guaRdian angeL

viiCkY heRE nEhh
eat, ply n sLp

daRk Chocolate.fOod.fRenz.muSic.wArmth.huGgies n kiSses.daRk clouDs formin.

animaLx.smokeR.biTter sour n spicy fOod.noiSy n crowded plAces.distUrb during my slp.coLdneSs



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    Saturday, May 28, 2005 kinDa happI..n kinDa sad la..hahax..doNno y after exams liaox still carn gt e pressure thingI outta mi..yesterdae mornin went to promote e cultural nitex thingi @ rivervale n sengkang pri..den went back skoL..go in stuff rm..tio gan..ida ask mi tuck in shirt..den i tuck in lo..she came up to mi n said..u noe i was tokin to u ryte..den she ask mi to her table..den ask mi put my earrings n necklace on her table..don allow mi to take back..threaten mi to keep my report bk n ask my mum to go see her..i was lyk mum so free to see u ar..bitch..den she went told mr tan to ask him giv my report bk to her..WTH..den after tT went back to ms loh's table again..den i squad down n tok to ms loh ma..den shirt came out again..its obvious lo..squad down..confirm shirt come out de ma..den ida come aGain..she sae to ms loh..if ur student wanna pissed mi off..she had succeeded..den ask mi to her table again..WTH..waTt ish her prob man..keep finding fault wib mi..huhx..waH kaOx..den ms loh went dere n tok to her..lucki gt ms loh sia..bT den my diamond earrings still wib e bitch sia..hmMmmm..though its quite okie to mi..bT den im jus pisSed tT its wib e bitch..Tt kinda stuff don deserve to b in her hands..oTher stuff i can buy aGain..jus TT diamond earrings..she don hab e ryte to confiscate it lo..haiya..she jus don deserve to b a teacher @ all lo..she so nt popular in our skoL..every1 ish jus puttin up a act..pretendin to like her lo..she ish a total bitch..mi n sya were lyk..@ nite she work in geylang fer xtra income..seriously mdm soo..ppL sae she frm prison skoL de..discipline cher somemore..she ish nt tT bad compared to tT bitch lo...sori i don wanna spell her name..cuz she don deserve tT..hmph..she messed wib e wrong person sia..donNo waTt will happen to her sia..ledi send a complain letter to moe liaox..will she b sacked? i gt a "appointment" wib her @ 3.15 u tink i care? no..i forgot abt it ledi..anyway..she nvr keep my report bk osO cares..if she dare..she come find fault wib mi again la..u try n see..see hw much complain letters i can send to e moe abt tT bitch her attitude n her attire! im kinDa lenient tis tym..nvr reali tok bad abT her..nxt tym nxt tym..she try n gonna spill out every bad things abt her n see where she goes...mayb prison skoL..hahahahahahahahax....

    sEen thRu 3:53:00 AM

    Tuesday, May 24, 2005

    long long long long long tym nvr blog liaox..muahahahahahahahax..siaOx..anyway..todae..went fer a e beginnin was dem when it comes to an sux lyk vVv sori dear..tT i upset u..soRi tT im so stubborn..haiZ..sOOo kkx..!!!!!!!! reaLi wanted u to smile! kkx...luB u aLotx..when i was on e train..i was sOo worried sia....he ish nt tokin to mi..nt holdin my hands..he ish playin wib his phone..n its sooOo sOOo frightened lucki aFter awhile he held my hands..den i was reaLi reaLi sori deaR!!

    anYway..wish every1 had a pleasent wk end..peaCe out..

    sEen thRu 12:03:00 AM

    Wednesday, May 18, 2005

    waN mi to updaTe mi mi la...hahahax..kiDdin yuPpx..=] seems lyk i gt supPorter..fer mi blog..hahahahaxx..anYway..nTh much haPpened oSo..yesterdae..which ish 17th of may..a whole lot of ppL came 2 mi hse..waTch hot shot..a damn funnie show..hahahax..who'dae boy..lina shermeen irene cheryl mi syamim deng hing nelson n EVEN ms loh came 2 moi waTch tt stupid show..damn fun sia..hahax..den todae si bei sianx toks..sianZation..hahahax..tmr n dae aFter osO same..siaNx sia..wah..reali sianz till i doNno waTt to write..hahax..luB yall..peaCe...........................luB u dear

    sEen thRu 6:27:00 PM

    Monday, May 09, 2005

    Women's instructions

    *What do you do if your boyfriend walks out? You shut the door.
    *If they can put a man on the moon - they should be able to put them all there

    A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband. A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife....

