viiCkY heRE nEhh
eat, ply n sLp
daRk Chocolate.fOod.fRenz.muSic.wArmth.huGgies n kiSses.daRk clouDs formin.
animaLx.smokeR.biTter sour n spicy fOod.noiSy n crowded plAces.distUrb during my slp.coLdneSs
chEryL [[nUeR]] - daRren[[menSes]] - jonAthaN - rEnE - cAiyinG - veRse/muMmi - evE - shErmEen [[laOpo]] - peaRleEn - jaSmine [[aH jaS]] - thE BIG famiLy oF yycb - ZiQii - sam[[anGel]] - bEll[[dinGdonG]] - aYin - sOtonG - niZam - iRene! laO gonG - fren's Blog -
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hahax..nvm abT mi aLreaDi......................................................................
nowadaes i reaLi don unDerstand myseLf ledi..y do i feLt soOo saDdx? i usE to teLl <> to b independent..dOn rely on pPl sOo much..bT wen i turn arOund n taKe a peEk aT myself..i find e 1 Relying on the oTher persOn..vVvvVv feelinGs canT b desCribe bY worDs..i reaLi canT find............soMething to repLace the perSon..maYb its e wroNg decisiOn..mayB i doN deserVe tT kinDa treaTment..hahax..mayB i M to b lidDat baX..i ouGht to aPologise to aLot aLot aLot of pPl..i hurT theM faR more den they mi..when i heaRd frm him..iTs like eveRything faLl..mY feelings wenT down to the lowerest..i daRe nt loOk up..i heaRt faLl..n bRoke inTo pieCes..n sOme pieCes shaTtereD..i dId nt maNage to find e pieCes..n hearT is leFt wiF a biG big hoLe..n hahax..i broUght it upoN myseLf..toO foOlisH..duMb..bT nO poiNt tokin abT tis now aLreaDi..hahax..haI~...reaLi now..i cant lauGh lack of bLood now..iTs driPping is drifTin awAy sLowly...i maY nt b as cHeerfuL as life is a paRt of e draMa..aCting is cruciaL in my life..n im nt a gD aCtreSs..dO i reali nit to trUst pPl?? caN they b truSt?? muz i trusT them 1sT befOre they caN?? quesTions r in my braIn..i canT stop tinking..leT mi ouT of there..i caNt live wif it..i waNna crY..bT i teaRs wonT cum ouT..iTs onli my hearT..bLeedIn insIde of mi...................................................
can somebodi tells mi how love works?? i reaLi cant understand..waTt lies beneath it..does it mean wen u like a person u sing praises of love to him or her..wen u reaLi do change target u sing ur praises to oTher ppl..or iZzit im e 1 who is Blur?? i tink im..haI~ waTt m i jealous over? its all in e past ledi..cant trace back..cant undo..haI~iTs troublesum..he caLl..i din i reaLi hav e heart fer him or another man..sux............
pHew..waTt a dae..tiRed sia..went hme at 12 plus sLpt till 6 plus..sHoick..lolx..nTh much toDae..saMe borin dae..tink tmr worsT gT coMics to aCcompanY mi..haIx..bT still..sIanx aRhx.....
i waNna asK..
hmmm..sOri aRhx paLx..chaNge moi bLog..heex..bT waTeva..hOpe u guys wiLl like tis bLog even moRe den the other 1!! i'll b uPdatIn iT soOn..daRn sOon! >.< sOo......haPpi waItin..mUz l@@k forwaRd kKx..hahax..sOo....................................i gueSs i niT to ruN oFf..buaIx loh..!!