guaRdian angeL

viiCkY heRE nEhh
eat, ply n sLp

daRk Chocolate.fOod.fRenz.muSic.wArmth.huGgies n kiSses.daRk clouDs formin.

animaLx.smokeR.biTter sour n spicy fOod.noiSy n crowded plAces.distUrb during my slp.coLdneSs



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    Saturday, September 30, 2006 long nvr update..anyway..ytd was reali a shitty dae da morning..woke up a lil late..den went to skol..n realise tt i din bring ma geog papers..shiok..tink ms loo gonna niaO in d end she nvr..GOD BLESS MII!!! den i forgt to bring my chem tys ms lim oso nvr chem alot of stuff to do..BT..lazy sia..all nvr do..copy cheryl's..den..cheryl broke a test tube..MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAx...oOoooo!!!!!!!!!!! i left my foolscap pad in tt stupid lab..n its closing fer Os practical...SONG!!! my test papers n corrections n w/s all inside..VERY GOOD..

    den stayed back after skol to do my helped a great deal man!!!!!!! I "LURVE" YOU MAN!! n i gt a present fer u..hahahhha..hope u lyk it..anyway..reali thx alot..=D finalli..i passed up my art..WHOOOHOOO..heart beat beating very fast sia..LOL..BULLSHIT!!!! anyway..jus reali happi tt i finished my

    went to poa lesson..i went dere wib onli da empty soul was lyk flying away i was reali reali tired...i din even practice da work he gave us..i copied shi fu's...leon gt his wisdom tooth plucked out..LOL..he carn tok!!!! muahhahahhahahaha..den we watched swit 16...bloody super ugly guy gt such a grand party lor..NT FAIR!!!! n he suck big tym..lip gloss wht if u r rich man..tink of da africa children la..DUMBOS!!! haiii..tts a bloody stupid doubt slpt while watchin tt show..power eh..LOL

    den went 1 crazy auntie came on board..den she sae we nvr let her hab a nt as if she ish handicapped or blind or VERY old..dammit..keep saeing tt we shldnt b in go buangkok la..tmd..lucki i on phone..hmph..

    went fer awhile..ORH ORH..slp ish da best thing man..LOL..den woke up tis morning..BLUR..shower etc..went cheryl's hse..wanna cook tang yuan lo..muahahhahahahahahahax..

    sEen thRu 11:35:00 AM

    Thursday, September 28, 2006

    todae...28th of sep...kinda disappointing dae..took back geog n phys practical..dammit..i onli fail phy practical by 0.5 marks..KAOX..super pissed geog..onli 20 marks..over disappointing..LOL..den went to phua's bleah..DESMOND ISH sad..=( ..tts all..i wanna go draw draw liaox...bur bye..

    sEen thRu 7:13:00 PM

    Saturday, September 23, 2006

    its been 7 daes since i founD out abt his true colouRs..n it has been 6 daes sinCe da bRoke up..well..alot of thinGs happened in da 6daes..know alot oF ppl in da 6daeS..amonG thoSe.. zaCh, yonGxinG[[moJo shifU]], deSmonD and shaWn hab bEen extremely conCerned aBt ma aRt..hahax..constantly gimMi mii encouraGemeNts and caRed a great deAl..thx guyS!!!!! bEcoS of soOo gonNa finiSh my aRt asap..=D

    slpt @ 4am ytd..woke up 7.35am in d moRning..powEr y..canNot reali slp..siaNz..ltR afteRnoOn sure slpy de..yaWnnnz..arGh..gonna hab tuitiOn le..sianZatiOn

    goTto run..update aGain asap..

    onCe again..i waNna thx all my fRenz fer beinG so caRing n encouRaging..

    [[cheRyl, iRene, linA, shErmEen, mEi enG, peaRleEn, dAn Wei raWkz]]

    n my othEr v impt frEnz..winK*

    sEen thRu 9:37:00 AM

    Friday, September 22, 2006

    alo..ppl..soRri wor..nvr eh..hahaha..BUT!!! IM PERFECTLY FINE LE!!! thx ppl..thx tO all d ppl whO chEered mii up..ppl who encouraged mii..XIE XIE NI MEN..aint frenZ more impt den bF..LOL..

    yawN..fridae..exAms finally ovEr le!!! i doubt i'll pass la..LOL..sci paper was so shitty todae man..i din understand a single shit..haiiIii..nvm la..its over ledi..decided to go edge tmr..cuz i tink i nit to go..LOL..stupid reason eh..hahahhaax...i doNno y i gt tym to blog in..CUZ MY ART ISH NT FINISHED YET..F*** IT..hahahha..mondae due siia..speaking of skol library bk dued ages ago..den da cher send a pink slip to mii sia..$4.50 video ezy de vcd oso haben return..sia la..owe alot of things sia..i owe ah phua lunch money prob man.. gonna continue chionging art liaox..MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAA..wiSh mii luCk man..haiiiii.....