    To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot & love him a little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot & not try to understand her at all.

    First Guy (proudly): "My wife's an angel!"
    Second Guy "You're lucky, mine's still alive.

    A math joke
    Teacher: Now class, whatever I ask, I want you to all answer at once. How much is six plus 4?
    Class: At once!

    Married men live longer than single men, but married men are a lot more willing to die.

    Q: How do you make a trombone sound like a French horn?
    A: Put your hand in the bell and miss a lot of notes

    A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't. A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change & she does

    Marriage is a three ring circus: engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering

    What's a man's idea of housework?
    Lifting his legs so you can vacuum

    If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first? The Dog of least he'll shut up after you let him in!

    Pupil (on phone) : My son has a bad cold and won't be able to come to school today.
    School Secretary: Who is this?
    Pupil: This is my father speaking!

    Flute players spend half their time tuning their instrument and the other half playing out of tune.

    Q: What do you get when you play a new age song backwards?
    A: A new age song

    A math joke
    Teacher: What's 2 and 2?
    Pupil: 4
    Teacher: That's good.
    Pupil: Good?, that's perfect!

    An ideal homework excuse
    Teacher: Where is your homework?
    Pupil: I lost it fighting this kid who said you weren't the best teacher in the school

    women's guIde
    #I'M TIRED.
    I'm tired.

    Get out of the way and stay away until it clears

    I don't see why you're making such a big deal out of this

    I liked it better before

    womeNs traNslatioN

    +im not upset = Of course Im upset, you moron!
    +Am I fat? = Tell me Im beautiful
    +Nothing, really = Its just that you're such an idiot!
    +Im sorry. = You'll be sorry

    Men advising women
    ^Never buy a 'new' brand of beer because 'it was on sale.'
    ^When the waiter asks if everything's okay, a simple 'Yes' is fine
    ^If we're in the backyard and the TV in the den is on, that doesn't mean we're not watching it
    ^Whenever possible please try to say whatever you have to say during commercials

    Women love cats =gosH tT ish toTal bullshit!! by viCky=

    hahahax..dOnNo y tis few daes lyk to posT up joKes..maYb toO borin leDi baX..hahax..exam period sia..aLamak..siaNzaTion..aRgh

    sEen thRu 5:40:00 AM

    Sunday, May 08, 2005

    Joke Of The Day!

    Words Women Use :

    This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

    Five Minutes
    If she is getting dressed, this is half an hour.
    Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given 5 more
    minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

    This is the calm before the storm. This means "something" and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with "nothing" usually end in "fine".

    Go Ahead
    This is a dare, not permission, DON'T DO IT!

    Loud Sigh
    Although not actually a word, the loud sigh is often misunderstood by men.
    A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing".

    That's Okay
    This is one of the most dangerous statements that woman can make to a man. "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

    This is the least used of all words in the female vocabulary. If a woman is thanking you, do not question it, just say you're welcome and back out of the room slowly.

    sEen thRu 9:25:00 AM

    Friday, May 06, 2005

    Without trust, a relationship is worthless..hahax..diD a personality tesT sia..hahax..aGain..todae..soOo sianx..aLamak..nTh much todae..drew smth groSs stuFf..bT i tink tTs daMn nice sia..leaRn aLotx of maths stuff todae..thx to cheryL..phew..getTin more n more stresS..cuZ of exams..haiZ..
    doNno i tink deaR don noe mi well..(i may b wrong) he doN gt waTt i waNna..mayb im jus toO anxious..iTs nt even 2 months yet..hahax..mayb im anxious..mayb he doesnt wanT..who how will u feel if ppL ask u abT e progress? waTt muz i ans? how do i ans.......hahax..mayb its jus myself..tinkin toO much abT tT ledi..hahax.....haiZ..soOoo tired nowadaexXx..sOoo damn slpy in class..haiZ..waiT ltr slp during exams..hahaz..den die lo..hahax..i noe im goNna fail poa..haiZ..saDded..CA1 ledi fail liaox..waTt the tan don expect mi to paSs my maths oSo..hahax..i noe..i noe..haiZ..chem..phy..haiZ haiZ..gone case..goNna flung tiRed!! waTt to do..typical teens life huhx..haiZ..wisH deaR can gimme waTt i waNna..noe im still childish..bT den every1 gt u r tryin to respect mi or smth..i reaLi thx u vVvv much..=].......luB u vVvv much..even more den e paSt..........................

