guaRdian angeL

viiCkY heRE nEhh
eat, ply n sLp

daRk Chocolate.fOod.fRenz.muSic.wArmth.huGgies n kiSses.daRk clouDs formin.

animaLx.smokeR.biTter sour n spicy fOod.noiSy n crowded plAces.distUrb during my slp.coLdneSs



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    Tuesday, April 26, 2005

    toTalli sianx dae aGain....gO skoL..neaRly oVer slpt todae sia..hahahax..den went attire check..sOOo sLpy..den deaR came vVv late..kinDa sianx..haiZ..den skoLin skoLin..sianZation...aRt fun..cuz do nTh much..touch com awhile...den draw..(as in i draw anime on my own) mr see toO bz walkin arnd heLpin ppL..hahax..den readin period..lower sec si bei noisy sia..den chen ask us stay baCk..sianZation...too cock..den went baCk cLass..siaNz aGain...den do geoG correcTion....aGain sianX..hahax..y todae i sOo sianx ar...i oSo doNno...den mr lim come..siaNx...see his faCe ledi sianx..den he kpkb..sae shima no table..den he doN wanNa teaCh..sianx..den we rebel..tok baCk..den he came n stand bside when he saein shima..den he loOk at mi...den he sae 'watT u doin..if u continue how can i teach' den i buay sonG..i jus sae....'hello! i gt copy ur noTes lo..' den i throw my pen..den cheryl sae..'ya la..u nw nt teachin tTs y she do her own work watT'..den shun li sae..'u doN wanna teach sae la' hahax..daMn funnie sia..muahahahahahahax..sonG ar..tmr gt phy 2 periods..hahax...can buLly him..hahax..sonG bo..i noe i vVv bad nowadaes..hahax..haiZ..i oSo tink i nowadaes atTitude..towards aLotx of sOOo sori..i doNno y osO..soRi soRi..
    to dear....enjoY ya accompany todae..hMmm..ish i accompany u or watT..hahahax..anYway..its kinDa fun i vVv tired todae..hahax..soRi yuPpx..luB ya vVv much..yawN...........luB ya..miZ ya..buaix...

    sEen thRu 10:33:00 AM

    Sunday, April 24, 2005

    hMMm..abT ya lasT parag..hahax..i *dun* mean it..its up 2 u anyway..muahahahahax..todae...soOoo sianx..go skoL..chem cLax..den go tok tok wib suT in canteen while waiTin fer dear..den we tok aBt loTs of stuff..i listen liaox..i can onLi agree watT she sae..bT somehow i tink its fake oSo..hahax..i doNno..bT it non of my business..listen n forgt..hahahax..laZy to tell any1 osO..doN wanna b a gossiper..hahax..den walk wib deaR..haiZ..felt so baD sia..he soOo tireded still sent mi hme..hahax...........r u oki nw?? betta slP earLy kkx..=] ...luB u vVvv much..i oSo wanNa b 24/7 wib u ma..hahax..mizin ya ryte nw..muackx..