    i realise i haB a greaT deaL oF supEr dupEr coOl n caRing FRENZ!!! LURVE ERM ALL..THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

    sEen thRu 8:06:00 PM

    Monday, September 18, 2006

    well..wht can is sae..its all abt mii n him..we broke off jus todae..guess wht..he ish a cheater..he bloody cheated on mii..i super tired of da whole story..can go visit cheryl's(my baO bei nueR) blog..she hab every detail inside..

    in every always da 1 hurting d other party..i feel so damn tis tym round..da break up makes mii both happi n sad..happi cuz..finally..some1 hurt mii..n tt i can understand how dey feel when i hurt them..sad cuz im kinda into him..n reali disappointed tt a man actualli did tt to reali made mii change my perspective towaRds man..well..mayb onli to certain man..

    how do i put it..wheneva i tink baCk..wht he said to "flora" makes mii wanna cry..reali reali wanna heart jus hab tis feeling tt its stabbed thru by a knife or twisted..n made it feel so sour..i don lyk tt feeling..when i recall him saying..nope i hab no gf fer a long makes mii wanna cry even more..though i told cheryl tt im onli plying arnd in tis it somehow seems tt i've put a lil mii inside tis relation..y ish tt so..even now when im typing..i so feel lyk crying..a mixture of alot of different feelings..i jus wan a hand to reach out to mii n tell mii everything ish gonna b okie..i acted whts da a gerl..

    well..since he ish da 1st man to make mii cry in a relationship..he will b da 1st man to hab his life lyk a living hell..wait n see..cursing will do da trick?! nt so much..action saes everything..

    im gonna let him noe wht hell ish lyk..i wan him to take baCk his words.."gerls deserved to b plyed arnd"

    watch ur baCk comin after u..


    sEen thRu 10:47:00 PM

    Sunday, September 17, 2006

    All Girls Want A Boy Like This

    To every guy that regrets hurting or losing her.

    To every guy who knows which girl he wants!!!!!!!!!!

    To every guy that's said, "Sex can wait."

    To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful."

    To every guy that was never too busy to driveacross town (or across the state) to see her.

    To every guy that gives flowers and a card whenshe is sick.

    To every guy who has given her flowers justbecause.

    To every guy that said he would die for her.

    To every guy that really would.

    To every guy that did what she wanted to do.

    To every guy that cried in front of her.

    To every guy that she cried in front of.

    To every guy that holds hands with her.

    To every guy that kisses her with meaning.

    To every guy that hugs her when she's sad.

    To every guy that hugs her for no reason at all.

    To every guy who would give their jacket up for her.

    To every guy that calls to make sure she got homesafe.


    To every guy that would give his seat up.

    To every guy that just wants to cuddle.

    To every guy that reassured her that she wasbeautiful no matter what.

    To every guy who told his secrets to her.

    To every guy that tried to show how much he caredthrough every word and every breath.

    To every guy that thought maybe this could be theone.

    To every guy that believed in her dreams.

    To every guy that would have done anything so shecould achieve them.

    To every guy that never laughed at her when shetold him her dreams.

    To every guy that walked her to her car.

    To every guy that wasn't just trying to get laid.

    To every guy that gave his heartTo every guy who prays that she is happy even ifyou are not with her.

    sEen thRu 8:41:00 PM blogGing tym AGAIN super happi todae..daR is okie le..our problem settled..wink* hab tuition in da morning..kinda fun..jason gt lunch he onli stayed till 1..den cheryl oso stayed..den we had fun eating n watChin vCds..den went to my auntie's hSe..god damn boring...old ppl man..haii..den came bo..tmr gt exam..yawns..better go slp nw le..if nt tmr worst..awwww..awaiting nxt wk..=D!!!



    sEen thRu 8:33:00 PM

    tis ish cheryl's words.." bt i feel tt he doesnt treat u well @ all..its always him who ish making u vexed n sad, being in a relationship ish nt abt being vexed or sad its abt being happi..and everytime he saes he will make it up to in da end it jus accumulates..when ish he reali gng to make up to u? i noe he ish serving NS bt so does my bro..when my bro jus entered NS he doesnt seem to b tt bz every wkend..he makes it possible to b @ hme to spend more tym wib us since he doesnt hab gf so i feel tt he isnt worth being angry sad or worried over.."

    well..its kinda true..cuz i don gt anything in return frm a person wib no patient..i carn gib in easily will things work out if both of us r liDdat?! i reali doNno sia..

    look positively..[[bt can i]]

