope tsunami wont come man..LOL..yawn..goin fer lyk..1 n a half daes!? liDDat oso song?! haiiix..nvm lar..go dere eat gd food jiu haO..relax myself..LOL..mummy sae gng fer spa..whoOohoo..1st thing..go dere..EAT!!!! den..erm..slaCk ba..anyway..its onli..lyk..1 n a half daes..AWWW..muz wake up freakin early tmr..daddy sae 6plus muz leave d hse le..6plus IN D MORNING!!!! yawwnnxx....
ytd..went look fer went down all d way to long nvr go down le..lOL..ytd was reali walkathon man..go yishun..walk walk walk..come baCk kovan..oso walk walk walk healthy sia mii n ytd was kinda boring larr..BT!!! i manage to b wib its okkie!!!! LOL..he muz b damn tired..cuz he woke up earlier den usual..den he gt stomach prob..haO ker lian o..den somemore i don let him go hme earlier to hab his dinner..SORRI WOR DAR DAR..hope u'll b okkie todae le..god bless..luRve ya
band concert comin on d 18th dec..jia you lo band peepx..u guys gng to hk soon too..yi lu shun feng kkz!!!!!
sEen thRu 12:00:00 PM
Monday, December 04, 2006
goSh..ytd was a freakin tirinG dae..1st 1st tym..fell aslp after i came hme frm town[[on soFa somemore..nt beD]]..LOL..
ytd went bugiS n sunteC wib ah phua..went bugiS to do somE shopPinG..i bouGht a t shirt..muahahahahax..n d print saes.."don interrupt mii when im tokin crap"..phua sae it suits mii i bouGht it..LOL..
leFt suntEc..while leaving bugiS..dere was tis fuckheaD guy..he is a peeping tom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he stood so closely to us..weird huhx..den i look down..under his toeS was a piece of mirror!! i was wearing its he was standing behind phua..who was wearing i doubt he saw anything..1stly cuz he was still adjusting when i pull phua infront of mii..he proberly thought we r les..LOL..cuz i was "LYK" [[nt reali]] huggin her n whispering to her..hax..n 2ndly..phua's skirt was those narrow down skirt..BLEAH..U FUCKHEAD..damn u..shld hab step d crap outta u..warning to all gerls..who wears skirt..BECAREFUL OF THOSE JERKS!!!!! tis kinda ppl actualli EXIST b reali careful okkie dokki..
came hme round 6..cuz mei sae i die die oso muz reach hme by 6..cuz we're gng fer dinner wib my aunt n her i rush rush d end dey came round 7.30pm..yawn..fell aslp on d sofa while waiting fer them to lil cousin was so so so hyper active man..cannot stop moving d thing i can b vvvv sure..when he grow up..he will b damn attractive..2 big eyes n a small mouth..LOL..went hong kong cafe to eat..well..i don tink d food dere ish nice la..LOL..den parents were i entertain haozhe..he said im d oldest cuz im d onli wearing heels ma..aww..he ish so cute..he tot deres dinosaur in d drink call milo dinosaur..LOL
tts all abt ytd..tiring up wib jon..awww..miss him so much..kkz..shall end her..i wanna watch gueSsX3 le..buiax..TC..
-goD bleSs-
sEen thRu 1:30:00 PM
Friday, December 01, 2006
todae..2nd dae of chalet..kinda boring..i was so freakin excited abt d biking slot im gonna hab todae..DEN AR..I DIN GT TO BIKE IN THE disappointed lor..NVM..nxt tym jio kakkees go together..hmph..
todae..was so damn freakin bored..went white sand..den walk walk..find darren's ganmei's present..WHOOO..he gt her a cool necklace..lOL..ITS STAR!!!! WOW..ITS MII!!! staR= [[chineSe=XIN]] MUAHHAHAX..den..went to downtown d arcade..darren's shooting was so gd lar..broke d high score..CLAPCLAP..den went to chalet..walked pass d kopitiam..saw shima..waited wib her..cuz shifu n gang were in escape..[[enjoy onli..leave us..innocent ppl dere waiting fer d damn keys]]..waited waited..ah phua came..den tok awhile..bought cake..den chao to arcade again..plyed d percussion thingi machine..hell boring..den watch darren shoot shoot again..lOL..went baCk chalet..[[when dey are FINALLI back]] den played poker n uno..haha..kinda fun..lyk war liDdat..LOL..den 9pm..went beaCh..sing HAPPI B'DAE SONG to MR DARREN GUO..ate his cake..den went back to take buS to d station..OH..he lyk d lighter we gave him..phew...i tot he wont lyk..cuz he sae he hated bleach..PHEW..okkie..den reaCh statiOn..saw my beloved dardaR..with a great hairstyle..[[go boii..u've graduateD frm a geRl!!!! whOOo i lurve ya!!!]] den..walk to bus stop..dar lyk nt happi liDdat..hmm..why leii..cuz he tired?! REALI?! i kept quiet oso lorr...den board bus 81..gave daRdar d honeystaR he wanted to eat..was put to greaT use..cuz he was hungry..^^..happi tt i've at least did smth fer him..YEAH..den reach hme round damn went sit sit @ study corner..did kinda lots of tokin..did we??! lOL..even if we did nt..i still enjoyed d tym i spent wib ya..daRdar..don make mii hab heart attack can..uR actions all make mii v shy nia..told ya i v noob d nia..hahax..reaCh hme round 11.45 i guess..den shower..and now sitting here..updating my red red blog..n waiting fer my hair to dryy....
dardaR..pls hor..don slp so EARLY in d morning can..haiyoyoyo..wait ltr u reali "cannot ar"..>.<..
all my kakkeess...[[sher, lina, irene, dan, cheryl, mei eng]] PLS PLS PLS..plan d zoo thingi lei..ltr u all go hongkong liaoX..jiu cannot go le...PLAN LEI PLAN LEI..i wanna go..WE wanna go!!!!!!!!! gogogogogogogo...n ppl gng hongkong..I WAN PRESENT!!! ehh..person gng JAPAN ar..I WAN MY PRESENT OSO HORR..muahahhahahahahha..XIE XIE MANX..
sEen thRu 11:55:00 PM
~~ Beauty of a Woman ~~ The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, The figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes, Because that is the doorway to her heart, The place where love resides. The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, The passion that she shows. The beauty of a woman With time, only grows...
im vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv happi todae..
sEen thRu 12:07:00 AM