guaRdian angeL

viiCkY heRE nEhh
eat, ply n sLp

daRk Chocolate.fOod.fRenz.muSic.wArmth.huGgies n kiSses.daRk clouDs formin.

animaLx.smokeR.biTter sour n spicy fOod.noiSy n crowded plAces.distUrb during my slp.coLdneSs



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    Monday, March 28, 2005

    wooh..jus reaChed hme..n bathe..hmMm..slpt fer 5 hrs tahan 15 hrs..(tTs todae..n yesterdae niTe) (yesterdae n the dae b4's nite)..slpT fer 4hrs..tahan 20hrs..daMmit damn tired(ed)noe a andy..funni sia..all ppL dere hor..all e face cant figure out how old r they wan nia..ivan told mi he ish 24!! im damn shocked..den my bosS ish 30 plUs..i oSo damn shock..den noe another 2 guys todae..damN coLd sia dey all..ltr muz waTch news..hahahax..see how was it..hahahax..den after everything went to eat..den e 2 fellow came aLong n cold wib us..laugH lyk siaOx man..hahax..gLad to noe so much more pEepx la..noe both gaLs n bois..all damn friendly..shiok..cooL..todae 6am work..we 6am den wake up..cooL huhx..den we reaCh liaox..vVv sianx..walk arnd..all team members r doin grp won..yeah!!hahax..they gt all e com n tv sets dere tink i gettin more den 192..hahahax..cuz..todae i work longer..hmMm..let mi calculate..hMmm..processin..............tink ish 208 bax..if nt 200 bucks liaox..hahax..canT use anyohow..muz save up fer laptop..heEx..muahahahahax..greaT experience..luV it..will do it nxt tym..hahahahahahax..kkx...goin sLp liaox..niTex..

    sEen thRu 11:53:00 AM

    Sunday, March 27, 2005

    yoZ..waSsup..its 11:53 now..jus came hme..n bathe ledi..phew..daMn yesterdae..till 12.30 grp peEpx r vVv gd ppL..v funni siA they all..den my job simple..jus sit dere supervise them..don let them break e rules can ledi..den vvV easy job la..noe loTx of ppL..charisma increase..communicate loTx more..hahahax..sort of leadership thingi i guesS..hahax..i lyk to control ppL..i don lyk to b controlled..hahax..i guesS every1 ish liDdat bax..den we crap my grp v much..den todae gt stupid rehearsal..kaOx..6.50 muz reach skoL sia..i slpt at 1 plus..den wake up at 6!! wth....den went rehearsal..lunch..practice awhile n i gotTo go work work...till 11 plus..tmr gt work at early sia..5 plus muz wake up liaox..goSh gosh..if u come down to orchard..somewher oPposite tangs..near lido dere..u will see mi dere..crapPin wib e ppL far i noe quite a no. of ppL..i noe my heads..hui yu(a v coOl siSta)..alex(fuNni guy..everytym ask mi go buy boxes of water together de..)..lily(quiet quiet gaL)..peggy(siaox char bo..bT quite nice la)..john(daMn funni guy..vvVv vulgar damn funni)..den my grp ppL n some other grp's member..n my so call workin ppL..i noe hui jing(crazy gerl..lub cleanliness)..spence(com freak..)..ivan (quite shuai sia..daMn coOl)..isabelle(choi la..hmMm..)hinky..(she vVvv cute..hahax..kawaii..n coOl at e same doNno name..hahax..wAh..vvv tired liaox..goTto slP liaox..niTe niTe..hopefulli my grp will win..bT gd luck to other grps toOo!!!!!! jia u jia u..i'll b dere till e end nia..