    sEen thRu 12:29:00 PM

    Friday, April 22, 2005

    wasSup..todae suPer borin...n i super mood swing e mornin ledi buay song cheryl nvr let mi copY some i noe its my fault..sOri!!!! den after tt..s.S..more sianx..suFfer fer 2 periods..den poA..doNno waTt she tokin abT..suFfer fer another 2 periods..den recesS...goTto eat..cuz nit to eaT med..soOo went down to eat..makan leDi came up..jun case u doNno who..he ish jabez..went up to 3B n somesort quarrel dere..hahax..tTs watT he will do man..hahax..lyk his style bt he did it infront of a cher man..hahax..den his gang went away fer awhile..den dear came..he din noe watT happened..mayb i shldnt tell him osO..worry fer him noe..when he walk towards jabez they all....held he still went on..haiZ..hahax..nvm overall..jabez ish a vVv gd guy la..know him since pri 3 or 4 guy..1 thing ish he lyk to cause trouble onLi he ish a vVv paL..den aFter tt eng..2 periods..worryin fer dear..whether he stresSed up or tired or waTeva boThers him..aTe med..den did tan aLwaes leave us when doin we gt no cher inside cLass..den saw dear walk paSs..told nic i go toilet..den go tok tok wiB dear lo..hahax..he said he ish aLrite...bT to mi he look stresSed up..hahax..tC kkx dear..den geoG..whole of 3D kena scolDin frm mr tan too yong..cuz nvr paSs up aLot of work..hahax..den suFfer 2 periods of geoG..aLreadi vVv tired..moOd vvv de bad liaox..still gt chem..sOoo went chem..sLpt fer 5mins..den lesSon..super buay sonG wib peGgy sia..waTTs her freakin prob? askin derrick to do all e stuff..she onLi noe how to sit down n tok..kaOx..waT e fuck ish tT..gT up n do sOme exercise la..slim down man..i noe i vVv i jus buay sonG lo..deRrick buay soNg osO..i turn baCk ask her..waTt ish ur proB? todae i reaLi vVv bad sia..kick myself in e arse..haiZ..den lesSon over..while walkin up..i din tok..i jus walk..den saw fabian..he ish soOo unlucky sia..provoke mi aT a super wrong tym..he use his file to wack mi sia......on e head somemore..mesSin up my hair somemore..he can reaLi go to hell man........(at tT tym)..i jus turn n shout bacK fuck la..watT ish ur prob....den walk bei buay song..den went refill boTtle...saw john..practicalli ignore him....cuz i no mood to vVv sori abT tt....i ignore aLot of ppL as gang dear..n other reaLi soRi abT jus nt in mood to tok jus nw..soRi..den mass lecture..moOd became beTta..den went hme wiB dear..b4 tT..we played truth or dare...irene ask mi whether mi n dear mtm leDi ntx..den i sae no..den she ask if he wants will i gib..den i sae i will..den she sae our progresS v i tink quite oki lonG as we haPpi can liaox..ryte..hahax..den went hme..reaLi treasure e tym wib dear when walkin hme..tT e onLi tym when i can feel his presence by my side..haiz..wish to spend more tym together..hahax..sPeedy progesS?? i don tink i nit tT..bT if u wan..y nt..hahahahahahax...doNno watT i tokin abT..hahaxtmr crosS country..muz wake up early..soOo muz sLp early..hahahax...niTex..luB u dearly..

    sEen thRu 12:10:00 PM

    Tuesday, April 19, 2005

    Daniel and Jasmine are sitting alone in the park,
    one night.
    I guess we are the left overs in this world
    I think so, all of my friends have boyfriends and
    we are the only 2 persons left in this world without any special person in our life...
    Yup I don't know what to do
    I know! We'll play a game
    What game?
    i'll be your girlfriend for 30 days and you will be my boyfriend
    That's a great plan in fact i don't have nothing to do much this following week...
    DAY 1:
    They watch their first movie and they were both touched by a romantic film
    DAY 4:
    They went to the beach and had a picnic...Daniel and Jasmine have their quality time together
    DAY 12:
    Daniel invited Jasmine to a circus and they ride on a Horror House ride. Jasmine was scared and she thought she touched Daniel's hand but she touched someone else's hand instead and they both laughed.
    DAY 15:
    They saw a fortune teller down the road and they asked for their future advice and the fortune teller said: "My darlings, Please don't waste the time of your life...Spend the rest of your time together happily" Then tears flow out from the teller's eyes
    DAY 20:
    Jasmine invited Daniel to go to the hill and they saw a meteor...Jasmine mumbled something
    DAY 28:
    They sat on the bus and because of a bumby road Jasmine gave her first kiss to Daniel by accident
    DAY 29:
    Jasmine and Daniel sat in the park where they first decided to play this game...
    I'm tired Jasmine...Do you want anything to drink? I'll buy you one.. I'll just go down the road
    Apple Juice that's all
    Wait for me.
    20mins later; a stranger approached Jasmine
    Are you a friend of Daniel?
    Why yes? What happened?
    A reckless drunken driver ran over daniel and he is critical in the hospital
    The doctor came out of the emergency room and he handed out an apple juice and a letter
    We found this in daniel's pocket

    Jasmine reads the letter and it says: Jasmine,This past few days, i realized you are a really cute girl and i am really falling for you..Your cherished smile your everything when we played this game;before this game would end. I would like you to be my girlfriend for the rest of my life. I love you Jasmine.

    Jasmine crumples the paper and shouted:

    "Daniel ! i don't want you to die. I love you, Remember that night when we saw a meteor, I mumbled something; I mumbled that I wish we would be together forever and never end this game. Please don't leave me Daniel. I love you! You cannot do this to me"
    Then the clock strikes 12
    Daniel's heart stoped pumping

    Always love your loved ones and show them how you feel before it is too late...You will never know when they will be gone from your embrace...If you were given a time to bestow petals of everlasting compassion and love to your loved ones?