    sEen thRu 12:15:00 PM

    Thursday, May 05, 2005

    waTt a boRin dae..haven seEns deaR fer 4 dae!!! goSh tT was painFul experience..eww..doNno waNna tT agaIn yuPpx..tC of yaseLf dear..!! finaLly todae..i gT to see my deaR..hahax..den bLeh bleh.......sOo pisSed wib suT u noe..kaOx..if she waNna point out MY mistake..den sae it nicely la..waTt the fuck..tTs e 1st tym i told her shut up n leave mi aLone man..shuang..soNG..jus kinDa pisSed la huhx..soRi cheryL..aTtitude aGain..hahax..nowadaes i reaLi felt sOoo bad..cheryL ish such a nice gerl..n i show her soOo much all my frenx oSo..yuPpx..soOOoo soRi..den self study fer 1 n half hrs..den went heaRtland wib deaR..miZ him soO much..haiZ..den go buy present fer his mum..hahax..den went mJ..i promise i wont go dere aGain wib deaR liaox..i doNno i aLwaes felt soO lonely dere man..haiZ..den went out together..loOk so down..hahax..den after Tt walk paSs 2 guys..they were lyk loOkin...den follow follow..lucki nvr taIl us sia..phew....canT stand tis kinDa ppL..bLeh...den went hme..craP wib him...standing close to him reveals how much i m hoping for a smooch..haiZ..bT waTeva la..

    toOk a tesT todae..iTs a tesT abT relationship..izZit tym to breaK up? <--e tiTle..
    Do other people say your relationship makes them feel sick? Ignore them — they're not trying to drop a hint, they're just jealous. And we don't blame them — it looks like your relationship is perfect. So why are you wasting your time taking this test, anyway? You should be with your boyfriend, taking advantage of the passion that's still in full-force.
    On a more serious note, the respect and admiration the two of you have for each other makes your relationship a rare find. Not only do you feel a strong romantic connection, but you're also extremely close friends — a truly wonderful combination. Please accept our sincere congratulations, and go enjoy the love you've found!

    luB u loTx..goD blesS

    sEen thRu 8:57:00 AM

    Sunday, May 01, 2005

    phew.................sOoo long nvr updaTe liaox..hahax...nth much tis few daes oSo..reaLi ant tink of waTt to write..oOh..doNno y..nowadaes..friendster aLot of ppL add mi..all guys...1 ish fu..1 ish chris..den others forgt..cuz tis 2 names easier to rmb..hahax..den add chris in mSn..he frm aus..19 yrs oLd..wanNa jio mi..nt i bHb or waTt nia..bT i told him i onLi gt teDdy in my heaRt more space fer another 1..hahax..soOo now..we r besT fren...can reaLi tok to him man..hahax..greaT guy..den yesTerdae gt 1 damian..add mi in msN..he damn freakin sick sia..i onLi sae hi to him n he ask "u horny" wah kaOx..waTt the hell ish Tt..den he sae he follow mi everywher..eeeeeek..waTt the hell..reaLi upset tis freakin guy..hopefulli ish fake 1..told teDdy abT tis man..yesTerdae reali wish can jus hugg soOo sad..den told chris aBt it..aCtualli he wanted mi to add tT damian into e toO bad i delete his contact liaox..hopefulli he wont come look fer mi aGain..eva aGain....den todae..mornin tot of e damian thingi aGain..i shld hab ask him wher i live man..see whether he reaLi noe wher i live ntx..bT waTeva la..he ish a sick guy!! aRgh...!!! 2nd tym in my life..being stalk..haiZ..i completely nvr step out of hse todae sia.........kinDa scare..tmr goin out..hMmmm..mayb shld jus reLax huhx..ryte..bT as a gerl..upon heaRin tt..sure scared 1 ma..haIz..deaR..i nit u....m scaRed..haiZ..till still scared..e incident almost passed a still scared.....haiZ..waTt m i suppose to do..if its reaL? he ish reali sick..frm e way he reaLi frightened by him..haiZ..saDded..

    deaR deaR....miZ u sOOo much...canT see u fer 3 daes..cant sLack @ e void deck fer 3 daes..haiZ..kinDa borin..don dare step out hse oSo..haiZ..miZ u lotx..nit u by my siDe..nit ur hug...nit u to comfort mi..waTeva it ish..i jus nit u..luB u VVv much

    sEen thRu 2:40:00 PM