    sEen thRu 4:06:00 PM

    Saturday, March 26, 2005

    yoZ..waSsup..its 11:53 now..jus came hme..n bathe ledi..phew..daMn yesterdae..till 12.30 grp peEpx r vVv gd ppL..v funni siA they all..den my job simple..jus sit dere supervise them..don let them break e rules can ledi..den vvV easy job la..noe loTx of ppL..charisma increase..communicate loTx more..hahahax..sort of leadership thingi i guesS..hahax..i lyk to control ppL..i don lyk to b controlled..hahax..i guesS every1 ish liDdat bax..den we crap my grp v much..den todae gt stupid rehearsal..kaOx..6.50 muz reach skoL sia..i slpt at 1 plus..den wake up at 6!! wth....den went rehearsal..lunch..practice awhile n i gotTo go work work...till 11 plus..tmr gt work at early sia..5 plus muz wake up liaox..goSh gosh..if u come down to orchard..somewher oPposite tangs..near lido dere..u will see mi dere..crapPin wib e ppL far i noe quite a no. of ppL..i noe my heads..hui yu(a v coOl siSta)..alex(fuNni guy..everytym ask mi go buy boxes of water together de..)..lily(quiet quiet gaL)..peggy(siaox char bo..bT quite nice la)..john(daMn funni guy..vvVv vulgar damn funni)..den my grp ppL n some other grp's member..n my so call workin ppL..i noe hui jing(crazy gerl..lub cleanliness)..spence(com freak..)..ivan (quite shuai sia..daMn coOl)..isabelle(choi la..hmMm..)hinky..(she vVvv cute..hahax..kawaii..n coOl at e same doNno name..hahax..wAh..vvv tired liaox..goTto slP liaox..niTe niTe..hopefulli my grp will win..bT gd luck to other grps toOo!!!!!! jia u jia u..i'll b dere till e end nia..

    sEen thRu 4:06:00 PM

    Wednesday, March 23, 2005

    kkx...continue..hahax..tmr gt poa teSt!!!!! aRgh..!!! damMit..i now den noe onLi my language paSs sia..others all fail..diaOx..aLamak..muz REALI buck up liaox..HAIZ..nw studyin poA..sux lyk hell..anyway..todae quite fun..went skoL early in e mornin..den beri tired..sianZtioN everytym osO tired de..den poa.....suckin...den chi..quite fun la..crap aLotx..cme..mrs pang nt here..sonG bo..den we--->meanin..cheryl suthanee nicoLe n mi..sit together n tok abT the ring..hahahahax..quite scary sia..loLx..den eng..still tokin abT all those horror movie stuff..phy..crap abT results..anYway..i tink i top all e gerls in my cLass..onLi 62 leh..den can top liaox..see e standard? every1 muz buck up kkx..!!! den aFter skoL..worry worry abT watT to do fer e board haiZ..sianZatioN..den worry worry abT e helix thingi..i guesS im down to do it bulletin board oSo haben do..chers all buggin mi liaox la..ARGH..went up hall..arrange chairs..went fer sectinals..kaoX..teaCh my junior can die man..though i din teach bt i see them teach i oSo wanna vomit blood liaox..his countin suX man..aLamak..boI buck up plX..n b more serious!! we aint playin wib u..we r darn down helPin u..n u jolly well learn FAST daMmit 23 daes more lo....don pisSed us off..todae he alreadi kena frm 20 bo..betta don gt into mi man..hahax..saDdist saDdist..den went hme wib teDdy..funNi sia zi went to play wib my phone msg teDdy..soRi sori..mother nvr teach son properly..hahax..kkx la..write till here..tired..feel like slpin muz learn poa..soBbx..muz pass muz pass..!!!

    sEen thRu 11:00:00 AM

    Monday, March 21, 2005 damn long nvr update liaox bz n sianx band..den nw take new damn difficult to play moi instru..n my sound sux..haiZ..saDded..1 thing pisSed mi off stupid junior..follw mi whereva i go man..i hate ppL followin mi!! mY gosh..haiZ..saDded i like to follw ppL..sometimes times i reaLi wish to b aLone den more n more ppl will show up..i osO donno y..haiZ..sometimes things jus work e opposite way..den junior kena scoldin..onLi tt time i felt so sori fer him..cuz normalli his atTitude sux like hell stuff quite gettin more n more tough..i doNno i can tahan hrs gettin longer n longer..n mi gettin lesSer n lesSer slp..n my studies sux nw..muZ buck up leDi!! bt nw ish all abt band n watT we wanna achieve..phew..sound so stresS sia..tis march holidae ish damn bz sia..aLamak..nt enough here run dere everydae..anyway..i';; stop here fer nw..continue tmr!! damn tired..

