Tuesday, October 31, 2006
wah lan eh..my stomaCh hurt lyk shit..aRGH!!! i gt muscle ache!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wah lan ehh..
okie..tts all..LOL
sEen thRu 4:17:00 PM

OOoopxxx..niCky!!! i stoLe tiS fRm uR frEndsTer..LOL..
it'll b nameD :: THE TWINNI

>>>>>> tiS isH a piC [[seCretly]] taKen by aunTie [[jaS's mum]]
deRe..mii cheryl n ah jaS..
sEen thRu 12:24:00 PM
tEe hee
wow..i went to read all my previous blog ins..wow..i found tt my life changes alot man..LOL..bt its majority fer da better..LOL..
well 1st..i met christ..n my life ish completely different now..n i noe tt he ish fer real cuz..wheneva i don tok to him fer more den 3 daes..i'll feel v lost..THX GOD U WERE DERE FER MII WHEN I NITted U..^^..
2nd..my perspective of relationship ish changing..i no longer hab tt "plying" feelings le..^^..gd thinG?! lol..well..to mii it ish..LOL..wanna settle down into some real n serious relationship..isnt tt great?! LOL...bt den i muz reali reali find "da 1"..lOL..well..i gt cheated once online..i don wanna gt cheated again okiE?! lol..jonathan..if u reali r serious..den show it to mii lar..via words doesnt help..^^..im difficult to satisfy de..hahaha..i noe u noe tt v well..=D..
pardon mii..actualli i reali wanna continue..bt i freakin tired..wanna slp le..continue tmr baxx..wan an PPL..
sEen thRu 12:17:00 AM
Saturday, October 28, 2006