    Today is the day, love them while they are still here....
    hahax..tis ish a story cut n paste frm goNna sae here..i luB u vVv much dear..hope u recover frm watEva stuff u hab kkx..

    sEen thRu 9:10:00 AM

    Sunday, April 17, 2005

    todae..soOo sianx..loVe our community foot man..soOo damn freakin sianx todae lo..basicalli i did nth..jus stand arnd..loOk bz..hahax..10 plus we go back skoL ledi..den sLack...all e way till 12 plus..den went hougang mall makan..fuNnie all e way..anyway..i pierce e ear hole again..last tym de close liaox..doNno y..todae pierce soOo damn pain sia..mayb cuz mrpain ish dere..muahahahax..den went hme..use com awhile den go tuition..e cher quite oLd la..onLi noe 70% watT he teachin..hahax..muz buck up buck up..nw den realise damn freakin late liDdat..i tink mi cherly n lina will b formin study grp to study sia..we osO tok abt our futures heartland..irene ish considerin muZic..lina osO..mi oSo..hahax..bT its tedious..yuPpx..den went hme..while walkin..teDdy called..den tok tok...tok abT future aGain..den tell him watT i wanNa b..bT i nt sure myself osO..hahahahax...tot of becomin an artist..nt those those artist (ppL who draw comics!!!) hahax..tT 1 muz learn..den tot of becomin a musician oSo..tT ish damn tedious..bT if u work hard..iTs reaLi worth it lo.....i doN like to b controlled by others..soOo i would take a job which im e 1 controllin others..nt mi being controlled..hahax....

    tis goes out to teDdy out dere..aLamak..go update ya bLog la..u naughty guy..sma~hand..muahahahahahax..heEx..kkx la..doN bully u..wait u cry..=p....go update kkx..luB ya vVvvv much..hope ya watEva stomachache or headache goes away kkx..luB ya..tC

    sEen thRu 11:42:00 AM

    Saturday, April 16, 2005

    wowWw...soOo long nah update liaox..muahahax..kinDa guilty ar..hahax..soOo nw i come update liaox..nth much happened tis few daes nia...onLi practice practice n more practices..though soOo mani practices..i luB being in e band..hahax..i tink ish kinDa cooL la..hahahax..anyway..all our practices ended vVvv late few pass few daes b4 syf..kinDa miz goin hme wib teDdy niax...bT nvm..we taste e bitter b4 e sweet..on weds..we din hab lesSons..soNg bo..muahahahax..cuz we stay in band rm prepare..hahax..kinDa 1st..when we practice tT tym..i onLi can see e nt e notes..scare mi sia..den after tT..gT headache..nvr take med oSo..hahax..den went on practicin..tT period..aLot of ppL sick..bT holdin on..nvr take mcs..even if sick still come fer soOo touched..esp irene n dan wei..both of them gt fever still went fer band..hahahahax..soOo great ryte..den on 13th april..went conference hall..quite relax..nt much ppL..went on stage n performed..coOL..nvr see judge osO..hahax..den after was quite well done..we went to watch other's performance..i listen to 3 bands ledi wanna slp st pat was great..ny gerls osO..hahax..den went out to balcony dere..sLack..den at 7 plus..we went to listen to e gradin..we gt SILVER..wen they 83..yuying concert band..............................siLver..we all jump fer joy was lyk screamin like hell..den we went out..cheryl..sut..meen..lina..wei loh..all cried..we were so haPpi..we kept cheerin..hahax..tTs a moment we can nvr tTs e last tym..e sec 4s r playin wib us reaLi kinda saD..haiZ..soBbx..den after tT dae..we were still v tty kept tokin abT band stuff in out periods...hahax..i noe he supports us aLotx..thx..den lina nvr come skoL..kinda quiet ar..without her arnd..nicole nvr come osO..hahax..nth much happened..onLi wanna slp everytym..den todae..went skoL..half dead..wanNa slp..den art lesSon..felt like don hab e tym to slp..drew 40 teapots at 1 go..sonG bo..den went med check up..nth much..eye sight all tt oki...den slack inside..den went neo's hw..den maths..sianZation..damn freakin sianx lo..doNno watT he teachin osO..nvm..den..s.S..osO mi n nicole become sisTas..hahahax..cuz tty ask us whether we sistas..cuz he sae we look we look alike..??????? gosh..i reaLi doNNo sia..den went hme damn early todae..cuz i feel sick..damn sick..pretend to b oki e whole dae todae onLi..phew..went hme wib teDdy..walk long way..damn hot n sick..nvm abt tT..wanNa spend more tym wib him..den reaCh my block..he refuse to go sia..naughty sia..hahax..den talk mum came down..n saw sooO dead i tot..hahahax..den continue tokin n sLackin..finalli he let mi quite kinda saDd osO..hahax..den went up...eyes damn in e end i NVR SLP!!!gosh..........cuz i felt bad..nt goin fer i went fer band...den went heartland..bought couple of stuff..den went hme..nw here updatin lo..hahahax..damn sick liaox..sore throat..feverish..cough...flu..collapse after syf sia..phew.....
    aLamak..miz u soOo much wheneva im nt wib u noe tt?? hahax..though we alwaes lame together..bT den i guesS tTs e way bax..entertainin im hapPi..r u?? hopefulli we can gt along much more smoother..yuPpx..hahax..hope to understand u pLx forgive mi when im stubborn..cuz cheryl alreadi sae im stubborn liaox..hahax..n im reaLi v stubborn if i wan to b..hahahahax..kkx..luB u vVvvv much..