    [[father lord..pls bless tt everything will turn out okie..bless tt we can communicate in a way tt both of us will b happi..bless tis relationship..thx u jesus name..Amen]]

    sEen thRu 10:08:00 AM

    i've tot thru..over the vexed..he abt 4pluS in da morninG..saying.."dear i donno wht happen to u..this few daes u keep gibing mii ATTITUDE..i noe u wanna meet mii..i oso realli wanna meet u hab to go hme early..i oso cant do anything" upon seeing tis msG..i was lyk..goodness..m i reali liDdat..i admit tt in a relationship..i wanted most of da things to b done my ish tt wRonG?! i don wan tis relationship to jus go on lyk tt..carn dere b any changes?! i don reali take initiative..i tot u shld..nt y m i da 1 always msging u 1st..askin u to come out 1st!? does tt mean u don care even a bit?! words don make mi happi nw..sae u lurve mi foreva..dey can b lies..i carn even put my basic trust in u..u've done nth to make mii trust u..u nvr msg mii 1st..even if u do..ur msgs are all apologising msgs..u always gimmi empty promises..u said u will call after u da call nvr came..i waited lyk a foOl..till 4-5plus in da morning..u said u will meet d end..u always hab things tO do..u put everything except mii in da 1st place..where m i in ur heart?! i don tink i can even find myself dere..mayb jus a faint memory of a gerl name vicky yong zixin..

    wht m i to u?!

    i don wan tis relationship to fall smth..........

    im scared...........................

    sEen thRu 8:32:00 AM

    Saturday, September 16, 2006

    todae started out great..hab da morning..wib mr jason tan..den cheryl came its okie la..we all don mind..tmr gt tuitiOn again..yawn..sound so tired..den lei..went to toa payoh to watCh ah phua's bRo sing..n we stand all da way frm 1pluS to 5pluS..coOl eh?! bt he din gt in..cuz he tOo its okie kkz dude..ya gt plenty more chances!!!!!! jiA you..!!!!

    den went tO lidO n watCh movie lor..watCh the banquet..kaO tts 1 louSy show..stupiD story..all da impt ppl kena killed in da end..KAOx..waSte ma $$9.50...LAME!!! went wht..CHEEZY FRIES..

    asked daR to come n meet in da end he din piSsed..y muz i b da 1 whO ish ALWAYS initiating?! n when i initiated to ASK u out ledi..u oso po po ma ma..lyk don wanna come..y..u don wanna see my face?! tt made mii reali reali disappointed..make mii feel so lyk crying out..if u r tired..go ahead n tell mii ar..i will understand de ma..u don sae anything..den everytime wan mii go look fer tired ledi..aint u a guy..shldnt guy b more initiative den gerls?! IM I UR BF!? no ryte..i wanna b more appreciated..m i askin too much frm u?! i juS wan u to meet mii..tts all i ask of u..i feel so lonely..n im rapidly loosin interest..u promise u wont let tt happen..u said u will nt let mii hab "da" feeling even after 3 months..tts ur pRomise..i don wan empty promises..i've had had enuFf of tt ledi..

    [[lorD..if im in da wrong..he wont msg..msn or call mii if he ish in da wrong..he will msn..msg or call to sae he's sori..thx u jesus name Amen]]

    he isnt even online...................................................................................


    sEen thRu 11:19:00 PM

    Friday, September 15, 2006

    phew..after soOo long..i finally changed da bG..niCe?! i tink da song ish nice..LOL..anyway..thx fer viSiting ma bloG..its stiLl kinda empty..wiLl updatE a lil more!!! =D

    so mani things breAkup gt new relation..coOl eh..LOL..juS wanNa saE tt..i gt new bF le!!! yea..n his name ish MR WOO SHUN HONG!!!! niCe nice guy we've gt heRe..reAli swit..nS reali tough[i tinK] eveRytime rAin..he everYtimE kenA cauGht in da keR lian..soOoo..i hopE u R okiE!!!

    prelims!!! GOODNESS!!! gonna gonna flung..POA so damn difficult...haiii..english..haii okie oso will fail de la..MATHS..nvr pass okie la..den chineSe..doNno wht da qn lo...haiiiiii...T_T

    ARGH..i kenA ma voiCe change..den cannot sinG..sia la..stupiD weather!!! n O!!! gt new gamE calL auditiOn..kinda fun la..challenginG sia..LOL..

    wonT b gng chuRch feR da tym being lo..wanNa settlE down n stuDy[hoPefuLli i can] onli doin wht jeremy TAN asked mii to..he sae if i wanna change den go ahead n change lo..he isH daRing mii to do tt?! tmd..piSsed oFf..i don lyk ya attitude!! if u r herE teLlin u..i don lyk uR attituDe! tts all i wanNa sae..whether it offend u or nt..tts wht i wan to saE deep down in my heaRt..

    tiS gRp rawKs
    bt.....fathEr n dauGhter raWkS mOre!!!!!

    ***viCky n cheRyl rulES!!!
    chiLl=goD blEss

    sEen thRu 11:53:00 AM