da claSs 4deStiny
sEen thRu 4:45:00 PM

wht ish tt piC called?! its called CRAZY IDIOTIC TWINS <<>>
muahhahaha..so so so so so so long nvr bloGg in liaox..
i juS wanna try uploading picS..hahA..
sEen thRu 4:40:00 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006
alohA..im heRe..finalli eh..lOL..sorri ar..bt den i super bz sia..im bz keepin myself updated on dong bang shin ki's news..OMG!!! yunho ish hospitalised!!! a fuCkheAd gave him a dRink wiB supergLue in it..damnit man..haii..hope hope n prAy tt he'll b okie man..tt shitheaD..idiotiC SHIT..da news evEn said u aint preTty..muahHahhahax..so da whole natiOn will noe a uGly shit faCe spiked a CELEBRITY'S drinK wib supergLue..how will others truSt u again man..n u aint small kid ledi..20 odd yrs old liaox lei..crazy or smth UU..HMPH..
tis few daEs..super craZy abt dbsk..goSh..thx to yunho..he made mii wanna take up dancing..intialli..cheRyl asked mii to go fer dancing claSs cuz of auditioN..bt tt doesnt motivate mii @ ALL..until i saw yunho's dance clips..OMG..U RAWK MAN!!!! plS recovEr!!!!
im lyk a mad fan now eh..LOL..haii...
Os comin..prepared?! NAH..im way behind..SHIT..shit..shyt..
erm..tt doesnt link huhx..
tata~ i go slp le..muahahahahahahhaahhax..
-goD blEss EVERY!-
sEen thRu 5:15:00 PM
Thursday, October 12, 2006
yea..last dae of skol todae le wor..so song..tmr onwards no nit to wake up so early anymore!!! whoooohoOo..took damn lots of pics tis past few daes..its fun..totalli..slack fer kinda lots of periods..lol..bt we gt piles of hw in d end..lol..papers r lyk so god damn free..dey jus print lyk deres no tmr..LOL..so..skol ends quite peacefulli..lLoLl..went hme todae..watChed dbsk..whOoo..dey rawks!!!! U KNOW YUNHO!!! XIAH !!! MICKY!!! HERO !!! CHANGMIN!!!! u guys rawks man..charming sweet talented..WHOOO..anyway..dey r a korean boii band name dong bang shin ki..check erm out..dey r totalli cuteness..coOlnesS!!! yea..dey make mii wanna take up dancing man..CHERYL IM ONz..STEADY..lets go dancing clasS!!! LOL..
haPpi..sat gng fer movie!!! yeah!!! gng out wib ah phua darren n ah huang shi fu..alamak..warching horror movie..clapclap* fer mii..i go dere waste money..lol..mii n darren..MAIN AIM..WASTE MONEY..SIT INTO THEATRE SUCK UP AIR..WASTE SPACE..SPEND 9.50BUCKS TO SUCK UP INSIDE..whoOoo..tink cheryl will enjoy man..LOL..i shall sit beside u n scare da crap outta u..LOL..after movie go SHOPPING..yeah!!!! window shopping of cuz..no money..T_T..
MY REVISION!!!! some1 some1..pls pls pls..TELL MII TO STUDY!!! i open bk..den fall aslp..or use da comp..NONONONO..tis carn b happening..PLS..SAVE MII!!! MAKE MII STUDY!!!! GOD BLESS MII..
yawn..muahahahhahaha..my relationship!? i don wanna care lo..since he still "lurves" [[tts ish da term he used]] his ex..den let him b man..tis kinda guys..wht fer i spend so much tym on him..waste my tym..waste my energy..waste my money..>.<..don come crying back to mii sae she doesnt wans u..cuz u don interest mii anymore..=D peaCe..
i'll be single till after Os..DON COME N DISTURB MII DURING OCT N NOV..I'VE GT NO TYM TO ENTERTAIN GUYS..pls leave mii alone fer tis 2 months..after tt..i'll reply to all ur msgs..thx guys..=D
YEAH!!! im a happi person..muahahahahahahaha...luRve my pEepx..lurve mA GREAT GOD!! thx god..every1 hab a gd nite slp..DBSK RAWKX..laO pa nU eR RULES..clapclap* AIYO
sEen thRu 11:01:00 PM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
hmm..i realise..i always blog in when im at cheryl's hse..haha..mayB cuz its too bored..well..its a sundae morning..n im at cheryl's hse again..11.20am..10more mins da tutor will arrive..n tuition will start..hahax..
ytd nite[[sat nite]]..slpt @ round 1pluS..went to my rm..den feel so insecure..feels lyk as though some1 ish looking @ mii..so i shift to slp wib my jie n mei in d other rm..wht a scary feeling..LOL..
tis mornin..woke up..shower..went fer breakfast wib my family..another boring dae..
haii..i ledi nt sure wht ish goin round mii..seems so lost eh..i noe im doin smth..bt it jus seems tt i carn rmb wht im doin..instant lost of memory huhx..hahaxx..hao li hai o..doNno wht im tokin abt ledi oso..everything seems v dream lyk fer mii..m i awaken?! or m i still slping?! i keep eating eating eating..n carn seems to fill my stomach..i smiling fer da sake of smiling..whOooo..everything seem so fake..where m i ar..m i still on earth..hmmm..confusion state..hope everything ish gonna fine after tis period of tym..muahahahhahhahahahahahax...
yawn..wake mii up..
wake my lurve up too..lol
sEen thRu 11:20:00 AM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
todae ish a saturdae..lets nt tok abt saturdae nw..LOL..lets tok abt fri..LOL..yea!! ytd..kinda tiring dae..went to skol bleah bleah bleah..den hab geog xtra lesson..so tiring..SIANZ..gt hw fer geog..yaWn yaWn..stayed till 4pluS..entertAined by ah jaS's "AIYO" lol..ohya..b4 geoG class..ah jas pearl ah phua n mii went to my hse..to makan n slack..so ah phua watched d last episode of ouran high..LOL..she wanna hab 2nd season fer ouran high..she tot da ending was stupid..lol..we hab porridge..so poOr..haiii..in d end..nobody was full..hahahahahahax..den went to geog class..hell of a boring lesson...kena tou pai by shun li.."THX DUDE" freakin use ry's phone n take my bloody pic..damn u.."I SO LURVE U MAN"..okie..tts fer geog lesson..
den went back hme...slack frm 5plus till 7plus..den go orh orh..oh yeah..ytd was lantern fes..how boring...im slping when ppl r burning lantern..eating mooncake..loL..den gt ppl msg mii..distruct my peaceful slp..hahaha..BT THX..THOSE WHO WISHED MII HAPPI LANTERN FES..woke up @ 11plus..ate dinner..den start wib my revision..hab wib mii alot of snacks..eh..lets see..i hab choc..chips..barley water..red bull..WOW!!! so mani stuff..muahahahahhahahaha..den studied till abt 4plus..den 5 den slp..lOl..woke up @ round 9..prepare go cheryl's hse..=D
so now..we're tokin abt saturdae..muahhahahahahaha..sat!!!!! tis sat aint v fun..cuz i muz see da sci tutor..in fact..i don reali lyk her la..she seems kinda sacastic..bt..too bad..tts fer da sake of my Os..yawn..still another 6 or 8 tyms n she'll b outta my life..muahahahhahaA..hmmm...after her tuition..watched da 2nd part of hitch..den bloggin lor..kinda sianz ryte..wht a saturdae!!! SO GOD DAMN BORED!!!!! HAIIIII...
nxt..lets tok abt my relationship stuff..well..its kinda boring nw..dreamt abt tt bastard ytd..n da worst thing was..i dreamt tt we gt back together..LOL..FUCK it..haiii..wAt a nightmare..yawwnn..den super no mood..tis few daes super no mood..cuz wanna ai bt cannot ai..so confused abt my own feelings nw..when he din reply mii..i will tink tt he ish avoidin mii..Y M I LIdDAT?!?!?!?!? im sick in some sense? aRgh..dammit..SHIT..im hopeless..bt now..mayb its hopeless lo..muahahahahahahahahahax..cuz he ish still waiting..haiii..nvm nvm..i doNno wht im feeling now oso..muahahhaha...haiii..life ish all abt lurve being trashed..or rather MY LURVE BEING TRASHED..muahahahhahaa..im insane..i wanna go hme!!!! BUANGKOK!!!!
sEen thRu 4:56:00 PM