guaRdian angeL

viiCkY heRE nEhh
eat, ply n sLp

daRk Chocolate.fOod.fRenz.muSic.wArmth.huGgies n kiSses.daRk clouDs formin.

animaLx.smokeR.biTter sour n spicy fOod.noiSy n crowded plAces.distUrb during my slp.coLdneSs



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    Sunday, June 26, 2005

    When it comes to relationships, you're looking for a fairy tale — or something pretty close to it. While you don't really expect to be whisked away by a prince on a white horse, you probably like the idea of being rescued — as long as you're allowed to rescue back. You expect great things out of people, especially those you love, and you don't mind putting in the extra effort to make sure everyone (including yourself) is happy.

    Tradition is usually important to you, as long as it's mixed with your own personality. Sure, flowers and candy are great, but when it comes to showing affection, you simply want something that is unique and special to your relationship. For you, it's always the thought that counts.

    test resulT..muahahahahahahax...

    sEen thRu 8:33:00 PM

    Monday, June 20, 2005

    waSsup..phew..waTt a tiring dae...recieved 3 presents..n 1 cake frm irene n joHn..hahax..thx vVv much..recieved a b'dae song frm my gang n 2 b'dae songs frm e band..woW!! im soOoo touched..soB sob..even my family aint tT concerned abT my b'dae..i soOo disappointed man..tis ish e worst b'dae i eva had @ hme..gram nvr gib mi my b'dae ang bao..mum n dad nvr gib mi ish Tis man..haiZ..nvm lar..anyway..last niTex..we broke up..on my b' felt kinDa relieved la..nt Tt streSsed up..i doNno im a free biRd again le..muahahahahax..hope things will gt betta in e future!!

    sEen thRu 9:26:00 PM

    Saturday, June 18, 2005

    waSsup..baCk frm hk..hahahahax..4 days trip..tirin yet fun..hahahax..1st dae..hmMm..board e plane of cuz..den 3-4hrs reach alot of crap on e chance to watch coach carter bo..muahahahahax..den reaCh le..walk walk in airport..den go hotel..quite a nice n neat pLace..loBby ish so freakin dull..nTh dere oSo..den go rm..unpack..den go walk walk down e alot of shuai ger! hahax..dem squeezy..dem lot of ppL..5 plus onLi wor..den go buy clothes..eTc etc..den met 1 vVv cute sale guy..everydae wear den he ish jus friendly lar..den bought 1 "slipper" sista bought a shoe..i simpli carn believe i gt interest in dresSes liaox..;o! i bought a dress..which my mum ish quite happy..i oSo donNo y..den continue sista bought stuff..den i bought presents fer my frenz oSo..den go baCk hotal! e tv dem gd sia! gt star world..its a channel..1st nitex e best alot of comedy show..waTch till 1plus..den sLp..woke up eaRly mornin next dae..went arnd wib e tour guide..quite fun..quite borin e tour guide funnie sia..den hab lunch..gueSs watt..5 ppL ate e amount of waTt 10 ppL r suppose to finish..hahax..dem funnie sia..i took a pic of it..dem funnie..den went to see e handprints of stars..walk whole dae..dem tired..den went baCk hotellwatch tv aGain! sLp..napping..den went shoppin aGain..bought fren's stuff..den go baCk hotel..bought along wib mi milk noodle..n curry rice..picnic in e rm..hahax..dem nice..played UNO..fer e 1st tym..i noe how to play!! yea!! bt lost all e way..went crazy in my parent's rm..hahax..den my dad kept laughin @ mi..aLamak..den went baCk our rm..waTch tv..crap n crap den e tym i slp ledi 1 or 2pm liaox oSo..den wake up eaRly aGain..cuz goin ocean parK..bT den rain all e way sia..walk in e rain lo..hahax..dem fun..dolphin sOooOOooooOooOOooOoooooOOOooOOoo cute!!!!!!!! e guy dere explain stuff abt e cutie to us..saw e show oSo..dey reaLi v cute! den went baCk..slpt in e bus..shuang..hahaxden went baCk hotel..slp awhile..den go shoppin aGain..bought a belt..bought fren's stuff..den went baCk hotel..its rainin e whole dae sia..den im drenched all tv guy in one tree hill dem gd lookin man..he ish e main actor in cinderlla story..he dem nice ryte..hahax..den watch till half way carn stand it..den slp..forgt i gt switch off tv nt sia..hahax..den woke up @ 9 nxt mornin..shower..went fer breakfast..den shop shop shop..bought a pants..dresS aGain..n OMG! i doNno whether im out of my mind or waTt..god dem i bought a PINK i kinDa look OMG..hav i gone craze or smth? aLamak..den bought a collar shirt..den went baCk hotel..paCk n wait fer bus..reaCh airport..roam..den admin..den gt e chance to watch phantom of e den if e singer ish sarah brightman it'll b its nice overall..den dinner n chips n ice cream..hahax..den slack n crap aGain..den reaCh le..dem fast sia..i haven even slpt..den alight..crap out of airport..wait fer my uncle to come pick us up..den went hme..reach abt 12plus...wash up..waTch vcds..den slp..@ arnd 2plus 3liDdat..den in e end nvr go fer band..haiZ..cuz woke up @ 12..hahax..den sLack whole dae..went heartland @ e end of e fer wrappin paper..goin to wrap present sooN..yeah!!!!!! hahahahax..okie..hope to see u guys soon..miz ya all lots..esp u..deaR..enjoy ya holidaes yuPpx..luB ya..aLotx..hope u'll like e present i bought u..=] be shock toO..muahahahahax..u carn predict watT im goNna do..muahahahahahahahax..

    sEen thRu 2:40:00 PM

    Thursday, June 09, 2005

    woohoo..ha Ooo every1..long tym nvr blog liaox..hahahahax..soOo sianx..oSo nth to write abt..aLamak..haiyo..nowadaes my tym ish all n watch tv..hahahax..haiz..sianzation

    sEen thRu 11:39:00 PM