    sEen thRu 2:42:00 PM

    Wednesday, March 16, 2005 music exchange todae..damn tired aGain....todae's performance was damn bad...we sound like shit..haiZ..kena scoldin frm sir..whole of percussion section n half of cLarinet section..haiz..i doNn wan tis kinDa shit results anymore..i don wan to let sirs down aGain n aGain..they work hard like we did..they din rest enough osO..they still hab much more stuff to do..they r more stressful den we muz reali work v hard..we cant aLwaes depend on them..they still hab faith in us..they believe in us..even if their faith ish vvv unstable..they still believe we can do it..sooOo...we r goin to show them we can do it..aim ish silver..we don wan a low siLver..we wan a high silver!!!! therefore peerx..aLl members in band muz work hard esp cLar section n percussion..fer mi..i will n muz work vvVvv can cover up their tT i can help them..i doN wanna losE out..tis ish my syf..waTt i wanNa achieve i will achieve...since i've leDi step in..den i will continue walkin..i promise we wont disappoint my sirs again at e next xchange on thurs..!!!

    went skoL early early in mornin..actuall nt reaLi eraly..10 plus..saw tedDy n his e canteen..den went look fer ms loh..den went band rm..fall in n den went to henderson..quite nice e skoL..den went up to their hall...watCh them perform den we perform den when henderson perform..jasline mei eng n li shan we like siaOx lo..they sae e malay trombone guy vVvv my mind i tink my tedDy ish betTa man..hahahahahahahahahahax..den they continue to siaOx..after tT went back skoL..go heartland by ms loh's car..den went eat at loh treat went jalan jalan..went hme at abt 9 liDdat..loLx..shower play instru n now updatin...i vVv sianx..haiZ..tmr goin pei xin..i hope i can learn smth dere..loLx..tmr gettin my mp3 le..YEA!! so fer nw..i gtg liaox..cya..niTex..luB..tedDy

    sEen thRu 2:40:00 PM

    Monday, March 14, 2005

    yoZ..wasSup..baCk frm 3 daes camp was freakin tiRed..bT i reaLi had aLot aLot of fun..hahax..dae briefin n stuFf..we gt a game call postman or smth lar..we r suppose to write fer a person we choose..(lots) bt the person canNot noe tT it ish frm e conductors will b e posT man...hahax..den i doNno i lucki or unlucki..i gt john..(shHhhhh...caNnot tell him..cuz he suspects its..hahax..if tell him nt fun keep it a secret kkx!!!) den went secTionals..pLay play in cLass room........den went fer diNner.......quite nice lar e food..shower...theory boring..quite complicated overall i noe how to do lar..loLx..den rehearsal..quite fun..niTe study..i waS damn tired bk..debrief..waTer parade..LIGHTS OUT..slpt on my head on e table n sittin on a chair..nxt mornin woke up den stomach damn pain sia.....den mornin exercise..mi n lina SUPER enthu sia..aLl e timin n suff we both the louderst man..went runnin..den members all sit together..den tok tok..joke arnd..den morin bei siaNz..hahax..den peng caMe...taught us aLots of stuFf..he ask us sit outside e cLasS cuz inside v stuffy..went to sit outside..den we damn louD sia..loLx..tryin to impreSs e horns downstairs..muahahahax..den half way saw sya..he came skoL fer his cca stuff..den gt workshop..siT in mt rm 1..waTch video abT jap band..they reaLi pro sia..den lunch..quite oki oSO..den rehearsal.......den leave fer concert..vVvvvvv nice e concert..vVvv...beautiful sound they produce man..i waNna join their band!! den diNner...damn funni in maC sia..danwei siaOx..hidaya oSo siaOx..den went back skoL..shower...rehearsal...damn bloody cold sia...mi trembling bo bian..muz play..den we sit face to face wib e brasS member..directly opposite mi ish john..he he loOk at mi i look at him..den v funni sia..funni till i cant play my cLar had to continue la..den tT continue fer v long man..omG..its so damn cold..mi n xumin felt like huggin each other sia..loLx..bT overall damn damn fun!!! cuz playin music..loLx..den waTer parade..den lights out..tis tym..i slpt on e teacher's table...damn shoik..hahahax..we 2.41 slp....i 5.20 liDdat wake up liaox..den walk arnd..sit arnd..dream arnd..den went fall in...we did drills..formation..vVvv funni..hahax..den breakfast..aGain com members sit together (when we r suppose to sit wib e section) den chat..hidayatul siaOx again..she reaLi damn siaOx todae sia..laugh laugh laugh..area cleanin..rehearsaL.....todae's rehearsal oSo v funni.....again john ish opposite of mi..laugh n laugh man..den debrief..break camp..went hme..slpt fer abt 40 mins..den went out..fer concert at buona vista..quite nice..den saw my fren dere..i din noe he was dere man..hahax..den saw his fren john lee..loLx..den went kovan..ate my dinner dere..wib lina irene wei yen mei eng cheryl jasline n mr phua..........we crazy dere sia..den joke joke joke..den went mac cuz mr phua ask us whether wanNa drink smth ntx..den we went siaOx againx..hahahax..tellin stupid phua was like "diaox" bt he joined us in e fun..loLx..he n mr faizal reaLi v gd ppL sia...they noe waTT we r tinkin n waTt we i thx loTx to them..cuz they came in when we needed them e most..thx!! we will do e besT fer syf n hopefulli gt something tT can reflect our image..loLx..jia you!!!!!!! banD rawKx...!! nth more.....

