guaRdian angeL

viiCkY heRE nEhh
eat, ply n sLp

daRk Chocolate.fOod.fRenz.muSic.wArmth.huGgies n kiSses.daRk clouDs formin.

animaLx.smokeR.biTter sour n spicy fOod.noiSy n crowded plAces.distUrb during my slp.coLdneSs



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    Monday, November 29, 2004


    aLamak..waTt a dae..wenT to buKit timah..den raIn..waH sian..den..wenT to eaT aLotx of thingi..hahax..wenT hme..n gO to coLd storage..buY some sTuff..n guesS waTt..i banG into a stupid daRn haRd cardboard........n my lasT naiL broke inTo haLf...waH..daRn saDdx..paIn sia..daRn paiN..feeL like crYing..soB...

    sEen thRu 11:59:00 AM

    Thursday, November 25, 2004

    siCk todae..siaNx bo..nTh to do at hMe oSo..mapLe service check till nOw still nt oki yet..siaNx..mornin gT into a mesS..soMebodi scoLd mi a biTch..saDdx sia..maYb im..haI~doNno lahxx..bT feLt haPpi fer mY sis..fiNalli her A-lvl oVer le..YEAH..nOw she can aCcompani mi gO k.boX loh..YEAH...caN sinG liaox..fiNaLli..leT all my anGer ouT by sinGin..>.<...hmMm..maYb can ask haO aLong daRn sIanx todaE..nTh to do aT aLl..basIcalli is freakin bOred..ARG..nowadaes vVvv laZy..sLp laTe wake up laTe..saDdx life..toniTe gotTo sLp laTe aGain..hmMm..bT tmr morNin niT go skoL fer ciP stuFf leh..haCk care lahx..jus gO ahead wiB waTt i wanNa do bax..geTtin more n more uGly liaox...haI~~~bT nvm bax..osO no1 wanS..hahax..misS band todae..heard tT todae gt tesT..bT seems easY like tT..n meeTin i misSed it..daRn it..bT hoPefulli iTs done ledi..tirEd bt don waNna sLp..waNna mew tonIte...hahahax..taTa..

    sEen thRu 12:17:00 PM

    Tuesday, November 23, 2004


    waTt a dae..a laZy mornin woke up..found tT gT ppl cum my hse paint..den cant use toilet..saDdx casE sia..den..buG my mum..ask fer toileT..shower n gO skOl..quiTe bo liaO..gO skoL library onLi..den go sLack..gO fer lunch..a bunCh of stupiD smokers siT infront of us..smokin..waTt the..den wenT hme..lie down..dae dream...waTch my siS play maPle..unTil i sLp..sLp till 5...yawN..den wokE up..wasH up..griP soMething to eaT..pLay mapLe..7 watCh tv..msG broTher..8 waTch pCk..den plaY mapLe aGain..gib some stupid pPl aDvice bT like wont work lidDat..he betTa make sure he don cause troubLe fer bro n caRrie aGain..n don gT mi pisSed off..or eLse..he wont b aBle to use his coM anymore..phew..den ltr plaY maPle again tTs all fer todaE..

    sEen thRu 4:04:00 PM

    Sunday, November 21, 2004

    baCk frm camP..

    yoZ peePx..lonG long din updaTe lo..soMebodi buGgin mi to updaTe..hahax k la..wenT fer e sec 2s n 3s camP..on 18th noVember..i woke up..donNo watT ledi..played com. awhiLe..den donNo y..i go rePack my baG again..went to meeT up wib mY gang..gO eaT stuff n go skoL..wenT on wiB e grpin..into gRp 8..gT shima..waImun..n guys..n ouR instruCtir maI..she raWkx..hahax..1st thingi we do is kaYak..thouGh i din do loOk fun..i wanNa go to e ?(k-long)? so nice to live there huhx..aFter tt gt team buildin game..we merge together wiB grp 18..heex..bT we alwaYs win them..hahax..aFter tt rocK climb..doNe b4..e waLl so mani pieces mi arhx..soO stupiD canT figure out where to climb so onLi climb till e 3rd or 4th level lidDat..den dinner..Song sesSion was greAT..bT i tink wib so much time they can teach us much much much more ma..muz b accompani wib mani cheers n sonGs..quite siaNx tis camp..cuz nt much songs n cheerx..ppl nt entho oSo..hmMmm..night walk..vVVvvvvVvVvv sian..i somehow noe wher we walkin to..steps n stuff..suay osO..muscle ache..1st niTe slpt fer 2 hrs onLi..the resT of e time hangin arouNd see myself in sky..>.< (xin=stars) den chattin..4plus go shower..bit shuang..clean ledi went to slp down e a singin seSsion dere..sing songs wiB my frenx..den go assemb..den bleah bleah..did lots of stuffx..camP fire..we did dance..theme quite its alrite..we cheer abit..den finalli..all leaDers came out n cheer..we seems to b even louder den e whole skoL over dere which was great..hahax..den gt debrief n stuff..find tt day 2 passes v it was fun..wib my grp palx..we played a game concentration..great gaem..darn fun..den nite raIn..wah..darn no batT osO..saDdx sia..den cold cold..jumper like no use liDdat..bT den went through tt niTe..finalli last dae..time passes fast..hahax..we did lots of stuff..n find my grp reaLi teamwork sia..din eat breakfast n lunch..nt hungry..den went back to skOl..on way back played poker wib clax guys..hahax fun...reaCh skoL..crap wib my gang...went out of skoL saw mummy's car..she fetch my bag back hme..den i walk hme wib fren..reach hme..on tv..slP..den watch tv maPle..den tv..n now play agAin..meaningless life..saDdx case..+_+
    doNno nowadaes..i wanna b loved by who nah..hmMm..izZit him him or grandma is e best she is nt here fer mi leh..soO who will Love mi??sadDx...

    sEen thRu 4:20:00 PM

    Tuesday, November 02, 2004 is repaired..hahax..can use loh..anyway..banD pracTices r incReasin raPidli take it..i seEms to b boTher by aloTx of stUff..haI~bT muz b haPpi nah..kKx lahx..pPl u guYs muz staY haPpi toO!! kkx..

    sEen thRu 1:57:00 PM