    sEen thRu 11:56:00 AM

    Thursday, April 07, 2005


    5.51pm..felt lyk slpin ledi..guesS watT..i found my chinese text bK..waH liaox..went to buy todae..siaNx..haiZ..miz ya soOo much dear!!! how come u nit to go fer tT thingi..hmMm..oki..nw 7.09pm liaox..write till here onLi..doin my last hw..soNg bo..ltr playin instru..hahahahax..muz memorise!! gosh..can some1 pLz tell mi watT ish soOo damn freakin wrong wib my instru....kaOx..ArGh!! daMmit!! haiZ..dear..i nit u..waNna cry ledi la..stuPid..i cant play well ledi..aRgh...daMn down..sianZation..

    sEen thRu 10:52:00 AM

    Wednesday, April 06, 2005 long nvr update liaox..if i still don update i tink im goNna be kiLled by my dear leDi..hahahahahahahahax..anYway..nt much oSo lo..siaNx..fri gt band..den e new uni come so laTe..wah liaox..7 plus plus plus den can go hme..den go sing wib my sisTa..den saw kiansiong..hahax..he workin dere..sae hi n bye den go hme..saT speech dae..den rain we moved to canteen..den sianx..onLi play 2 pathetic sonGs..den lyk 9 plus we can go liaox..soOoo..we went jalan jalan wib our dear instructor..cuz he drove us aRound..we went heartland..den cuz nth to eat went all e way to TM..haha..we drove pass e olD tampines rd..we were lyk so scare sia..heard sTory aBt tT place..den we went makan..den irene n sher do work.poa work somemore..den ask mr phua abt it..den jalan jalan aGain..went back damn tired..den sLp outside G.O..den band starts..prepare prepare..den go 1 listenin osO..buay song nvm all old ppL..den went down band rm..den water parade..wah liaox..keNa water frm mr faiZal sia..he pour frm on top sia..den play play play..went hme..soOo lonely..sya went watch concert..den actualli walkin hme together de..bT den saDded..he went watch concert..hahax..actualli loOkin forward to e performance @ niTe de..cuz aFter tt can walk hme together..hahax..bT nvm la..den comes sundae..i stay aT sims all e way..cooL..den sya losT his moNey..hahax..he daMn he i tink he tok to mi osO makes no diff sia..i cant make him happi..saDded..nvm..cheer up yuPpx..den comes mon..went out wib my gang..watCh swing gaLs again..hahax..half way i nearly fall asLp..hahax..cuz i noe ledi..den interestin part ish e part when they perform daRn nice sia..kkx..den went PS de yamaha..saw e instru dere..5 thousand plus sia e cLar..wanNa den.....haiZ..nvm i'll save..muahahahax..den tues came..which ish todae..early in e mornin dear ledi msg mi sae he will b late..hahahahahahax..daRn funNi..den went skoL attire check..bLeh bleh bleh.....den poa..sianX..den chi..i buay song..cuz i kena punishment frm my chi cher...aRgh...waTeva..den stand behind..dream........shima damn saddisT sia...nvm nvm...den nth much happened..den sound suX todae..feel like throwin my instru on e floor man..n shoutin into some1's face..haiZ..den i damn saDd......den walk heavy..everything..even my mood..den reach my hme..downstairs..rain..den accompani dear..till 6 btw gt a bunch of kids la..vVvv cute..hahax..den we tok we crap we cLar gives mi protection n u gimme love n ish aLotx alotx of love..hahax..yea..luB ya vVvvv mucHi....heEx..pLx continue to hold mi....tink u wont mind i rest my head on ya shoulder huhx..cuz i reali v tired todae..tryin my v best nt to sLp..hahahax..bT i reaLi enjoy e time wib u..i reaLi do..hahax..luB u..mizin u every min..feel like lettin u hold nw leDi..hmMm..soBbx..cya tmr!!! yuPpx..lub u..don b late liaox!!

    sEen thRu 12:04:00 PM