    sEen thRu 2:45:00 PM

    Thursday, March 10, 2005

    haiZ..damn saD dae todae aGain..moRnin ledi sadded...wenT to mr neo..den he sae..ur haiR stilL nt gd..den i waS like haiZ..den walk away..soOo..i've decided to quit e board...den leSsons...............................................cheryL receSs den come..aLamak..i soOo loNely..den reCesS..cheryL finaLli came..den mi lina shermeen irene cheryL n sut..sit outside 3B cLass...den i waS eatin derE..tT bo liao mdm soOo came out..den she sae gt up pLx..den we gt up n walk away..daMmit..she go call my name..den i goTto to stop...den she ask lame ques.."wher food shld b consume" den of cuz i hab to ans her lame ques..diaOx..den went toilet change..den eat dere..loLx..den wenT cLass..chi tesT..haiZ..die liaox..i nowadaes reaLi no confidence in my every liTtle things sia..(every littLe things)..haiZ..den quite oki la..e paPer..den maThs..kaOx..neo keep aimin mi..loOkin at mi..daMmit....den..aSsem..sit in haLl awhile den went upstairs..find hidaya..return her e tie..den she ask y i wanNa quit all those stuff..den i tell her im nth in e board if neo don accept mi muz well quit..den she ask mi tok to neo..diaOx..see him leDi wanNa bo bian tok to him..abT miy hair..den sHe ASK IDA TO CHECK mi..den ida tok to mi..bloody hell..told her tis kinDa hairstyle v hard to change den she sae..u choose tis hair style den u muz b responsible fer tis hairstyle..HOW TO CHANGE MAN..BLODDY damn pisSed..den went to see mr neo..told him i wanNa quit e board..den he sae..u feel bad ar..den i sae kinDa..den he sae if u feel bad den u v bad ledi....den he sae he jus wanNa see watT i will do eTc..den he sae okok den walk away...i cry on e spot man...den cheryL accompany mi to toilet..haiZ..i din believe tT i will cry in skoL..i nvr ever cried in skoL fer e pasT 10yrs..n todae..tT moMent..i cried becUz of tT stupid tie....!!! my goSh....y canT i b stronger? iTs jus a stupid tie....

    den tmr muz b guai guai let mr neo see..den see watT he saes..................daMmit!!!

    todae studied in canTeen....doNno y after i cry..i felt betTa..den laugh laugh laugh in canTeen..daMn funni sia..i luB my gang man....hahahax....den went heartland saw tan kok chee....den go hme..siaNzaTion..tmr gt 2 tesTs haven even touch e phy bKx..daMn die..........................................

    sEen thRu 12:02:00 PM

    Wednesday, March 09, 2005

    wow..guesS mani damn things haPpened todae..make mi sOo damn depresSed n siCk man....1st..neo ask mi to his oFfice..ask mi aBt leader thingi..den he sae he don like my HAIR~!!!! omG..oLd man indEed.....den waTeva he said made mi so uneasy...i doNno watT to decide in e end i chooSe to advantages..tough will hab disadvantages!! i doNn wanNa regret nia..hahahax..thx to sya oSo..hahax..he saiD lotx ob stuff to moi tiS few daes..den after tT..tried to cheer myself up..bT i jus keep tinkin e stuff man...tink till i felt like cryin on e spot of cuz did control..haiZ..tink of it oSo saDded sia..den..i faIleD my tesTs..which was given baCk todae..poa n maths..honestly..i reaLi no confidence in my studies..haiZ..doNno y..suDdenly todae..i felt streSsed man..tT feelin suX..i found out..i gt aLotx of stuff to care worry abt..1st ish banD mosT impt thing to mi's's well being..eTc..den my abilities in playin my sight readin...piTchin..timin..den e cleanlinesS of my instru..i scared dirty..den studies..frenxship duty stuff..haiZ..basicaLli ish quite a number of things..haiZ..of cuz reLationship stuFf...i jus hope fer band..our band..yuying concert band..can reaLi work hard together n achieve a silver!! aT least a silver..! we r prayin everydae..n practicin haRd everydae..u will hear e band everydae except fer wed..cuz tT dae ish study wed u can alwaes find mi n cheryl n mayb my gang in e library or in e canteEn..buryin our heads into e bks!! studyin....hahahahahahax..tmr studyin chem..mayb in library..hahax..
    den i found out..............deRes a soLutioN to everything..den i felt much beTta..tTs y im abLe to smile n laugh after skoL..we pLayed music..n i jus knew i love ish a thing tT cant leave my life n canNot b repLaced..tTs e end..i wanNa sae..anTi ms chen!!! she sux like hell..>.<......

    sEen thRu 2:07:00 PM

    Tuesday, March 08, 2005

    haiZ..todae damn sianx..todae's poa lesSon sux! 1st thing in e mornin ledi kena frm mdm soO..den muz go fer tmr's xtra lesSon by an xtra cher..damMit!!! waTt a dae..chi si bei sianx..doNno wher i put my chi text..lucki cher nvr ask mi stand behind e cLass...muahahahahahax..once again..chi v sianx..felt like slpin..bT cannot..sadDed..den eng more sianx..felt like slpin more..Diaox..2nd period of tan told us e bad stuff abt gods..loLx..quite interestin..loLx.s.S, mr tan show us so disgustin e head being chopped off n hangin round...diaOx..den chen kB again..haiZ used to it i guesS i jus had to listen her class..fer my own gd she beTta don pisSed mi off..or i'll b extremely..goOd to her..loLx..
    den todae..qin sae i've e ah lian liDdat..i heed his advice..i'll b gd gal..loLx..tmr..loLx..kkx..loLx..hahahax..i reaLi v happi he said tT man..hahax..i will change!!!!!!! sure fer reaL.....thx besT broTha cute oSo..loLx..
    haIz..i noe i luv band...i reaLi enjoy..wib all my "family members" dere..n my frenx..tTs e best thing i can eva hab fer a sec skoL i noe i lack 1 thingi..tT ish studies!!!!!!! arGh..ive fallen ryte down to e boTtom..ive been scorin single dig fer almost all of my sub..DAMMIT!!!..i nt happi..i wanNa learn n achieve waTt i wanna achieve!!!!!!!!!!!! cheryl..muz help mi aLong!! we muz b more hardworkin liaox..!!! no matTer which bLoody hell ish teaChin us!! muz control mi kkx..thx babe..!! any1 out dere..if u wanNa help mi..i'll be so damn happi..thx loTx..tata..........................

    sEen thRu 12:15:00 PM

    Monday, March 07, 2005

    someBodi told mi..he ish still e same oLd him..caN i reaLi believe waTt he says? i doubt..haiZ..i doNn wanNa felt cheaTed aGain...haiZ...can i believe him?

    sEen thRu 1:36:00 AM

    Sunday, March 06, 2005

    11.53 now..biT sianx..haiz..i v tired(ed)..while eaTin..i felt like sLpin ledi..den sya at pLmgs dere so shuang sia..hahax..he seems to be enjoyin himself thing lo...todae nah go fer band cuz sick..den after tT..vVv tired..doNno y oSo..den sLack all dae...vVv sianx i v guaix..i gt play instrument..loLx..i played twice..loLx..den my ah ma said v nice..loLx..thx ah ma..den after tT went eat thai till wanNa slp..den i complain to my mum abt ms chen..haiZ..she reali gone case liaox la ms chen..diaOx..the golden word fer todae ish the big (TIRED) word..haiz..doNno y sia..anyway..i aint gonNa say tT sentence fer sure..heeX..i noe im i will wait fer him to sae tT precious statment..b4 we can b together aGain lo..muahahahahahax..(siaOx liaox) i'll end here..damn freakin tired..niTex peEpx..

    sEen thRu 3:58:00 PM

    Friday, March 04, 2005 saDded todae sia..i don felT trusted by any1..yYyyYyyyy...y i haB tis kinDa feelin? i felt tt im aint important.....cLar secTion is faLlin..we r damn lousy..we cant contribute anything to band..n felt i cant contribute anything to my seCtion..aRgh..yYyyyyYyy! feel like cryin man...y i feel so helpless..i felt like goin to skoL is killin mi every jus wearIn a mask when i go to skoL..all those laughin n stuff..r they fake??? haiZ..when syf comes closer..i don feel like goin to band more often..i felt v i tink i reaLi cant gt aLong well wib e seniors whom had graduated band seniors..i felt tt they don wanNa tok to mi..they ignore matTer watT i do...they still do..watT shld i do? i don want to dislike band..i don want them to dislike i donNo how to communicate wib scared..i felt so helpless sia.........nth i can do..even to save saD...dyin off....aGain..when can i sLp foreva?

    sEen thRu 1:07:00 PM

    Thursday, March 03, 2005

    wAh!! so damn sianX..y ar..nTh to do man.....todae went to play hide n seek again..of cuz im e seeker..1st tym i like being seeker sia..loLx..we go look fer ppL hidin in afternoon..during assem..we went walk walk..wib cheryl..den while walkin we tok..den sae ghost stories..loLx..den we went to e place man..scareded sia..hahax..tTs e onLi fun thingi todae lo..gtG buaix..!!! muahahahahahahahahahax...

    sEen thRu 1:15:00 PM

    Wednesday, March 02, 2005

    waSsuP ppL..nearLy die in cLass todae..loLx..of laughter..mi n cheryL siaOx todae..keep laughin away..tink will kena frm peggy somedae..loLx..nw sit in haPpi sia..loLx..den recently recesS everytym stay in cLass swallow bread cuz...........i pK $$..haiZ..saDded sia..luCki gt cheryl n sut..they all oSo pk..nah eat..i oSo lazy go down sia..hahahax..den nowadaes i oSo laugh in cLass..oSo donNo myself a strange nice..caLl...pi gu ren...buTt man..all over my taBle sia..e names..hahahax..den i kinDa wanna buy e shit toy..den put on my table..biT siaox..den i always laugh at small stUff..den cheryl simpli cant stand mi ledI..i guesS she shld sit down liaox..see!! see!! i crack tis kinDa stupid nvm long im happi..they r happi can him..wei..!!! u betTa cheer up ar..!! kkx..u can b over tis kinda stuff kkx..kkkxx...!!!!!!!!! smiLex...

    sEen thRu 12:54:00 PM

    Tuesday, March 01, 2005

    nth much todae..went to skoL alredi felt like sLpin liaox..den like no spirit in my body liDdat fer e whole oB todae..resTless sia..kepT complainin to cheryl sae i v tired..hahahax..nw oSo v tired..bT nth to do..todae's maths test is damn freakin man..faIl fer sure..every1 sae difficult sia..oMg..damMit..sure kena pumpin frm neo de larx..aRgh..sTupid neo!!!! haiZ..aniwae..todae reaLi wonderin souL liDdat..den johN beri cute sia..he kept askin moi watT happened waTt happened..cuZ i v tired den i gib a bo chap zi ish e besT den toO tink goNna stoP here..waNna slp liaox..or see mi die tmr..(sLp in cLass) muahahahahahahahahax......buaix

    sEen thRu 2:15:00 PM